How did you determine your goal weight?



  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I've just latched on to a couple pounds above my average in high school. I figured I might fit back into my pants from then at that weight. Though, it's strange. I didn't have that much to lose, maybe 25 pounds, and after only about 10 I'm feeling comfortable enough that I don't think I'd care if I stayed this weight. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing for my weight loss and for me.
  • michelleAFFL
    michelleAFFL Posts: 3 Member
    I use a very accurate body fat/muscle analyzer, at a personal training facility that used my gender, age, weight, and height. It then tells me my ideal healthy weight and overall muscle vs bf ratio ;)
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    I've never been at a weight that I thought was healthy for me.... so I'm starting with losing 60 lbs and then I will go from there
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    I asked my doctor and he gave me a goal
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    I just picked a number that was good for me!!!!!!
  • lisapalla
    lisapalla Posts: 21 Member
    I knew in the past 3 years I'd gained about 30 pounds so I made that my goal. I'm not being unrealistic as I'm older and it's harder to get off now!
  • marcvandenberg
    marcvandenberg Posts: 190 Member
    i set it at 100kg , it's a magic number.
    Ater that i will set the next goal.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    It's the weight i was before Christmas, minus a couple of pounds to make it feel like more of an achievement!
  • glove2u
    glove2u Posts: 6 Member
    I felt my body worked better at 175lbs and that is my target. i started out at 207 and now I'm down to 192!
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    My doctor told me for my height/age I should be around 150lbs. Then I googled it & found that it said between 140-150lbs. I am aiming to lose 130lbs & then will go from there.
  • Hikaru001
    Hikaru001 Posts: 52
    I started out at a hefty 320 lbs. At this weight I was morbidly obese. I determined my goal weight through a BMI calculator. My favorite one is:

    I'm 6ft tall, so I found out that a healthy weight for me (according to BMI) would be 180 lbs. This is the number that I am shooting for.

    Along the way though I have mini goals set every ten pounds. I take body pictures of myself at these min-goals and they have really helped me see the difference.

    Good luck everyone!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I just picked a number that I felt was appropriate for my height. When picking my body fat, I put a little more thought into it. I wanted to be in the athletic range so I researched the recommendations.
  • high5girl
    high5girl Posts: 90 Member
    I just picked a number too - something I thought would be a realistic starting goal weight. Once I get there I will probably challenge myself again to lose more!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I picked a number that sounded good, then when I went to the doctor and had lost about 30 pounds since my last visit, she did some calculations and came up with a number for me. Her's was higher than mine, so i am working towards that and then I will see what I think. I was oh so close to the number a year ago and then I gained some back....I would love to say I hit my goal weight at some point.
  • krawl78
    krawl78 Posts: 113 Member
    I based my goal weight on what I wanted my body fat % to be. I used this website:

    I'm sure it isn't perfectly accurate, but it's a start.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Mine was estimated based on my BF% goal. I actually think I'll be a little heavier than my goal weight when it's all said and done...initially it looked like I'd need to get down to 165 or it's looking more like 170ish.
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    When I went to my nutritionist she had me take my BF% (45%) half it (22&1/2) and that's the amount of weight she wanted me to lose... I am now about 5lbs from that goal and 4% from the BF% I want to be at....but I'm not sure how it would work for a man who's getting down to athletic ranges of bf% instead of just fit or healthy range....
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I lost weight about nine years ago (and regained it) and got to a weight I was happy with so that was my original goal weight. Then as I approached it this time, I realized I'd like to lose just a little more so I dropped it by five pounds. Cleared it with my doc who said it's a healthy weight.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I went for the weight I would be happy with. I was there a few years ago and liked my body which we all know is very difficult to do.
    Its easy to set a goal weight that we look too thin at. Thats also likely unrealistic. Make it achieveable and go for it.
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I know that when I weighed 180 (and thought I was massive) I actually looked fairly decent, but I was still a little overweight. I made my goal 170. When I get there, I might see that I can lose more, or not. It all depends on how I look, and how I feel. :)