Looking for Ways to Cook Fish



  • lizzydear
    I poach fish "en papilloate" with lemom, dill and a little salt and black pepper. I rub the fish with aboit 1/4 olive oil first.
  • mutzzy
    mutzzy Posts: 23
    drizzle maple syrup on salmon and bake for 15 min- yummy!

    I also like to mix ketchup, soy sauce, mustard and garlic, marinate, then bake- good on salmon or chicken.
    (sorry I do not have exact messurements- play with consistency and taste that you like.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    I love this thread! I just started experimenting cooking differnt kinds of fish and was googling for recipes. But, I'll def try some of these. One of my clients was telling me about soaking the fish in lime or lemon overnight and it "cooks it". He was from south america - I forgot where.

    I season all my fish with Old Bay and usually sautee in oilve oil and onions but i NEED SOME VARIETY