A Request For Runners

My baby sister (well, she's thirty-something now) has been running ever since junior high school and she's always in training for that next marathon. She's currently on assignment in Suriname, however, she had to give up her position in the Boston Marathon when she took this assignment. Like so many, she was devastated over yesterday's events. Many of her friends and co-workers were at the event yesterday in one capacity or another. While she's been in Suriname, she decided to start a running blog and right now it focuses on how she works in training while traveling as well nutrition in a foreign country, and of course, some updates and photos of her travels. I know she's feeling a bit homesick and following yesterday's events in Boston, I know she's simply heartbroken. It's difficult for me to cheer her up when we're so far apart but I was hoping I could send some extra visitors to her blog that perhaps share her deep passion for running.

If you have a moment, could you reach out to a fellow runner?? Of course, I'm biased but she is one the most inspiring people I know. Here's her blog address:
