Drinking a Gallon of Water a Day...does it really matter?

jkazadi Posts: 20 Member
How much water is everyone drinking per day? Is it necessary to drink a Gallon of water a day? For those of you who do, may you please comment on your experience weight gain/loss, skin, energy etc... For those who are against drinking that much water a day please share your reasons...

Before I got on MFP I never drank water...like ever. So, once I started MFP I read somewhere you should drink 1/2 of your body weight in oz of water per day..so I was drinking about 11- 8oz cups of water a day...Then this week I realized I might as well drink 16--to hit the gallon mark. And I want to hear people who do it regularly or tried it and didn't like it..health thoughts.

I will say this..this past week I noticed my skin was looking radiant and my nails were super long. I thought it was because of this new face cream I was using ...then today it hit me..that it had to be the water because my nails are only this long and strong when I take a supplement like Biotin and I haven't done that in months...


  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Almost everyday someone in these forums posts that they struggle with drinking so much water. No matter what others say, they seem to ignore anyone who doesn't agree with the idea that we need so much plain water....and yet they wonder why it's so hard to drink it all.

    It's good to be skeptical about other people's opinions on a public forum. So, here is an article on the subject with opinions from people in the medical field who SHOULD know. It's not simply MY opinion.

    If nothing else, this demonstrates that this subject is debatable and not a hard scientific or medical fact. The question will then be..."Who do you believe?"


    Eight glasses of water a day an urban myth'?

    Water and a well-balanced diet 'do far more than water alone,' Australian researcher says

    CBC News

    Posted: Jun 10, 2012 12:51 AM ET

    Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012 12:48 AM ET

    The common advice to drink eight glasses of water a day doesn't hold water, say nutrition and kidney specialists who want to dispel the myth.

    "What drove us to drink two litres of water a day?" asks an editorial in this week's issue of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

    The recommendation was driven by vested interests rather than health, suggests author Speros Tsindos of the department of dietetics and human nutrition at La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia.
    Other beverages also help us meet the body's fluid needs, say nutrition specialists. (Aaron Harris/Canadian Press)
    "Humans need to maintain fluid balance and need to drink water when required, but should also consider fluid in unprocessed fruits and vegetables and juices. There is further evidence that water and a well-balanced diet does far more than water alone," Tsindos wrote.

    "Water is important for health; however, the recommendation of eight glasses of pure water per day appears an overestimation of requirements."

    Even a baked potato is 75 per cent water, said nutrition Prof. Susan Barr of the University of British Columbia, who sat on a Canadian-U.S. committee that looked at fluid intake.

    "There's nothing magical about water from a glass of water as opposed to water from a food or any other beverage," Barr said.

    Drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee do not lead to dehydration, said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a nephrologist at the University of Pennsylvania who reviewed research claims on drinking eight glasses of water and studied how the kidneys handle it.

    Let thirst guide you

    "Drinking the coffee will count towards your total water intake for the day," Goldfarb said.

    Goldfarb said despite the common idea that it's important to "drink eight glasses of eight ounces of water" a day, "There’s no evidence that benefits health in any real way and it really represents an urban myth."

    There's no evidence you need to drink more water than what thirst dictates, Goldfarb added.

    Studies on desert nomads showed people can consume minimal amounts of water in harsh environments. The military has also looked at how much water soldiers need to take with them when patrolling in hot climates without harming their performance.

    "If one is just playing a game of tennis in an indoor facility, for example, or having a short run on a treadmill in an air-conditioned gym, the need to maintain hydration during that is just non-existent," Goldfarb advised.

    People have died of dehydration and from drinking too much water too quickly.

    A good guide to tell if the body’s finely tuned fluid balance is to check the colour of your urine. If it's very dark, you're on the dry side; if it's very light or translucent, then you need to drink a bit less water, said Dr. David Price, head of family medicine at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.
  • sjoldersma
    I go back and forth with this all time! I consistently drink my whole body weight in water everyday. People tell me that only half that amount is necessary, but I've been doing this for so long that I actually want more when I try to pair it down to half my body weight. I have been trying for the past week and a half to keep it at just half my body weight, so I haven't really seen a difference yet as far as weight loss, I can keep you posted on that. I do agree with you though about the nails and skin-the water seems to be fantastic for that!
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I try to drink at least 120 ounces a day but am happy with 100. it matters to me. If I don't get at least 100 ounces, I feel dehydrated.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Seems like overkill...Drink enough so when you pee its a light yellow. No reason to go overboard unless you like taking a break every half hour.

