I think I overdid something. I am in a lot of pain.



  • cherilyn666
    cherilyn666 Posts: 50 Member
    Not only was I able to work out, I was able to increase the weights and do them with less reps as suggested here.

    Thanks all for the advice.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    If I don't go I will never go again so I do have to go tomorrow.

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Any good lifting plan will tell you that high weights, low reps and rest days are key to building muscle.

    You cant lift that much every day and not expect to get an injury. Your body needs to rest to heal itself.

    Don't do any lifting until your arm feels better. An ache is fine, but actual real pain means you are doing something wrong, and if you carry on you will do yourself a serious injury.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    ice & compression.

    i think you should alternate legs & arms. you won't stay on schedule if you screw up your body.

    it's like running a car. if your car starts making weird noises and you just ignore it & keep on driving, you'll have nobody but yourself to blame when it grinds to a hault. you need to allow your body proper time for it to run it's maintenance and repairs.
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    Not only was I able to work out, I was able to increase the weights and do them with less reps as suggested here.

    Thanks all for the advice.

    With your arms huring more than the day before.....that might not be a good thing.

  • centarix
    centarix Posts: 123 Member
    As others suggested, you really need to rest and recover. Forget about the extra weight and the reps for now. Take a day to rest your muscles, THEN start the new routine with high weights and less reps.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    You need REST like EVERYONE ELSE SAID and if you do the same workout every single day or every time you go to the gym your muscles won't have to work as hard to do the exercises despite added weight or reps. DO some reading, do some research on RELIABLE sites, get a trainer, get to know your body and what it needs.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Yes, I do it every day. And until I increased my weights by a bit today I was fine.

    If I don't go I will never go again so I do have to go tomorrow.

    You will never go again? You really have to understand how important a rest day is. Your muscles need to recover and repair. You are do more damage than good by doing that kind of workout every single day. If you continue with a workout like that everyday, you are going to be in a world of pain as you age!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    You need some rest. I understand your all or nothing thinking, but you're going to have to train yourself out of that or you're going to seriously injure yourself and have no choice. If going to the gym everyday is really a requirement for you, I suggest a couple of days be a 20 minute slllooooow walk on the treadmill with a good book, or a magazine, followed by a really good stretch. Or, if your gym has yoga classes, take a non-strenuous one (ask at the desk, they'll tell you which are designed for relaxation). Then you have kept your routine up by going to the building, but you haven't exerted yourself and added to your muscle pain.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    honestly, i think you should talk to your doctor.
    i don't think your mindset is healthy.
    to me you sound obsessive and OCD about this whole thing.
  • cherilyn666
    cherilyn666 Posts: 50 Member
    I am being obsessive about it, I know.

    But it has finally put me out of my waist 42 clothes into waist 34 ones and I cannot just let that go.
  • cherilyn666
    cherilyn666 Posts: 50 Member
    I was planning on doing JUST cardio today but I ended up doing everything and even more because I felt that I would be slacking off and getting fat again.

    Plus, I ate a handful of prunes today and I am still feeling guilty because they were sweet. If I didn't work out I couldn't handle that.
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    honestly, i think you should talk to your doctor.
    i don't think your mindset is healthy.
    to me you sound obsessive and OCD about this whole thing.

    I would recommend this.
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member

    If I don't go I will never go again so I do have to go tomorrow.

  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I was planning on doing JUST cardio today but I ended up doing everything and even more because I felt that I would be slacking off and getting fat again.

    Plus, I ate a handful of prunes today and I am still feeling guilty because they were sweet. If I didn't work out I couldn't handle that.

    Yeah, that's a problem. You need to talk to someone about your obsessive tendencies.
  • cherilyn666
    cherilyn666 Posts: 50 Member
    I am talking.


    I have received only laughs and doubts from people when I said that I am going to diet, so there is no way I could talk about this stuff in person to anyone.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I am talking.


    I have received only laughs and doubts from people when I said that I am going to diet, so there is no way I could talk about this stuff in person to anyone.

    Then maybe stop talking and start listening as you have apparently ignored everything everyone has said so far!

    If you absolutely have to work out everyday, then you need to do a split body plan that allows each muscle group to rest before you work it again. Or you will strain something badly (or worse), and it WILL put you out of action for weeks or months. Is that what you want?

    Don't just train harder, train smarter.