Push Ups are a PAIN in my WRIST



  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I use dumbbells so I can keep my wrists straight, it helps a lot. I'm guessing it's the same idea as the pushup bar that everyone already mentioned.

    As a side note if you use dumbbells you can also break out into a set of renegade rows which you can't do with a pushup bar :wink:
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    Try flexing your fingers, as if you're GRIPPING the floor, instead of pushing straight down into your palm. I found that helped me a lot. I've never tried push-up bars, but I think this is the same concept of trying to support your wrist.

    I did this same gripping technique while also making sure that my hands were out a bit wider and that they were about even with my chest, and it helped me. I think the gripping technique helps distribute the pressure more evenly instead of it all being on your wrists as we tend to do with flat hands. Before I changed to this form and technique though, I would do a few push-ups (so far always on my knees because I do have weak wrists and very little upper body strength), and my wrists would hurt for days!! I got to where I was afraid to even do pushups!! This has alleviated the pain completely! I also change positioning if it feels uncomfortable in any way when I am actually doing the pushups.

    I also looked up wrists stretches on YouTube and have done those as well which can help before and after doing pushups, but also helped when my wrists were in pain during those other times. I have never had the bruising though!
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Oh, also, OP--if push-ups hurt, you might want to try the opposite activity--pull-ups. Maybe try half-pull-ups first (where the bar is set low and your heels are on the floor.


    (image is too big to embed in the thread, but it should give you the idea)

    Pull-ups help strengthen the wrists and forearms without squashing your carpal tunnel, if that's what hurts.
  • stacey_mntx
    stacey_mntx Posts: 36 Member
    At your suggestions I tried some modified push ups this morning... Using a fist instead of a flat hand really, really helped. Thank you for all of your ideas!!
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    At your suggestions I tried some modified push ups this morning... Using a fist instead of a flat hand really, really helped. Thank you for all of your ideas!!

    Great! Yeah, I was surprised how easy fist push-ups are; you always see tough guys doing them in movies. And it is a low-tech solution that does not require buying equipment.