Hello Everyone

Hello, my name is Amanda. I just started this website today thanks to my friend Rachael! I have never been able to count calories and this makes it sooooo easy. I am a manager at McDonalds so that makes it very difficult to eat healthy so i'll take all the support i can get,lol. I also just joined the gym again so hopefully that will help keep me a little motivated. Good luck everyone and i hope every single one of you reach your goals...

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible...Audrey Hepburn :happy:


  • Redtnt80
    Redtnt80 Posts: 3
    I can sympathize, I work at Braum's (ice cream and hamburgers, etc) I swear half my meals are eaten there. it is so handy and feels free since there is a discount and it come out of my check. I have gained 20 lbs in the 8 1/2 months I have worked there. I am tired of starting a diet and failing... it has to work this time. I just started too. Good Luck and welcome aboard.
  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    oh geez... I cannot imagine working anywhere that has Ice Cream and Hamburgers (my favorites). I would be sunk, that has to take alot of willpower. Good luck