Over calories added to next day

I actually set my calorie intake to 1300 cal/day instead of 1200 cal/day but I want to know, If i go over my calories can i just add them to the next day so I stay at around 1300-1350 for the day and add the remaining to the next day. I hope this makes sense. Is it bad or not??


  • jrutledge01
    jrutledge01 Posts: 213 Member
    I actually set my calorie intake to 1300 cal/day instead of 1200 cal/day but I want to know, If i go over my calories can i just add them to the next day so I stay at around 1300-1350 for the day and add the remaining to the next day. I hope this makes sense. Is it bad or not??

    i try to think of it like money.. if you keep spending money you don't have you will end up in serious debt (also even if you do it just for one day, what's the point? why lie about it?)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Sure. I actually pay more close attention to my weekly goals than I do my daily goals for precisely that reason.
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    Are you asking if say you set your target to 1300 and today you ate 1500 so you'd start w/ 200 subtraced from tomorrow leaving a new "target" of 1100 for tomorrow? And vice versa set the target to 1300 and only at 1100 so tomorrow your target is 1500?

    I'm really not an expert- but I do know that there are people that try to stay within a weekly target so in theory probably not bad- just wouldn't recommend multiple days of eating under 1200.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I would just log it all in today and see where you are at the end of the week :)
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I focus on a more weekly approach as well. If I know I have a special occasion coming up I'll try to eat a bit under for a few days before to give myself some wiggle room, or if I eat a bit too much unexpectedly one day I'll hit the gym a little harder the next couple days to make it up. Same way if for some reason I'm under one day, I know I can have a nice dessert later in the week or something. I like how the mobile app has a little bar graph that will show your average net calories for the week - that's the number that I care about the most. Gives you a little more flexibility, plus it's not like your body knows when the clock rolls to midnight, you know?
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I would just log it all in today and see where you are at the end of the week :)

    Yes, this is what I would do (have done!) It would be nice if MFP would do a report or graph to show this.