Fell off the wagon and this time brought company

I am very sad to report I gained most of all the weight back I had lost when I first came to this site. I also am even sadder to report I brought my boyfriend with me. I am hoping we can influence each other to cut back, and get on a program. Why is sticking with this so hard?


  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I fell off the wagon too :/

    I did the Warrior Dash (5k Obstacle course....kicked my butt big time) last August. I was in school and I graduated back in March. Well from Jan-March I gained 10 pounds. So I was around the same since last August to Jan (180-184 range) then I gained 10 pounds :(. I can never really stick to it. I get sore and tired and give up.

    BUT What is motivating me now is a 10k in June (second weekend) so I'm going to get off my lazy bum and go to the gym on the treadmill. Goal: a mile a day at least. Perhaps sign up for some runs to do (Color run looks fun and it goes in many different areas) and prep for that? Motivation for me is seeing my gut when I sit down and stand to the side when I look in mirrors. Not a happy picture.

    For you two perhaps just discourage each other's bad habits? go to the gym together and set mini goals for that day at the gym? (i.e. treadmill for 30 min)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    This is my third time doing this hon! So I totally understand, I fell off twice before, gained every pound back. Somehow, so far, this time I've been able to stick with it. I think something clicked this last time around for me. I hope it does for you this time too!
  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    It can be very difficult to maintain a spot on the wagon. I lost 40 lbs in 2011, and gained 30 in 2012. I'm holding the line at 200 lbs right now, but with the right plan, the right support, and the right attitude, it's possible to get back to where you want to be! All the best!
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    I too have lost and regained more than I'd like to admit. I want you to know you are not alone and that I wish you the best.
  • Roderunr
    Roderunr Posts: 65 Member
    I too have lost and regained more than I'd like to admit. I want you to know you are not alone and that I wish you the best.

    Me TOOO ... the important thing is you're still here and you didn't give up! :happy: I've just "painfully" re-set my weight and am starting from the beginning AGAIN! You're not alone!! ((HUGS))
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Been there and done that. But you and your boyfriend will find a way to motivate each other. My boyfriend is a major motivator as we get into the harder weeks of the C25K program and stops me when I want to emotional eat. It helps to have fun in the kitchen together. I'm the main cook, and am super thankful for a guy who eats and loves anything and everything I cook, but I think he loves it even more when he's in there helping me.
  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    I sabotage myself all the time, hence the dieting over the last 20 years. You are not alone. Remember, every day you make the decision to start over and pick yourself up is progress!!!!!!!!! You got this!!
  • fitnfab_meyer
    fitnfab_meyer Posts: 11 Member
    Not sure if I'm a great person to respond to your post, because this is my 4th time around this block. Each has been after a pregnancy, but it makes no difference, because it always seems to take me about 2 yrs to lose what I put on in 9 months! I'm back at it again and have been struggling!! But all I can say is each day, each hour is a chance to make a healthy choice. We can't go back. Don't beat yourself up over poor choices that have already been made....push yourself foward with better choices, even the small ones count ;-) Those little, healthier choices lead to bigger and more consistent changes! Start now, be forgiving and get after it!
  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    I did the Warrior Dash with my daughter, was awesome! This summer we are signed up for the color run....... that is giving me something to look forward too also!!! And work towards!
  • lesleyblock3
    Thank you everyone for all your support. So far plan of attack is get rid of crap food, teach the dog to finally walk on harness and no more soda. I work with tons of nurses so they offer great advice and are helping watch my blood sugar and blood pressure (mine is always low with a very high heart rate)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you are not motivated enough with strong willpower,,, toughen up!
  • Lyby
    Lyby Posts: 42
    I had to get off the "wagon" and get on to the path of healthier living. If this is just going to be something I do until I reach a certain goal, then I am destined to fail miserably! I'm working on a lifestyle change...one day at a time...that I can carry with me for the rest of my days. No more diets --- I'm making a conscious choice about every morsel of food or beverage I put into my body. No more fad exercise routines -- I'm making a conscious choice to increase the movement I make every day. I have lots of willpower --- I don't have any won't power.

    I have an easier time making healthier food choices if I don't keep the junk around the house that my hubby likes to eat --- he's going on a healthier plan and doesn't even know it. I'm sure he eats plenty of donuts and such when I'm not around, but if they aren't in the house then I don't have to turn them down. The more I cook good-tasting healthy food, the more all of us will learn to enjoy it. My daughter is a vegetarian and I hate veggies --- nevertheless, her healthy food choices are affecting my behavior :)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I am very sad to report I gained most of all the weight back I had lost when I first came to this site. I also am even sadder to report I brought my boyfriend with me. I am hoping we can influence each other to cut back, and get on a program. Why is sticking with this so hard?

    But you have already done something good: you decided to come back! Don't beat yourself up. Thing happen and the most important thing is to dust yourself off and try again. I've fallen off the wagon plenty of times and I am willing to keep you accountable if you keep me accountable (friend request pending)
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Make sure you set attainable goals. Don't cut everything out at once and you won't feel like you are on a "diet". Just take it slow. Try and achieve a new goal every week, but don't be too hard on yourself. If this is a lifestyle, you're going to slip sometimes. The whole point of this is getting right back to it the next day.

    Be honest with yourself and your diet. Measure everything.

    You're going to do great!
  • notyouraveragetalia
    notyouraveragetalia Posts: 223 Member
    Advice from someone who battles with the same 7 lbs over and over again. In my experience during my times of rapid weight loss i was motivated by the scale. I would lose that motivation once I got to that place where everyone starts to notice and you buy clothing in a size you never thought you would be. I would than begin to "reward" myself and find excuses as to why I was too busy to continue the things that made me so successful. The heart of the problem is what I was doing was too extreme (for me) and I need to focus on making better decisions every day rather than always focusing on a number to determine my "success"

    I guess there is no answer, but there are plenty of people here willing to help you find it :flowerforyou:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think the most important thing is your approach - are you using moderation and learning to be healthy and fit for the rest of your life? Or are you trying to lose some weight the fasted way possible? It is typical for us (myself included) to want the weight off as fast as possible and we use unhealthy ways to get there. The result? we regain everything we lost and then some.

    This time around I tried to learn as much as I could and get a routine with my food and with activity so that I could find a path I could stay on forever. THe weight has taken over 2 years to get off, but I know I can continue like this and maintain the losses and the newfound fitness I discovered weight training.

    Take your measurements and use that as a tracking factor along with weight since just scale weight is not a true picture of progress. Use moderation and educate yourself on how to get and stay healthy in such a way that you can live with forever. You can do this and keep it off forever! Best of luck to you!
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    Maybe you are looking at this as a "diet"? Try to think of it as a lifestyle change. Good luck on your journey!
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Advice from someone who battles with the same 7 lbs over and over again. In my experience during my times of rapid weight loss i was motivated by the scale. I would lose that motivation once I got to that place where everyone starts to notice and you buy clothing in a size you never thought you would be. I would than begin to "reward" myself and find excuses as to why I was too busy to continue the things that made me so successful. The heart of the problem is what I was doing was too extreme (for me) and I need to focus on making better decisions every day rather than always focusing on a number to determine my "success"

    I guess there is no answer, but there are plenty of people here willing to help you find it :flowerforyou:

    Wow! I'm copying this to remember later. Thanks for writing.
  • stevemack67
    The folks at WhyQuit.com have a saying NTAP never take another puff, I just applied it to creampuffs after I was done smoking. Just do the best you can and when you fall get right back up!
  • stevemack67
    Minute by minute decisions are important, don't worry about 4 hrs from now just work on the next ten minutes.