Female runners and safety



  • MaeRenee94
    MaeRenee94 Posts: 175
    I always tell people where I am going and my expected time back. I carry a tazer and wear my hair in either a bun or hat, less likely to attract bad guys as pulling you down by your hair is an easy target.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I bring my black German Shepherd, and my phone. I always tell people where I am going and about how long I will be gone.

    Cause black is scarier right?
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I bring my black German Shepherd, and my phone. I always tell people where I am going and about how long I will be gone.

    Cause black is scarier right?

    When it comes to fur getting on your clothes, yes :)

    My dog is a mutt and useless running, he'll hide behind me if he sees a bunny.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Maybe I watch too much CSI and Criminal Minds, etc. but I think people are being far too cavalier about running and safety.

    I agree. I hate the stupid jokes in these threads. A friend of mine was pulled off trail, raped, beaten and left for dead. That *kitten*'s not funny. These are serious questions, and some answers could save lives.

    I did not even think about my pony tail being used against me. Glad I braved the stupid comments to keep reading.

    Thank you. This is not a topic to make jokes about. If she is running in a secluded place, she could be in danger and she is asking for advice. How would you feel about your joke two weeks from now if . . . .
    I am no expert but I would say: no headphones, pepper spray, and a cell phone would all be good.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Or, you know - you could try running somewhere that you felt safe, instead. :huh:

    Feeling safe does not equate to being safe.

    No where is it perfectly safe - **** can happen anywhere. But you can choose places that are relatively safe, instead of places that are most likely NOT.
  • LisaMBudd
    LisaMBudd Posts: 15
    Maybe I watch too much CSI and Criminal Minds, etc. but I think people are being far too cavalier about running and safety.

    Find someone to go with you, take some pepper spray, bring a dog, tell someone exactly when you're getting there and when you're leaving and/or go during the day so you can see anyone approaching.

    This and don't wear headphones - make sure you can hear what is going on around you.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I usually have my cell phone. I am waiting for my Samoyed puppy to get full grown then i will be running with her.
  • Heather4275
    Heather4275 Posts: 26 Member
    OMG, I am really shocked, guns, mace, pepper sprays to go for a run!!! I find it very sad that the majority of people that have responded to this thread feel the need to take some kind of protection with them to go out for a run. I live in Scotland and it feels like I live on a different planet.
  • IDontLikeRegistering
    IDontLikeRegistering Posts: 51 Member
    Reasonable point. It's hard not to mock when there are so many folks suggesting that what the world needs is MORE nutters running about with guns, but safety is a genuine issue. Do you HAVE to run in the dark rapey woods? Light and people prevent far more crime than weapons and weaponised dogs.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    People who are responsible gun owners with permits are rarely the ones you need to be concerned about. You wouldn't know the person with a permit was carrying if they didn't need it. I guess it depends on location. I'm a Californian but everyone in my family owns guns, and my friends as well. It's not a big deal as long as the owner is responsible.

    You guys own guns, in CA? How much paperwork did that take! ? :)

    INSANE AMOUNTS! LOL But when you finally get one they know you're more than qualified to own it lol
  • pangy1958
    pangy1958 Posts: 151 Member
    Wow sounds dangerous where you guys run!
    I'm glad I live in the UK, don't need to worry about guns or weapons. Nobody is about at half 5 in the am anyway lol

    So the UK is violent crime free? That's awesome.

    It isn't crime free, but we can't carry guns , pepper spray, knives or stun guns they are all illigal which is a good thing. We just get on with it here.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: I'm waaaaay more freaked out by the fact that people go running with guns on them than the fact that I go running with no weapons on me at all. I've dropped my keys and my phone by accident on runs before....what if you dropped your gun??? Accidents happen. Those shorts look like you can blow your butt cheek off.....:huh:

    I've logged HUNDREDs of miles in the last year training for a marathon and triathlons. I've never dropped anything. you should get checked by a doctor for a brain tumor or carpal tunnel syndrome

    haha this is hilarious ^^^
    personally I would NEVER run a trail by myself, or probably with anyone else either but that's just me, nor would I bike a trail. I envy anyone who would/could/has. Like someone else said, why do it if you're worried about your safety?
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    Reasonable point. It's hard not to mock when there are so many folks suggesting that what the world needs is MORE nutters running about with guns, but safety is a genuine issue. Do you HAVE to run in the dark rapey woods? Light and people prevent far more crime than weapons and weaponised dogs.

    My friend was pursued at 9 in the morning while having her son with her in a suburban area. Sometimes creeps come to nice areas because they know nice people are there. Also, having it and using it are different things and I don't think anyone has promoted just shooting anyone for no reason.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Wow sounds dangerous where you guys run!
    I'm glad I live in the UK, don't need to worry about guns or weapons. Nobody is about at half 5 in the am anyway lol

    So the UK is violent crime free? That's awesome.

    It isn't crime free, but we can't carry guns , pepper spray, knives or stun guns they are all illigal which is a good thing. We just get on with it here.

