
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I do so much better when I don't pay attention to the scale. The scale only depresses me because it never says what I think it should. I do better focusing on NSV's (non scale victories). Don't let that stupid scale get you down, you're doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Do you weigh and measure everything you eat?
  • Hummm...first congratulations on the inches you have lost! It is most important to stay focused on that positive.
    You just might be tackling the struggle I have. My body was in a state of using sugar as fuel rather than fat as fuel.
    Though you can choose "fat free" options, they are not sugar free. Sugar can have your body in a state that your hormones are unbalanced. Once I concentrated on eating foods that are low in sugar, my weight dropped instantly. I was shocked to research and find foods that were actually high in sugar (i.e. bananas, apples, whole wheat bread [not whole grain], granola bars, tomato based soups and sauces). Just my thoughts....I wish you all the best in your weight loss venture!!! Lorrie
  • marniephie
    marniephie Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there,

    It took the scales approx. 14 weeks for me to start moving down after ditching the bad foods, documenting everything on MFP and going to the gym 5-6 times a week. I promise you it will be worth it if you stick with your weightloss goals.
    I have lost 18kgs over the passed year and kept it off. Just think to yourself that the time will pass whether you decide to continue on your weightloss journey or not. Will you rather be proud of yourself this time next year or still sad with where you were at?

    I can PROMISE you that if you persist you will not be disappointed this time next year. Hope this helps x
  • suezensays
    suezensays Posts: 23 Member
    Scales break. Or the battery makes it go wonky for months before it finally dies. Or they are so sensitive that it will give a false reading due to the uneven-ness of your floor unless you put it in the exact same spot each time.

    Short point...scales suck.

    Go with the inches lost, and the size down. That's true progress, and you're doing great!

    I get more excited over over pulling that tape tighter or constantly pulling my jeans up because they're sagging than I do over a pound lost on the scale.
  • fifi4eva213
    fifi4eva213 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there,

    I feel my friend, that we are in a similar situation. I have lost crazy amounts of body fat but go on a yo-yo cycle on the scale 2 -3 lbs. It is so frustrating! I def can relate to you. I am 5'8 and 216 Ibs. and stuck here. I began with 42% body fat at 230 and now at 33% body fat at 216 lbs. and not changing on the scale. I think I am eating under my calorie requirement for my wight and that is why this is happening. My next step is to join Weight Watchers for a couple of months to see if my numbers budge. Otherwise, I hate to loose money on something I am motivated to do on m own. To sum it up, I suspect the problem is, being in the 200's in weight our body needs at least 1,700 Calories to work efficiently. I am eating 1,210 calories a day now. I refuse to eat that much in a day! but if that is the case to loose more numbers we will have to submit. Let me know if this helps (:

    Good Luck!

  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    So? Is your goal to have a smaller number on the scale or to look/feel better? If it's the latter, then you're on the right track!
    I've been using this site and dieting now for about 9-10 weeks. I eat the 1600 calories I'm supposed to, visit the gym roughly 5 times a week (doing some work on the elliptical, a lot of treadmill walking, and strength training with the weights), gave up all soda - regular and diet, drink only water and tea (limited juice upon occasion), gave up all fast food, and everything else I've been able to think of and have read and the internet.

    I HAVE NOT LOST ONE POUND - I AM STILL A 280 POUND FEMALE! Granted, I now have visible bicep muscles, my face is very noticeably slimmer, and I have lost 3" from the waist - 2" from the hips - 1" from the neck, and maybe have lost a size .... I HAVE NOT LOST ONE SINGLE POUND.

    I'm tired of hearing the "muscle weighs more than fat". I try to motivate myself by reading success stories but get depressed when I keep reading about people having lost about 40-50 pounds at this point.
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    You look better when you lose inches.
    If you drop 5 pounds, great but an inch loss is going to SHOW.
    I would MUCH rather see the inches go down.
    We are so programmed to put so much stock in to that number on the scale.
    I want to love what I see in the MIRROR, how I look and feel in clothing - *%$#@ the scale! It LIES!
    Your results are amazing.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Throw away the scale! If you can monitor body fat, muslce mass, and your jeans size, who the hell cares what your actual body weight is?
    Hey there,

    I feel my friend, that we are in a similar situation. I have lost crazy amounts of body fat but go on a yo-yo cycle on the scale 2 -3 lbs. It is so frustrating! I def can relate to you. I am 5'8 and 216 Ibs. and stuck here. I began with 42% body fat at 230 and now at 33% body fat at 216 lbs. and not changing on the scale. I think I am eating under my calorie requirement for my wight and that is why this is happening. My next step is to join Weight Watchers for a couple of months to see if my numbers budge. Otherwise, I hate to loose money on something I am motivated to do on m own. To sum it up, I suspect the problem is, being in the 200's in weight our body needs at least 1,700 Calories to work efficiently. I am eating 1,210 calories a day now. I refuse to eat that much in a day! but if that is the case to loose more numbers we will have to submit. Let me know if this helps (:

    Good Luck!

  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    It sounds like you need to eat more. You eat 1600 cals per day is that net calories after eating exercise cals back or no? I weigh less than you and eat about 1900-2000 cals a day and I'm losing weight. Try going to scooby doo fitness calculator to figure out your cal goal and add your activity level. I've been using their calorie recommendation and it's been working for me. Good luck.

