Breakfast???? Who knew??????

samantha115 Posts: 371
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I started a new part time job last month, I work outside and didnt eat anything until I got home. When I got home everything I touched I ate. I was miserable. I couldnt stop eating (I think I even said that a few times). I think I might have gained a pound or two. Miserable.
Then I got smart, I started taking something small to eat, usually something with carbs and protien, (look at me sound all professional ☺ ), but nothing too heavy. I just need something to get me through. To be perfectly honest, Im usually hungry/starving when I get back home. However, I dont suck in food like a vacuum and........wait for it............are you ready????..........

IVE LOST 6 POUNDS!!!!!!!! In a matter of a week and a half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am 10~ish pounds from the weight I was when I met my boyfriend 8 years ago!!!!!!!

Heres my stats
Starting MFP: 245 (6/1/09)
Current: 200 (7/10/10)
Goal: 150

I would have reached my goal earlier this year but.....I remembered how good the bad food tastes. Bad Sam. Bad. Bad. Bad.


  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Very good! I can certainly relate to all you have said. I found that eating breakfast gives me more energy. When I start feeling run down, an apple or a protein bar really helps. Keeping a small cooler with light fruits and snacks is also a good idea, especially when working out side. You don't want to tax your body. Apples and bananas are very important for you to eat when you are working out in the heat. They contain calcium and potassium, two main nutrients in the body that are lost during sweating. Don't forget to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Thanks for posting this. Lots of people skip breakfast because either they don't have time to eat or they don't like breakfast. Congratulations on your weight loss.
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    A healthy lunch and breakfast are vital to any successful "diet" system. As an example of how bad it can be to skip those meals and then "pig out" at dinner, look at the Sumo wrestlers. They've perfected weight gain as a science and do you know how they do it? The only meal they eat each day is dinner and they eat a lot. Since their bodies are "starving", every calorie is absorbed and stored.

    I strive to make breakfast a significant meal (yes, it means getting up earlier), lunch healthy, and one reasonable portion of everything at dinner. If I exercise in a given day I "eat those calories" as a dessert and still end up at or under my calorie goal. It isn't always fun but I'm steadily losing weight so it's working!
  • lorrain
    lorrain Posts: 1
    how many calories did you take in within the week? Did you exercise and what did you eat? Oh yea, you go girl
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    lorrain~ I havent tracked in a while, but I do count when I eat, I usually try to stay at or about 1200 but I cant eat more than 1500(even when Im junking out). Excersise? Since I work outside I do alot of twisting and squats. Ohhhhh, instead of walking (and not everytime, ususally when I remeber) I do a high knee march. I wish I coould say I was doing more.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    A healthy lunch and breakfast are vital to any successful "diet" system. As an example of how bad it can be to skip those meals and then "pig out" at dinner, look at the Sumo wrestlers. They've perfected weight gain as a science and do you know how they do it? The only meal they eat each day is dinner and they eat a lot. Since their bodies are "starving", every calorie is absorbed and stored.

    I strive to make breakfast a significant meal (yes, it means getting up earlier), lunch healthy, and one reasonable portion of everything at dinner. If I exercise in a given day I "eat those calories" as a dessert and still end up at or under my calorie goal. It isn't always fun but I'm steadily losing weight so it's working!

    I am glad I am no longer shackled to this way of thinking. I subscribe to the Intermittent Fasting ideals and it works for me. Some days I eat only dinner and I also eat a lot.............Like a whole days worth of calories at one sitting. I often go 18-36 hours without eating and then sit down and have a HUGE meal..............

    Your body is not "starving" from going without breakfast and lunch - and that is simply not true about every calorie being absorbed and stored.

    I prefer to have the freedom to not think about food and truly eat ONLY when I am hungry. I can no longer subscribe to Conventional Wisdom of thinking that breakfast is needed, we have to eat every 3 hours, etc.

    I have broken free from those shackles and could not be happier.

    To the OP, if eating breakfast is working for you, then I am happy for you!!!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I too have tried intermittant fasting and enjoy it quite a lot. Yesterday as I only had about 2 hours sleep the night before, I decided to not each lunch. I had a bowl of porridge for breakfast with peanut butter, raisins and honey at about 11, drank water and green tea all day until about 7, and felt strangely fine, not tired, not too hungry, and then afterwards when I ate, felt wonderful.

    Normally, I stuff myself and feel bloated, tired, horribley guilty for what I have eaten on a Sunday, but this felt great. I have tried 24 hour fasting too which I love to do. I only do it once a week but do get great feelings when i do this.
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    Until I started this job, and on days that Im off, Im usually not a breakfast eater. However, its manual labor, its way to hard not to eat and when I dont I feel as if Im starving. (even with all the water). If Im not working, Im a HUGE lazy *kitten*, I dont like to eat because I wont burn off the calories. I can usually go until 3 or 4 but I always have to eat dinner.

    I wish I could fast for 24 hours. That would be awesome.
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