I just found out I have PCOS...

I'm not really new to MFP, but I am new to PCOS. I've been struggling with my weight since I was about 6 years old. This week, I found out why I have been struggling so much...PCOS. I have been searching for hours on the internet about different diets (low carb, south beach, weight watchers, low amylose diet, etc.) and I'm just looking for advice on what is best nutritionally for PCOS & any kind of tips. I'm looking for suggestions and any friends. Thanks in advance :)


  • jackieg218
    jackieg218 Posts: 96 Member
    Hello there and welcome! I don't have advice to offer on certain diets for PCOS, I was told 10 years ago that I have it as well. I have recently had both ovaries removed ( total hysterectomy) however PCOS is metabolic so even though the ovaries are gone, it still remains. I personally have found that white carbs ( pasta, rice, bread) is MY killer. So I tend to do browns instead. I have dropped almost 40 since jan and still have more to go... But I walk, walk again and then walk some more...without the added cardio I stalled.

    I wish you well with your journey.
  • aubdavisniu
    Thanks!! :)
  • CysterWigs
    CysterWigs Posts: 136 Member
    I have just started the weight loss journey again. I have been looking at this site a lot: http://www.pcosdiva.com/

    She is pretty strict, but has some really good suggestions.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I was able to lose weight easier when I treated my PCOS. For me, that just means being on the Pill. If you are open to having children soon, the Pill obviously won't be the answer for you. I believe Metformin is another option. I don't have any dietary restrictions. Once you get some of the weight off, the symptoms from PCOS begin to go away, and weight loss thereafter is a little easier.
  • mjnotellinu
    I have PCOS too, but still haven't found anything that has helped me with weight loss yet. I lost 20 pounds in Japan, but gained it all back when I came back to America. So, my conclusion was Japan is the magical land of weight loss :P
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I forgot to post this earlier. This looks like an active group here. Just join up, the group will appear on the main page of the forums for you. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3070-p-c-o-sis
  • vegasgrl75
    I have PCOS as well. I was diagnosed at 21 I am now 38 this month. It's been a struggle! The only diet that has ever worked for me is WW! I lost 30lbs the first time and 20lbs the second time...I just followed the plan and walked everyday. I was sick for awhile so I quit WW...was hard to stay on plan. My Dr just recommended MFP, and said it's free...to try before I go back to WW! I heard the main difference is counting points vs calories. Good luck!
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    I also have PCOS! Was diagnosed about six years ago. I also have hypothyroidism. I've been able to lose weight so far with just diet and exercise, and my levels are all great :) Feel free to add me!