where are the health carbs?

:blushing: ok, I have never been a fan of fruits and veggies, so I guess I need to branch out. I find plenty sugary and unhealthy carbs like Pringles, which I love! Any advice on where to find the good carbs. I am blushing because I am 53 yrs old and I should know this!!


  • good carbs are basicially anything that is a whole food and has not been through a processing procedure in a factory

    so stuff like fruit and veg is good carbs

    white bread, white pasta, cakes, etc. bad carbs

    whole grains i would say are ok but there will be people who argue against that
  • Bellamay59
    Bellamay59 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks, that is what I was afraid of, I appreciate your comment!
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Wheat pasta, brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes (YUMMY!!!!), popcorn (not the nasty microwave stuff), oatmeal, and the list goes on. Enjoy!