Belly Fat Needs to Go but HOW?????

Okay, so i have a problem losing the fat in my stomach obviously, even all of the exercise at basic training couldn't help get rid of it so i feel like its a lost cause. Any advice?


  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Diet and exercise.. eventually your body will decide to drop weight in your belly. Wish there was a better answer!!!
  • IMD918
    IMD918 Posts: 49
    Personally I don't believe in "target loss". To get a loss in fat in any area of your body, you have to lose overall body fat. Fat comes off in the opposite order that you gained it. The first place you gained weight will be the last place you lose it. If you were in good shape in the military and still had belly fat, then to get rid of it you probably have to drop to a very low percentage of body fat, unfortunately.
  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    Thanks Confuzzled but thats the problem, being in the military you kind of get forced to diet and exercise but it just isnt working.
    @ IMD918, a little over 2 years ago i weighed over 200 pounds, now im at about 150, problem is that i just cant seem to lose anymore. My MOS has me sitting behind a desk and my unit doesnt have mandatory PT due to being mission critical and the crazy hours we work but I still work out on my own. According to BMI charts, Im in the right range and my body isnt even big I just have problem areas, my stomach being the worst. I just dont know how to lose the weight there when i dont have much fat to spare anywhere else seeing as my legs are all muscle.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Small calorie deficit and lotsa patience!
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    :smile: I been there and I visit there every now and then. The only way I was successful with losing belly fat was through diet and exercise. Low sodium. Low fat. Walking and Jogging/running.

    You can do it. Just begin with walking and continue MFP!
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    I walk everywhere I go. Im statinoed in Germany and find it easier just to walk places than try to drive down these tiny streets.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    Sorry if I'm seeming negative, I'm just getting sort of tired of trying when Im getting no results.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Are you unhappy with the way your stomach looks, or is there a lot of fat distribution there? Measuring always helps.

    You say you are within normal BMI range...have you considered upping calories and building muscle?

    ETA: You can't spot reduce. If you really want to lose fat it's all about a deficit. However, I've noticed that keeping those areas "toned", for lack of a better term, makes them appear smaller because in general it fixes your posture.
  • DIET!!
    It doesn't matter how many sit ups or crunches you do. Its all in the diet. We all have abs muscles under there. That's why there's that saying "Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym"
  • marc_s_johnson
    marc_s_johnson Posts: 107 Member
    I feel your pain, I've been at this since October and pretty much all my fat has gone apart from a tiny bit at the front of my belly and a tiny bit behind each hip.

    If I stand infront of the mirror and jump about than I can see all the muscle shapes including the formation of the V but those fatty areas still move up and down.

    Lost all my weight so don't want to lose anymore so will just persist with cardio and kettlebells and hope it burns itself off in time.

    My diet will still be clean and strict though, hoping that is the key.
  • jalloggio
    jalloggio Posts: 141
    This is by the far the most asked question ever! And honestly the answer is diet diet diet diet diet.

    Everyone has abs they are a muscle that is constantly engaged and working throughout the day. The problem is people refuse to accept the fact they need to drastically change their diet for a good period of time to see those muscles. The only way to see your abs is to get your bf below 10 percent(male) 16 percent female.

    If abs were easy everyone would have them. I don't think people realize the work and dedication that bodybuilders and fitness models have. Without that same dedication you are sol

    Sorry but it's the honest answer
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Fat is stored in a haphazard way, and the body will lose it where it pleases, not in any real order.
    Don't forget, good bodies are made more in the kitchen than they are in the gym (or wherever you do your working out).
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    This is by the far the most asked question ever! And honestly the answer is diet diet diet diet diet.

    Everyone has abs they are a muscle that is constantly engaged and working throughout the day. The problem is people refuse to accept the fact they need to drastically change their diet for a good period of time to see those muscles. The only way to see your abs is to get your bf below 10 percent(male) 16 percent female.

    If abs were easy everyone would have them. I don't think people realize the work and dedication that bodybuilders and fitness models have. Without that same dedication you are sol

    Sorry but it's the honest answer

    I agree, it really takes some hard work to get some nice abs showing.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Okay, so i have a problem losing the fat in my stomach obviously, even all of the exercise at basic training couldn't help get rid of it so i feel like its a lost cause. Any advice?

    Try the Jillian Michaels 30 DS shred video. It is free on youtube. It seems to have helped a lot of people to reduce the mid section. I lost a lot of inches from my "belly waist", real waist, and hips with the 30 DS.
  • Okay, so i have a problem losing the fat in my stomach obviously, even all of the exercise at basic training couldn't help get rid of it so i feel like its a lost cause. Any advice?

    Try the Jillian Michaels 30 DS shred video. It is free on youtube. It seems to have helped a lot of people to reduce the mid section. I lost a lot of inches from my "belly waist", real waist, and hips with the 30 DS.


    I saw a before and after photo of a woman who had A LOT of stomach fat and after 30DS, the transformation was unbelievable!

    I would start with a detox as it is true that DIET will get that tummy fat blasted. Juice everything you eat for 6 days. DO NOT MIX FRUITS OR VEGGIES OR FRUITS WITH VEGGIES!!! This way, each fruit/veggie gets to work it's own detox magic.

    Then, after the 6 days, I would eat VERY CLEAN AND RAW...fruits and veggies. Steam veggies if you must cook them or roast them in oven.

    Last but not least Pilates. Pilates is SOOOO GOOD at toning abs as you use your entire core to execute the exercises. Plank Plank Plank!

    Hope this helps.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    All i really eat anymore is grilled chicken, steamed or raw vegetables, fruit, and yogurt. I also try to avoid drinking anything but water. any other suggestions for a better diet would be greatly appreciated.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    Okay, so i have a problem losing the fat in my stomach obviously, even all of the exercise at basic training couldn't help get rid of it so i feel like its a lost cause. Any advice?

    Try the Jillian Michaels 30 DS shred video. It is free on youtube. It seems to have helped a lot of people to reduce the mid section. I lost a lot of inches from my "belly waist", real waist, and hips with the 30 DS.


    I saw a before and after photo of a woman who had A LOT of stomach fat and after 30DS, the transformation was unbelievable!

    I would start with a detox as it is true that DIET will get that tummy fat blasted. Juice everything you eat for 6 days. DO NOT MIX FRUITS OR VEGGIES OR FRUITS WITH VEGGIES!!! This way, each fruit/veggie gets to work it's own detox magic.

    Then, after the 6 days, I would eat VERY CLEAN AND RAW...fruits and veggies. Steam veggies if you must cook them or roast them in oven.

    Last but not least Pilates. Pilates is SOOOO GOOD at toning abs as you use your entire core to execute the exercises. Plank Plank Plank!

    Hope this helps.
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    She is in her normal BMI people. It's very likely at this point diet changes alone are not enough... Unless you want to starve her, which never works long term.

    To the OP. There is a certain level where you get to and the body is just like thats it, I'm done adapting. You can drop calories, your body will just slow it's BMI to adapt, and maintain stasis.

    Very likely to get further results, it's time to start hitting up heavy weights, and get even further restrictive with your diet. as in track macros. calories enough won't do it anymore.
  • lorie_
    lorie_ Posts: 3
    please try bodyflex! minus 35 cm per week of training ... stomach became smaller ... plus proper food with much proteins ... natural food, not from protein powder .... I have huge problems with tryod ... but i loose 32, 5 kg (12 sizes) in 2 years ... don't pay for gym ... and so on ... ate prorer food and bodyflex :) only 15 min a day ... no equipment needed :)