    P.S. You're seeing changes in your body which is awesome. I've only lost about 10lbs in 4 months. However, people are seeing changes in my body and my tummy is getting smaller. The scale isn't an accurate reflection of the changes taking place in your body. Take pics and measure yourself.

    I agree with this 100% and I WAS in your same boat. I exercise 6x a week and I work hard. Scale wasn't moving. I started eating 6 small meals a day, increased my water intake to 128 ounces minimum and I increased my calories per day. I lost weight 2 consecutive weeks in a row immediately. I can see my body changing.

    Resources that have helped me:
    1. Calculating my BMR and TDEE - http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
    2. Learning the importance of eating enough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYi9xjIRvbY
    3. Making the actual changes and sticking to them
    4. Having tons of support and asking questions of others
    5. Following Eat More to Weigh Less on Facebook (and there is a thread about it within the MFP Message boards)

    Don't be discouraged for too long, girl. Be pissed and let it go. Make changes and you will see results!!
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Sounds like you're making progress!! Don't give up... You always lose weight in the order you gained it.... So you will lose weight in your face first and then downwards... the belly is normally the last to go! Building muscle will enhance your chances as muscle does burn calories even when you are idle. Make sure you don't overdo the sodium (as that maintains water). You need to give it more time before you see a real drop in weight and when it happens ... it will amaze you how quickly it will continue. Keep doing what you're doing until you notice "obvious" changes... then step it up another notch. We have to realize that it takes twice as much effort to lose weight then it does to gain it. Allow you body to correct it's course... you'll be glad you did!
  • Yes, I am rather anal about measuring and reading up on everything I buy to eat. I started off on very low carb "atkins-like" numbers and actually made myself sick from not having enough carbs and sugar. (Doctor said I'm hypoglycemic of all things.)

    SO, I do stay away from the forms and numbers of carbs I was accustomed to eating (tons of white bread, potatoes, noodles) and now eat limited numbers of wheat bread and my only obsession : sweet potatoes (baked as fries in the oven).

    Sugar is an interesting battle for me. I don't like candy, sweets, chocolate, cake; however, I like stuff like yogurt and peanut butter that can have a bunch of hidden sugar.

    I try to battle many of my problems with an old saying I figuratively keep in my back pocket : "Eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch, and a pauper for supper."
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Don't quit, you are doing an amazing job!
  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you are!!

    Its hard, because "they say" > " you need lose weight" , so of course we are looking for the number on the scale.

    I did Weight Watchers for a while and lost 30 pounds and then nothing......but there you are trained to weigh in every week, telling me that I SHOULD LOSE weight EVERY week....and it just doesn't work like that for me anymore. But that's what I'm used to, so i continue to check the scale.........................................sigh..................

    hang in there , i'm trying to hang in there with ya!!! I'm about to throw my scale out the window!!

    (((friend request sent)))
  • cincigina
    cincigina Posts: 57 Member
    I agree you should stick with it, your time will come. But I also want you to know, I hear ya! The scale shouldn't be important, but lets be honest, it is. Particularly when you see other people dropping lbs. like crazy. It's frustrating. I am in the same boat. So, while we have to be patient... I TOTALLY empathize with your frustration.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I agree you should stick with it, your time will come. But I also want you to know, I hear ya! The scale shouldn't be important, but lets be honest, it is. Particularly when you see other people dropping lbs. like crazy. It's frustrating. I am in the same boat. So, while we have to be patient... I TOTALLY empathize with your frustration.

    Me too!
  • melabez
    melabez Posts: 5 Member
    At this point, I wish there was a message that comes up when posters post a message like this that says "Please re-read your post before submitting"

    You're losing inches=You're losing fat=You're dropping sizes=You're looking NOTICEABLY SMALLER=Win.

    A number on the scale is just that, a number.
    It does not measure your body fat percentage (unless it's one of those fancy ones)
    It does not measure your clothing size

    It measures your body as a UNIT.
    It measures your gravitational PULL at that certain time of day
    It measures your water retention (which at any point can change drastically)
    It measures your organs
    It measures your POOP

    Don't get discouraged on something that is OBVIOUSLY wrong if your measurements and body is telling you otherwise.
    Trust what you see when you look in the mirror.

    In other news, yes I believe you are eating too little. You're 280lbs, you're working out 5 times a week, and you're eating as much as I do. I'm 4'11" and I work out 3 times a week and i'm 170 lbs.

    Recalculate your TDEE, Your BMR and your Daily Calories and stick to it.

    Keep it up.
  • melabez
    melabez Posts: 5 Member
    Couldn't of said it better myself!!!!!!!!!!
  • whitchy_pooh
    whitchy_pooh Posts: 23 Member
    I understand your discouraged feeling...I feel the same way.
  • whitchy_pooh
    whitchy_pooh Posts: 23 Member
    It sounds like you need to eat more. You eat 1600 cals per day is that net calories after eating exercise cals back or no? I weigh less than you and eat about 1900-2000 cals a day and I'm losing weight. Try going to scooby doo fitness calculator to figure out your cal goal and add your activity level. I've been using their calorie recommendation and it's been working for me. Good luck.

    P.S. You're seeing changes in your body which is awesome. I've only lost about 10lbs in 4 months. However, people are seeing changes in my body and my tummy is getting smaller. The scale isn't an accurate reflection of the changes taking place in your body. Take pics and measure yourself.

    I did not know about that site...(scooby doo fitness calculator). It shows me needing 1695 cals and I have been going based on MYF wich is 1200. Could this be why I am not seeing results?