Intolerance- why I fail diets

cassylee Posts: 107 Member

I am in my forty old, obese mum. I have tried all kinds of diets and even gastric surgery. I exercise 3 to 4 gym sessions a week and I have been with My Fitness Pal off and on for several years. I have failed miserbly at all of it and I keep putting on weight.

On the 11th of April 2013, I found that I am intolerant to Casin, Lactose, frutose, Soy, Gluten, Wheat and a few others items. I also have a condition called Candida. So most of my diets and surgery did not work because my body did not absorb the nutrients that I was eating. So my body would screamed out for something and my Candida screamed out for sugar and when my will power is at my lowest which normally was at night or when I am sick, I lost the battle and pigged out.

Since the 11th, I have followed my Nutritionist eating plan and elimated all that I am intolerant too and have taken some supplements to put my body back into order, I have noticed that after a few days my cravings are dramatically reduced. If I get a craving at night, I have a caffeine free tea with some stevia and I am all good.

These are early days but I have already noticed a small difference in my body and my weight. So I have started up with my Fitness Pal again because I still need to keep track of my Calories and exercise. I have also posted this, as someone may have the same issues as me and they may be helped by hearing my story.

Wish me luck because this time I want to succeed.



  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    Best of luck, I had no idea such a thing existed. I bet this time things will be easier for you.

    Bodies can be tricky, they have some condition and it takes years to find them. I know this because since I was a kid I've had problems, not only weight, and not so long ago found the reason.

    Keep going, and again, good luck!
  • Dhani2
    Dhani2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Cassylee,

    You sound pretty similar to me; however, I took quick steps to fix the Candida issue and noticed some positive changes within my body as well. Look up CandiZyme. I used this for several weeks and it nipped my Candida issue in the bud! Also, I will pick a 3 day weekend every month (Friday-Sunday) and take the CandiZyme to keep the Candida away (because I still eat carbs: Breads, pastas etc...and this is KNOWN to build candida in the system).

    Do keep up with your supplements, drink liquids with electrolytes to keep the body hydrated (I prefer the Mango/Peach Coconut water). If the body is not getting enough hydration, it CAN also slow/halt your weight loss progress.

    When you're at rest (sitting or lying down) do deep breathing speeds up your metabolism AND helps you to relax!

    Best of Luck to you!! I know you can do it!!!!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Who diagnosed you with those intolerances? You mention a nutritionist to be a nutritionist you do not need any qualifications or to be registered with any recognised body. If you haven't I would suggest seeing a qualified registered dietician and checking with a doctor

    If you have already done this good luck if not I would strongly urge you to check this out.
  • athyraslove
    athyraslove Posts: 145
    It's good you finally found out what you are intolerant too, many people don't know they have intolerance or allergies and that is what is causing all sorts of medical problems. (headaches, bloating, eczema, etc) Congratulations on working to get healthy, it's a big lifestyle change but once you cut out what's bothering you you feel better and that is worth it! My daughter has severe allergies to peanuts and treenuts, and is allergic to egg and lactose intolerant. If she has alot of cheese or yogurt she doesn't sleep well and her eczema flares up. Congrats and good luck!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I am so glad that you found out what you are intolerant to so you can feel better. I had intestinal bypass surgery and am now intolerant to a lot of foods, especially carbs and milk. They make me very ill when I eat them, but sometimes I just crave carbs and milk. My vit. D levels are very low and am taking multiple vitamins, calcium and vit. D supplements due to being unable to absorb vitamins. I am also on a high protein diet due to being unable to absorb protein. Good luck and I know that you can do this.
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks for all your comments.

    I will look into CandiZyme.

    In Australia - A nutritionist and dietician both need University qualifications but their roles slightly differ. There is a machine that messages your tolerance just my touching it on your skin. It is called Bioenergetic Testing. However, I am not really convince it does work but I decided to give it a go. I have tried everything else. So far, this has been working. I have lost about 2 kilograms or I think its about 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I feel healthier and better in a long time. Its been an adjustment but I have used Rice milk instead of normal milk and Rice flour instead of normal flour. There is a surprising a lot more items at the supermarket that I can eat then I thought I would be able to. The only problem was I took my boys for a treat but there was not one thing there that I could eat as a snack (except apples). So I was a little disappointment. But hey, it also meant a lot less calories. You have to look on the bright side.

    Kimberlee - good luck too
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    I've heard of using Candex also. We tried it on our son, but he's 4 and the 2-hour wait after taking it was too much for him (especially since you have to drink it with water and he took too long to drink the water). I also don't think that was his issue anyhow. But it might really help things, and it shouldn't hurt in any case, since it's just an enzyme. :)