New Mommy

Hi I'm new to this and I'm a stay at home mom of an 11month babygirl. I would really appreciate some friends for motivation and support. I know I really need it :)


  • kfelux
    kfelux Posts: 34
    Feel free to add me! Mama's gotta have each others backs!
  • xcmum
    xcmum Posts: 136
    Hi i'm a mommy too, i have a 15 month old and a 27 month old :) Have added you
  • princess4mimi
    Feel free to add me to.....
  • LCMcCaffrey
    Feel free to add me, I am a stay at home mom of 2 yr old boy/girl twins
  • christinajmosley
    christinajmosley Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a mama of two, and am trying to lose the baby weight I gained with both. So, I understand how difficultbit is to stay motivated and accountable. Good luck!
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Mama of a 10 month old girl here. Feel free to add me everybody. :flowerforyou:
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I'm a mommy to two little girls -- a two and a half year old and a 7 month old! :)
  • bkcs89
    bkcs89 Posts: 7
    Thank you girls now I don't feel alone in this :))