    You can't carry knives or pepper spray in the UK????? I am officially taking study abroad off of my daughters college options. Her MA training is only so/so.... Thanks for the info!
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: I'm waaaaay more freaked out by the fact that people go running with guns on them than the fact that I go running with no weapons on me at all. I've dropped my keys and my phone by accident on runs before....what if you dropped your gun??? Accidents happen. Those shorts look like you can blow your butt cheek off.....:huh:

    I've logged HUNDREDs of miles in the last year training for a marathon and triathlons. I've never dropped anything. you should get checked by a doctor for a brain tumor or carpal tunnel syndrome

    haha this is hilarious ^^^
    personally I would NEVER run a trail by myself, or probably with anyone else either but that's just me, nor would I bike a trail. I envy anyone who would/could/has. Like someone else said, why do it if you're worried about your safety?

    I would never go to the city if I was followed this motto.. I just make adjustments so I can do the things I love but be prepared for other things that could happen... Also you do it because you want to do it because you enjoy the recreation but not at the expense of safety!
  • nataliefamily3
    nataliefamily3 Posts: 189 Member
    Wow scary neighborhoods you guys live in... I only bring keys and sometimes my phone... I could use keys as a weapon and run away... but I do run in day light in a populated area so I don't think anyone will try to grab me.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: I'm waaaaay more freaked out by the fact that people go running with guns on them than the fact that I go running with no weapons on me at all. I've dropped my keys and my phone by accident on runs before....what if you dropped your gun??? Accidents happen. Those shorts look like you can blow your butt cheek off.....:huh:

    I've logged HUNDREDs of miles in the last year training for a marathon and triathlons. I've never dropped anything. you should get checked by a doctor for a brain tumor or carpal tunnel syndrome

    haha this is hilarious ^^^
    personally I would NEVER run a trail by myself, or probably with anyone else either but that's just me, nor would I bike a trail. I envy anyone who would/could/has. Like someone else said, why do it if you're worried about your safety?

    I would never go to the city if I was followed this motto.. I just make adjustments so I can do the things I love but be prepared for other things that could happen... Also you do it because you want to do it because you enjoy the recreation but not at the expense of safety!

    I go to the "city" all the time and I get a totally different feeling about it then I do heading into a woods by myself to run a trail But that's just me, like I said I envy anyone who can do it and feel at peace with it.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Or, you know - you could try running somewhere that you felt safe, instead. :huh:

    Feeling safe does not equate to being safe.

    No where is it perfectly safe - **** can happen anywhere. But you can choose places that are relatively safe, instead of places that are most likely NOT.

    She can? How do you know where she lives? Oh right you don't know. Ill tell you this. I drive 15 miles to run on bike trail when I train for marathons because retarded drivers scare me. And when I do long runs I don't like dealing with drivers. Let me explain something to you. Its an old Rail to Trail path and it literally curves through the back woods of Iowa. Ive seen all sorts of animals on this trail from chipmunks to aggressive dogs, coyotes, deer and Livestock (Sheep, Cattle) Oh you think. Deer and sheep no big deal. Have you ever startled a deer and had it attack? You are in their environment. One day I happened on a broken fence with sheep all across the trail. Im a farm kid I begin working my way through the sheep and then I saw the RAM. you ever been chased by a big ram? Those are the easy ones. Do you know where Meth makers make their product. The smart ones avoid using their homes. They find Secluded areas deep on paths that are hard to get to way far away the perfect place is running trails. Minimal exposure only foot and bike traffic. Do you know how far a long run is? Well the really secluded runs had me going 7-9 miles in and then turning around and going back. The walkers don't get out that far usually and the most runners don't either. The only ones out there are the cyclists the marathoners and the meth heads. Don't begin to think you know better than anyone of us. Fine, you are scared of guns don't use one. Your country doesn't allow them. How could you even begin to think you know more about a gun then any of us that carry them? You think they are scary and it scares you that we have them. Good. Stay away from us that way I don't have to waste ammo its hard to find these days.

    to all the "I live in *blank* and I cant imagine how horrible it must be to live in fear to go for a run" crowd. We dont live in fear we are trained gun owners. :) BTW ask the women in your country who have been raped on run morning noon or night ..."if they could go back in time and carry a pistol if they would choose to do that or just let them selves get raped?"
  • Heather4275
    Heather4275 Posts: 26 Member
  • I have commented on this topic before and just like some people are amazed at anyone who fears their safety so much, I think there are many of us that are amazed in turn that others don't think about their safety the way we do :smile: Maybe it in part has to do with living in urbanized areas? More and more people live in the city, and the city is a beautiful place but it can be dangerous. I live in a very nice area, but that doesn't stop a serial rapist from attacking 3 women in the past month. As for running on trails, I LOVE trail running! And sorry, I can't always wait on someone else to join me. So I take precautions. I tell someone where I am going to, when I leave, when I get back home. I carry a weapon & my cell phone and do not listen to music. I am amazed at the people being snarky about this woman's question. If it does no harm to you, why mock any of us who ARE concerned about our safety? You can run with just your keys, I prefer to run with more. No harm, no foul to either method. :drinker: