Have to rest for 5 days before my half marathon race....

Okay....so about 3 weeks ago, I did a 12 mile long run and felt a little "twinge" in my right buttock near the top of the mountain but it went away and I thought nothing more of it. Then, I made a couple of stupid mistakes and decided to run the mountain again 2 days later on a shorter 6 mile run and then did 6 miles of speed work 3 days after that! Well....after the speedwork...my right hip, buttock, and hamstring were SO sore!!! I went to a chiropractor who was able to verify it is not sciatic or piriformis syndrome...but that I am out of alignment...an inch higher on the right. He re-aligned me and approved me for a test run this past weekend. I had taken 10 days off before this run.... (NOT something I wanted to do.....but I knew it was for the best)....so this past Sunday, I ran 8 pain-free! I even did a little speed....and hillwork... but then Monday and Tuesday.....my right hamstring feels a bit tight again. I'm scared to run on it before the race this Saturday because I don't want to strain it beforehand. So....I'm seeing the chiropractor tonight for another adjustment before the race.

Here is my question....how much is it going to hurt my race....to take 5 days off before race day? NO running at all! :-(


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    It will hurt your race a lot less than if you have to run it in pain.

    Also, nothing you do in the last five days is going ot improve your fitness for race day. If you have been training you will not lose any fitness in five days either. If it makes you feel better you could do some cross training to engage the cardiovascular system if that doesn't interfere with the healing.
  • jtndle
    jtndle Posts: 54 Member
    You not be effected by no running for 5 days before the race, at least not in any negative way. The only way it is going to effect you is, (hopefully) allowing your hamstring to heal so you can race hard on race day. Hope you have a fabulous race day!