Really really frustrated and ready to throw in the towel.



  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Okay, here is something else to note. If you are only taking in 1200 calories and are burning 600 calories, then you are only actually taking in 600 calories a day. That is bad for you. You need to eat at least 1200 calories a day. So in fact you need to eat you exercise calories to keep within a healthy range. Hope this makes sense.

    The minimum is 1200 calories to let your body work on a daily basis, if you starve it, it will eat your muscle not your fat. Please keep that in mind as well. :bigsmile:

    There are many many people on this Site that do not eat their exercise calories and they do just fine.

    It does not suit everybody to do that however, it is up to the individual to experiment and find out if it is for them.

    I do not eat my exercise calories and it is my fat that burns away and my muscles tone up. As I said though, it does not suit everybody to do it that way.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    One, you may be putting on muscle. Definitely take advice to take measurements.

    Two, I've recently read a few studies done by personal trainers stating that, when you hit a plateau you should increase your calories. If you aren't taking in enough, your metabolism will slow. Try going to as many as 2000 cal per day for a week or so and see what happens.
  • Julien1
    Julien1 Posts: 11

    You say that you've been taking in 1,200 calories a day. Unfortunately, I must inform you that 1,200 calories is the MINIMUM requirement of calories for your body to simply function without moving. If that's all you were taking in, plus burning many calories, chances are your intake was much under 1000. That is not good- your body would loose weight but doing such things can and may have led to your body convering it's self into starvation mode.

    Starvation mode is when your body isn't taking in enough calories/energy and it decides to start storing any food it does take in and converts it into body fat. This happens despite of working out. That is the cause of why some people gain weight during big diets.

    Simply check and see how many calories you should be taking in every day for the required goal you'd like to achieve and ensure that by the end of the day, you still are close to that calorie amount, even after working out. You don't need to be exaclty on it, but fairly close.

    For example, I currently require 1,890 calories per day, and I'll usually get around 1,600 and it doesn't hurt me.

    Have a great day:),

  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'm thinking you may even want to up your caloric intake even a little bit more.

    If you are base 1200 & doing tons of running & weights, even though you are eating back your 'burned" calories, you could still be in enough deficit that your net is under 1200 & stalling your weight loss. Give that a shot.
  • tytvette
    tytvette Posts: 8
    Well you are inspiration to me. I started a week ago and only lost one pound, to see that you have already lost 15 pounds in a month, that is awesome! Hang in there and keep doing what your doing. People tell me all the time that it takes a lot longer to take off all of the weight we put on. It is hard not seeing your numbers change, I agree. I thought I did so good all week and only lost a week, I feel like I want to throw in the towel already too, I just have to remind myself it will be worth it.
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    Not sure how relevant to you, but I found at a given point I did two things (like you I was plateaued and have lost almost 5kg in 9 weeks, 2" off both waist and chest, since then)...

    - A personal trainer. I'd had bursts at the gym a few times in my life and had a reasonable knowledge of what I was doing. Nothing could have prepared me for how my trainer would change the nature and up the intensity of what I was doing.
    - I started looking for foods that seem bad for me. It happened to be, for example, rice which my metabolism just doesn't seem to like in terms of losing weight.

    Just my experience.
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    Hi everyone-

    Thanks for all the advice! I just want to clarify my calories. I have my goal set for 1200 but I eat as much as 2000 a day depending on how much I work out. If I burn 300 calories then I eat 1500 calories a day. If I burn 600 then I eat 1800 calories a day.