Doomed Due to Desk Job

I joined the AF in order to get in better shape, but wouldnt you know it I got stuck with a desk job that requires me to sit for 12 hours a day. Currently we are on panama schedule, so i work three days them am off two, then work two, and finally off three. Its ridiculous, especially since I've been on nights and all I want to do when I get off work is sleep. Any advice on exercises i can do while in the office? I feel like this job is going to make me fail my PT test. I just need to figure out how i can stay in shape whioe having to remain behind a desk for the majority of my time.


  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    So out of 10 days, you got 5 days off? Are you working out consistently on your days off?
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    I joined the AF in order to get in better shape, but wouldnt you know it I got stuck with a desk job that requires me to sit for 12 hours a day. Currently we are on panama schedule, so i work three days them am off two, then work two, and finally off three. Its ridiculous, especially since I've been on nights and all I want to do when I get off work is sleep. Any advice on exercises i can do while in the office? I feel like this job is going to make me fail my PT test. I just need to figure out how i can stay in shape whioe having to remain behind a desk for the majority of my time.

    I bought this mini-elliptical machine a few months back for when I'm sitting in front of the TV at home. It fits perfectly underneath a desk too. :) When I watch TV (when I actually have time :P) I pedal the elliptical either from a standing position or from sitting on the couch and before I know it, I've been doing it for an hour and a half! Take the stairs, bring resistance bands to work and do some exercises while you're at your desk, stand up and stretch, go for a run around the building when you have a free chance! You can do it. :) And DEFINITELY watch your diet. It's not hard to get complacent while working a desk job and start snacking all the time because you're bored. Stay busy!
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    You just need to make a schedule and stick to it. You know when you are working and when you are off, so plan some workouts for your off days. On your working days, you could get up 30 minutes early for a quick jog. If you have a lunch break you can do things there.

    I'm in a desk job 10 hours a day plus about 90 minutes sat in the car travelling, but I exercise most evening. Once I have finally got the kids to bed lol. I lost 40lbs last year.

    It's not easy, but if you want it enough you can be determined and make it happed.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I've been on night shift, working 12 hours (6pm-6am). I work 3 nights, then I'm off for 3 nights. Then I work 4 nights, and am off for 4 nights. I've changed a few things in the past month -- I have raised my desk so that I'm now standing for most of my 12 hour shift.

    I also scheduled my workouts around my work days -- so I do strength and run 4 days per week and I have two days set aside for "fun exercise" days (hiking, climbing, snowboarding, etc). Currently I work Sun-Tues and every other Sat nights. My workout schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday [gym days] and "fun" days on Wednesday and Saturday.

    I know the feeling of only wanting to sleep when you get off work -- and that's why I try to keep most of my workout days opposite my work schedule. It is possible, it's just forcing yourself to do it.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    No disrespect but it sounds to me like someone is making excuses.

    There is no reason why you can't work out on your off days. There is no reason why you can't get up earlier to workout. There is no reason why you can't work out before bed. Tiredness isn't an excuse in my book.

    I suggest making time to exercise instead of failing to find time.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    You aren't stuck behind the deck all the time, only one quarter of the time. Out of 10 days - 240 hours - you're stuck behind the desk for 60 hours. Now, you should be sleeping 80 hours, so that takes 140 hours out of your day. It leaves 100 hours for healthy food and excersize. Treat the desk days as rest days, and work out the other days.

    As for the desk - what kind of desk-work are you doing? Do you have the option of standing? If you can, it's better for your back and helps you burn calories. It also helps you keep a more active position while working, and it's easier to stretch and move around if you are already standing.

    Another thing you can look at is how you get too and from work. If you have the option, use the time to get back and forth to get some exercize as well - walking or biking if possible.

    Enjoy your job!
  • Nicola06041985

    i work at a desk 8 hours a day and use some of these already but there is a few in there i don't do.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    i do work out on my days off and i do push ups, sit ups, leg raises, arm rotations, and use my ab wheel before i go to sleep when i get off work. I just want to know what i can do to help myself while at work rather than just sitting there doing nothing and not burning any calories.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21

    i work at a desk 8 hours a day and use some of these already but there is a few in there i don't do.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    You can fit it in if you really want..I know some people working at a desk use a stability ball to sit on instead of a chair, it helps work your core at least.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Plenty of time to work out on your off days.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    @Cr01502, I'm not saying that there aren't, im simply saiying that out of those 5 days on i sit at a desk for 12 hours from 7 am to 7 pm and just want to know what i can do during that time to help burn calories. im not complianing about my schedule, im asking for advice on what to do while at work, thats all
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    I do work out on my days off, this is strictly for my days on while im in the office
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    I joined the AF in order to get in better shape, but wouldnt you know it I got stuck with a desk job that requires me to sit for 12 hours a day. Currently we are on panama schedule, so i work three days them am off two, then work two, and finally off three. Its ridiculous, especially since I've been on nights and all I want to do when I get off work is sleep. Any advice on exercises i can do while in the office? I feel like this job is going to make me fail my PT test. I just need to figure out how i can stay in shape whioe having to remain behind a desk for the majority of my time.

