Im stuck at a weight and ready to lose

amymoss Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Im trying to shed these lbs. but been stuck at 211 for the past week..I've been excercising and eating 1500 calories what should i do?


  • rsdoze
    rsdoze Posts: 4 Member
    I've heard that you should change your exercise routine. If you're just walking or just running, then do both. Run for 10 minutes then walk for 10 minutes. Or change whatever it is your doing. You may be building muscle, or you may be retaining water.
  • Mombip
    Mombip Posts: 3
    If you are stuck I suggest changing what you are eating at different times or add a little bit more exercises. I am stuck and seem to be struggling with this too. But my problem is when I log in my exercise it gives you calories, I seem to want to eat those too. So this week I am sticking to my original calories and not worry what I get for exercising.
  • jaj06760
    jaj06760 Posts: 9 Member
    Change up exercise plus up your protein and lower your carbs.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Everything takes time, especially when it comes to re-writing your body's blue prints (mine is set to be overweight, I am determined to re-write it for good :happy: ). Try mixing up your exercise: the last thing you want, unless you're ADD/ADHD is to get stuck in a routine. I like to mix up my cardio/strength training with Tai Chi/Kick Boxing. Tai Chi is also great for stretching & improving your body's natural tone & re-writing your blue-print. My fav instructor is Scott Cole (Discover Tai Chi series, I have for Weight Loss). Also, take a look at your food diary: are you eating the same thing, same time, day after day? Variety is the spice of life, although you need to watch what spices you're adding. Many are premixed with high sodium: especially for women over 35 (present company included), sodium can destroy everything you're working towards. Also, even though oils are good for you, moderation is key: yes, olive oil is very healthy, but the calories will set you back if you're not counting them as well.
    My BIL is a master herbalist/nutritionist, ex-body builder/personal fitness trainer who now owns his own healthy food store: While there are so many apparently "good for you" stuff out there, really look into the nutrition info: get a scale & weigh everything out: I do & it's made a HUGE change :happy:
    You can do it, Don't give up & We're ALL here for you :flowerforyou:
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    I'm in the same boat--I lost 30 pounds relatively quickly (2.5 months), but had a couple weeks of pure stress/workaholicism and not feeling well and am at a plateau, but I have 40-60 more pounds to go! I just joined a zumba class to mix up my exercise some more, and I'm going to try to scale down on drinks with calories (i.e. evil soda!) to start.
  • I lost 60 lbs in 6 month, and it was hard, but for the past 6 months I have been up and down 5 lbs and it has been harder to just maintain this (impossible to lose any) than it was to lose the first 60...........I've changed up my exercise, changed up my eating, everything, and I am totally stuck. I like ajswriter just started going to the Zumba class at the gym and also have started the Turbo Kick class too. I'm hoping this will make the difference..........good luck with your weight loss! I've been stuck at around 210 and can't wait to be under 200!
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