Ready to make a change.....need motivation.

Hello everyone! I happened to accidentally come across this website and decided to sign up. I am 5'9" and am at my current weight of 194. I have fluctuated so much in the past 6 years. After the birth of my son, I couldnt seem to get the weight off. When my son turned 5 I dropped from 218 to 190. I started(but seem to never follow through) to watch what I ate. Which had me at the 190 plateau for 1 year, until I weighed myself this morning. My goal weight is 160. is the problem....I currently work full time and I have 5 kids who require my attention at every moment they are awake(sports, homework, projects, and all of the fighting that comes with sibling love can keep one person over-occupied). And, my husband works out of town, so l am basically a single mom most of the time. Which leaves absolutely ZERO time for myself. I am up at 5:30 every morning, and praying to hit the bed by 10:00 (brain is jelly at this point). I am a smoker.......I want to quit, but somehow I cannot make myself quit....

Anyway, I am looking to see if there is any suggestions or maybe a friend that has or is going through the same thing. I want to look and feel like I did before my son was born.

How can I make it all happen?


  • sveastraus
    sveastraus Posts: 3 Member
    Hi There! My name is Svea. I wanted to let you know that IT CAN BE DONE - You CAN DO IT! My son is 3 1/2, I am a full-time student and full time working Mom & wife. If anything I would say that diet is first and foremost when it comes to loosing weight. If you stick to your calorie count assigned to you on the site you will loose weight rather quickly. In addition at least some moderate exercise is good.

    I was 5'2, 172 pounds at one point. I am now 5'2, 144 pounds. I lost 30 pounds thus far. Again, I did this from sticking to my calorie count except on very rare occasions. I almost never had time to exercise when I was a single parent so it wasn't until just recently that I started going to the gym. Before the gym I walked or woke up early to do P90x.

    I would be totally open to gaining a friend online to chat about the struggles as I am still working on loosing 15 more pounds.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    Hi there, first of all welcome to mfp and nice to meet you. One thing that you wrote really jumped out at me and that was that you smoke and want to qut but also can't find the time to workout. From a former smoker (100 days free!) I used to smoke almost a pack a day about 7 minutes per cigarette.... that's around 120 minutes give or take from my day smoking cigarettes.
    I gotta give some tough love here but if you quit you will find you have extra time and a need to occupy your time with something else. For me it was working out. I'm sure 5 kids keeps you very busy but maybe try Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Each workout is only 28 minutes long so you should definitely be able to fit that in. Good luck and I beleive you can do it if you put your mind to it.