    I bought this mini-elliptical machine a few months back for when I'm sitting in front of the TV at home. It fits perfectly underneath a desk too. :) When I watch TV (when I actually have time :P) I pedal the elliptical either from a standing position or from sitting on the couch and before I know it, I've been doing it for an hour and a half! Take the stairs, bring resistance bands to work and do some exercises while you're at your desk, stand up and stretch, go for a run around the building when you have a free chance! You can do it. :) And DEFINITELY watch your diet. It's not hard to get complacent while working a desk job and start snacking all the time because you're bored. Stay busy!
    Will have to try this! Thank you!
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    No disrespect but it sounds to me like someone is making excuses.

    There is no reason why you can't work out on your off days. There is no reason why you can't get up earlier to workout. There is no reason why you can't work out before bed. Tiredness isn't an excuse in my book.

    I suggest making time to exercise instead of failing to find time.

    Agreed get into a routine of exercising and you'll be amazed at the amount of extra energy you gain.

    I work Monday- Friday sat at a desk 8.30am- 6.30/7.30pm
    I still mange to train before and after work but I starts slowly

    1 day a week quickly became 2 then 3 as I got fitter I found myself craving the gym more. If you are ready for this should be an easier process for you.
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    You don't have to work out every day if you don't have time or are tired. Weight loss is mostly about the food, not about the excercise. Yes, I'm aware that excercise has plenty of health benefits and helps with eating right (you get more calories to eat!), but eating healthy and watching your calories is more important.

    With that said, if you live somewhere with a reasonable climate, you could park you car somewhere that's not right next to your office (like a mile away) and walk to work from there and then back to your car after work. Or if you take public transportation, walk to the next station/bus stop/whatever and go from there. You could even pack running clothes with you to work, and then run/jog the distance from your office to your car. I get that you're tired after work, but trust me, it will be easier to get some workout in on your way home since you're already outside, instead of trying to leave the house (or lift your butt off the couch) once you're in there.

    If your work involves stuff like e-mailing your collagues in the same building, instead of sitting down and writing them/calling them, walk to their desk and tell them in person. If your office has to deal with paper archives, offer to take care of any archiving work that needs to be done - folders full of paper are heavy. Do some squats on your breaks. Just get creative.
  • scanners107
    scanners107 Posts: 33 Member
    No disrespect but it sounds to me like someone is making excuses.

    There is no reason why you can't work out on your off days. There is no reason why you can't get up earlier to workout. There is no reason why you can't work out before bed. Tiredness isn't an excuse in my book.

    I suggest making time to exercise instead of failing to find time.

    Totally agree i work Monday to Friday 12 hour shifts, and i still manage to get to the gym 4 times a week. Yes you will be slightly tired but your body will get used to it and what i always say is i hate being fat more than i hate feeling a bit tired.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    You don't have to work out every day if you don't have time or are tired. Weight loss is mostly about the food, not about the excercise. Yes, I'm aware that excercise has plenty of health benefits and helps with eating right (you get more calories to eat!), but eating healthy and watching your calories is more important.

    With that said, if you live somewhere with a reasonable climate, you could park you car somewhere that's not right next to your office (like a mile away) and walk to work from there and then back to your car after work. Or if you take public transportation, walk to the next station/bus stop/whatever and go from there. You could even pack running clothes with you to work, and then run/jog the distance from your office to your car. I get that you're tired after work, but trust me, it will be easier to get some workout in on your way home since you're already outside, instead of trying to leave the house (or lift your butt off the couch) once you're in there.

    If your work involves stuff like e-mailing your collagues in the same building, instead of sitting down and writing them/calling them, walk to their desk and tell them in person. If your office has to deal with paper archives, offer to take care of any archiving work that needs to be done - folders full of paper are heavy. Do some squats on your breaks. Just get creative.
    Thanks, I do exercise on my time off and do a little right before bed but i just want something i can do while at worl. unfortunately we dont really get breakes and everyone that i have to interact with is in the same room as i am so i can walk to their offices but i do get up and walk around the building when i can. And there isnt any archiving or filing or anything that we have to do but i will see what i can do that would have me lifting/moving things around.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Try resistance bands.
    Try using a heavy duty yoga ball instead of a regular chair (trust me it's harder than you think)
    Try an under-desk mini bike: desk bike&sprefix=under+desk,aps,183&rh=i:aps,k:under desk bike

    There are several creative ways...