Anyone else trying to lose 50-60 lbs?

My short term goal is 20 lbs, I'm dying to be under 200. 1 more lb and I've lost the 1st 10. After that I need to lose another 40 ish to be satisfied. I have a feeling once I get to 200 lbs itll be harder and i dont want to get discouraged!. I am notorious for giving up. I wanna do what ever it takes to keep me from doing that. If anyone else has similar goals, feel free to add me!


  • I too am dying to be under 200 again! I have been over 200 for too many years and I want my old body back. I too have a bad habit of giving up. Maybe together we can push each other to keep going? I will add you :-)
  • jafy23
    jafy23 Posts: 59 Member
    im also tying to lose around 60 lbs im almost at 200 just 7 lbs of my mini goal
  • I too am dying to be under 200 again! I have been over 200 for too many years and I want my old body back. I too have a bad habit of giving up. Maybe together we can push each other to keep going? I will add you :-)

    At 190 I was like omg, im almost 200!? Then at 200 I tried for about a month, when I say I tried I mean I harldy tried a few lbs over 200 I said eff it and fell into depression, gained up to 220. Now I'm 211 since April 2nd the closer I get to 200 the much better I feel that im actually gonna do it this time!
  • I must say I am terrified to even step on the scale ... not even sure where I am but I know it is out of control!
  • Weight has been a struggle for me! I am once again back over 200 lbs :( My current goal, starting today!, is 50 lbs! Making good eating choices is always my downfall. I do well for about 1.5 weeks and then right back to the fast food unhealthiness (if that's a word! lol ) Anyway. My short term goal is to lose 15lbs by my brother's graduation which is in 6.5 weeks. According to the healthy weight loss stats per week, average about 1-2% of your body weight. So this is pretty close estimate.

    oX_Vanessa_Xo, i understand your frustration. I think all the time, how the heck did i let myself get this way. i was under 200 and feeling great ... now im well over again and none of my clothes fit! Very depressing. I am in need of outside motivation!

    Congrat you guys on losing! Keep up the great work! Add me if you want. :) Hey, how do you get those cool graphs?
  • suzzypink
    suzzypink Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Gals - I hate weighing myself, but too am just over 200 now! Yuck! I just started here 2 days ago and altough I work out 4 - 5 times a week, I realized that I need to get my food intake in check!

    I want to be able to walk into a store and buy clothes off the rack - tired of going to the "plus size" area! So yes, 50 lbs for me as well!

    We can do it!
  • lbaldaramos2
    lbaldaramos2 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in the same situation and want to loose at lease 50-60 to be happy with my self. It has been a rough ride ...but when we have friends to push us along it makes it so much EASIER!!!! I sent an add request ... :) Good luck ... you can do it!
  • flockofhamsters
    flockofhamsters Posts: 14 Member
    I feel the same way. I'm worried that it will get a lot more hard once I get down to 200. I'm only 7lbs off of that goal right now. Hopefully I'm able to keep it up with all the support on here, though.
  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    I am looking to lose about 50 pounds. I am 4 pounds away from my first goal of 160. I started at 182. I have been stuck at 165 for about a month and for the first time in a month I saw the scale move today to 164! DO NOT GIVE UP! It will happen, even if it takes a while. Don't let under 200 freak you out. Keep working hard!
  • Wardaka
    Wardaka Posts: 9 Member
    Im trying too! Add me if you like.
  • millea84
    millea84 Posts: 242 Member
    I am trying to lose about 60 lbs I think. I think the ideal weight for my bone frame is 120-130. I was at 135 when I graduated college, but due to life situations and sugar addiction I am overweight, again. Funny thing was when I was losing all that weight I didn't notice it until a friend told me. I was wearing t-shirts and jeans alot so I didn't notice right away. lol. Swimming is excellent exercise. Also I did a lot of walking. You can add me if you want.
  • So thrilled to see I'm not the only one who feels this way :)

    Also happy I have a few more friends that we can be there for each other!

    Im putting up pictures of half naked girls, most of them at the gym working out, or running, so when I get to that moment on my treadmill where I feel I just can't go on the last 15 mins... I look up and see what im trying to get at and tell myself if I keep going...
    That WILL be me!
  • I finally found a group that I can relate to. I too would love to be under 200 lbs again. I have struggled with my weight for the last 10 years, but have reached my ultimate high at 246 lbs. I dread the scale, but realize I need to be more accountable if I ;m ever going to win this battle. Looking for some friends for support and accountability!!! Hi to everyone, and good luck to us all :)
  • Feel free to add me..I just started MFP a week ago and see some improvement in my intake awareness. My goal is to lose 45 to 50 lbs. Stay in the game. :)
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    Just wanted to post and say you can totally do this!!!! I started this journey at 240 UGH and am currently just under 180 woohoo. It was a long hard road and its not over. My goal is 160 but losing the first 60 was worth it so I know the last 20 or so will be too!!! Friend me if you want any extra support!!
  • I am 5'11. 257lbs. I would like to lose at least 60lbs and be under 200. Add me if you like.
  • loulaa62
    loulaa62 Posts: 6
    I have 65lbs to lose, seems like such a long road but we'll all get there :D
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    I'm working on 50 as well. Please feel free to send me a friend request. It seems daunting, but it's not impossible. We can do this!
  • karyta
    karyta Posts: 22 Member
    I have lost 36 lbs but have another 40 lbs to go. It's so hard :( I'm trying to get motivated, I keep looking at success stories! :)
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    I need to probably lose more than that! I can't wait to get under 200 again. Add me please and motivate me to stay on track!!!
    We can do this !