insanity and this too much?

meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
Ok so started insanity and weights this week and my legs are killing me. Here is my weight training routine:

Monday: legs, back, biceps
Tuesday: shoulders, arms, neck
Wensday: off abs
Thursday: legs, back, biceps
Friday: shoulders, arms, neck
sat: yoga
Sun: off

Any advice i am very new like only didi Monday and my legs are on fire is that a good thing?


  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Oh i am trying to follow the insanity routine
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Also any ideas on how to help the pain without taking medicine? I cant swallow pills its a phobia
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I do this as well. It probably is a little overkill, (so I should probably take my own advice here, lol) but I'm trying to get some more fat off before summer. I think taking a few rest days would probably help with the pain though..?
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member

    People do hybrid programs all the time, P90X/Insanity hybrids are popular. Insanity has its own weight training called Upper Body Weight Training.
  • Karri_Lynn
    I did hybrid with Insanity and P90X and had fantastic results!! I say go for it!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Ok so started insanity and weights this week and my legs are killing me. Here is my weight training routine:

    Monday: legs, back, biceps
    Tuesday: shoulders, arms, neck
    Wensday: off abs
    Thursday: legs, back, biceps
    Friday: shoulders, arms, neck
    sat: yoga
    Sun: off

    Any advice i am very new like only didi Monday and my legs are on fire is that a good thing?

    The fact is that the average person, regardless of goals, will benefit a lot more from a program that has you working full body compounds than working in splits like this. It isn't until you reach an advanced level of proficiency and you start really obsessing over aesthetics that working in splits (doing different muscles on different days) begins to show any benefit whatsoever over doing full body compounds.

    Also, there's a difference between what you're doing and a hybrid program. You aren't allowing yourself sufficient rest between workouts. If you want to do this you need to do more of a hybrid workout schedule, meaning only do Insanity on non-weights days.

    Muscles don't get stronger during exercise. They get stronger repairing themselves and resting after exercise. This takes time, and if you want to see benefit from it, you need to allow them substantial rest periods. Working out twice a day doesn't cut it.