    ETA: Also a good idea to increase hydration proactively when you will be participating in intense excercise (that makes you sweat) or when you will be in hot temperatures to avoid becoming dehydrated.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I drink more than 1/2 my body weight in oz. I had no idea that the 160 oz I drink/day was more than a gallon! ( I never thought about it.) When I work out, I can easily drink 64 oz during my exercise. Water is basically the only thing I drink now. I used to drink a 2 liter of diet coke a day, but I quit drinking pop cold turkey after drinking it more than 20 years.
  • MichaelWms
    MichaelWms Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, it matters! Especially if you eat a higher protein diet. Your body needs it.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I tried doing this once, and included other drinks in my count. It was too much for me. It made me feel bloated and a bit weak. My urine was completely clear, like water. I went back to my usual amount to drink per day - about 2/3 of that - and felt better in a couple of hours.
  • JustCallMeJaz
    JustCallMeJaz Posts: 29 Member
    Here is my personal unprofessional opinion. I drink water and every now and again I'll add crystal light for flavor. It comes out to be about 8-10 8oz cups a water a day, and if im working out possibly more. I dont want to give myself any un-needed calories from juice, or soda.. Its good and natrual and I like it. Oh yea, and i will say my weight loss is more consistant when I drink water regularly (at least 6 cups a day).
  • kygibson315
    kygibson315 Posts: 6 Member
    :noway: Bump, I'm curious about the replies. But no time to read! Have to get back to work!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I don't know the science, but when I started my MFP journey and compiling info from everywhere enough people said that they lose weight a lot easier when they are drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day in addition to any water in food. So I have adopted that and it has worked so far. Before I used to only drink about 8-16 ounces of water per day.
  • alexisschmitt
    Here's my thought behind it, really:

    if I'm drinking water, I'm not drinking soda.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Just stay hydrated...that's what's important. I don't think it makes a difference at all in RE to weight loss other than flushing out some sodium and excess water...who cares...I'm interested in fat loss not just weight loss. My water habits haven't changed...I drank about a gallon of water per day + when I was getting fat and I drink about a gallon per day + now.

    Just stay hydrated.
  • _rozamu
    _rozamu Posts: 119 Member
    I drink around a gallon a day; didn't really have any reason to start, I was just trying to drink lots! Lol now that you mention it, tho, I haven't had any breakouts since drinking this much and the one I had cleared up quickly and my nails grow so fast lately! I was always cutting them because the were breaking and now I have to cut them because they are getting too long! I've only been drinking this much water for like a month!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I drink enough water to make sure I'm hydrated. That's it. I certainly don't waste my time counting it or stressing about it.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    How much water is everyone drinking per day? Is it necessary to drink a Gallon of water a day? For those of you who do, may you please comment on your experience weight gain/loss, skin, energy etc... For those who are against drinking that much water a day please share your reasons...

    Before I got on MFP I never drank water...like ever. So, once I started MFP I read somewhere you should drink 1/2 of your body weight in oz of water per day..so I was drinking about 11- 8oz cups of water a day...Then this week I realized I might as well drink 16--to hit the gallon mark. And I want to hear people who do it regularly or tried it and didn't like it..health thoughts.

    I will say this..this past week I noticed my skin was looking radiant and my nails were super long. I thought it was because of this new face cream I was using ...then today it hit me..that it had to be the water because my nails are only this long and strong when I take a supplement like Biotin and I haven't done that in months...

    Depends on your weight and your daily expenditure ~ no more and no less; Enough to support your weight and your activities (both mental & physical combined) and you should be alright.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I think it matters, we don't always have a balanced diet that intakes enough fluids to keep yourself properly hydrated at all times. If you are an active individual and you do activities through out the day that causes you to perspire then you are losing fluids that will need to be replenished, and this is usual for a good number of people while others don't need to consume as much as they retain their fluids better and are less active and perspire less.

    I perspire for no reason and because I have asthma that can cause me to breath more rapidly for a longer period after a very short (probably less than 15 seconds) sprint. For both of these reasons it becomes important for me to try and get that 8 cups of 8floz a day but I do however let my body help to dictate if I need more or less on any given day.
  • jeslaughter
    jeslaughter Posts: 131 Member
    Here is my personal unprofessional opinion. I drink water and every now and again I'll add crystal light for flavor. It comes out to be about 8-10 8oz cups a water a day, and if im working out possibly more. I dont want to give myself any un-needed calories from juice, or soda.. Its good and natrual and I like it. Oh yea, and i will say my weight loss is more consistant when I drink water regularly (at least 6 cups a day).

    ^^ This is the same reason why I keep to 6-8, 8 oz glasses of water per day. And yes, it is great for the skin, hair and nails!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Meh. I don't sweat it. I drink it so that I stay hydrated, that's all. I don't believe it helps you lose weight or anything (and drinking water has never taken my hunger away!).
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    I drink probably 2-3 L a day, and many times it's just to avoid snacking mindlessly!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Personally I drink when I feel thirsty, no more and no less. I try to stick to water, but not always. Like yesterday I drank 3 liters of water (I have a 1 liter water bottle that I use), but today I've only had 8 oz green tea, 12 oz MTN Dew, and 20 oz of water. I will of course get at least 1 additional liter of water in today, but I won't force myself to drink more than I can handle. I try to drink a lot of water because I have a hard time avoiding sodium and when I don't drink much I don't get all the sodium flushed out causing a water weight gain. :P