Fun Psychological Quiz (Answers)

jez838 Posts: 216
Hi All,

First look at my thread Fun Psychological Quiz (Questions) before you see the answers below.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DON'T LOOK IF YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTIONS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1.Choose your favourite body of water (River, Ocean, Bath)
Use three words to describe this! (Wet, Cold, Warm)

Ans: Your body of water represents sexual desire. The words you use to describe it are how you view sex.

2. Choose your favourite Animal?
Use three words to describe this animal.

Ans: Your favourite animal is your ideal partner. The words you use to describe are what you look for in a partner.


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, what do ya know. My description described exactly what I got.
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    Hi All,

    1.Choose your favourite body of water (River, Ocean, Bath)
    Use three words to describe this! (Wet, Cold, Warm)

    Ans: Your body of water represents sexual desire. The words you use to describe it are how you view sex.

    2. Choose your favourite Animal?
    Use three words to describe this animal.

    Ans: Your favourite animal is your ideal partner. The words you use to describe are what you look for in a partner.

    Wow!!! this was fun and interesting!

    For #1 I chose bath and warm
    For #2 I chose a cat and I find them warm, loving, and comforting.

    Nothing likes my partner unfortunately.
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    ocean - warm
    cheetah - fast, sleek, muscular

    I almost put spotty for Cheetah. I prefer ma wimin fast sleek and muscular rather than spotty, so that is good.
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    River - lazy, floating, movement
    Bird - funny, animated, curious

  • jez838
    jez838 Posts: 216
    I love this quiz its so funny.

    A friend of mine said she liked the Ocean because its Big, Fast and full of hidden treasure. LOL.
  • caro83
    caro83 Posts: 11
    As i said in the questions one, I chose lake - calm, serene and relaxing.... I'm still wondering how that relates to my sexual nature although it is a great stress relief and as for my man I put penguin - Funny, cute and quirky