i got lazy and it got harder!

mum23 Posts: 248 Member
i was on here a couple of yrs ago, i lost 35+lbs, got to the weight i wanted. maintained for a year or so, then last summer it all went tits up and i've put 20 lbs of it back on.
i'm so disappointed with myself.
the 1st time around i was so motivated and this time i'm struggling, i tried doing it normally for a few weeks, got no where, so came back here.
so now i need a bit of an *kitten* kicking.
i know what i need to do, i need to eat less and move more.
i enjoy going to the gym, but getting myself in gear to go is the part i'm struggling with! when i'm there i love it.
i need some really good low cal dinner ideas, being bored really is my down fall. and biscuits. and cake. and eating out.
so who has any tips? my bottom half is my nemisis, big *kitten*, big thighs, saddle bags. is cardio the way to go?
this is a total ramble, and possibly makes no sense!
basically i think im asking if anyone else had done this, lost, achived, gained. how did you get back on track?


  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Hello! I started my weightloss journey back in Summer of 2011. At the end of last year I got lazy and put 14lbs back on. But I'm pleased to say that since January I have managed to lose the extra weight. I'm back to where i was before now, so it can be done! I know it's disheartening but you can do it! Go for a walk every day (at lunchtime if you work), this really helps to give a little extra calorie deficit and burns fat. And otherwise exercise hard at least three times a week. If you are having trouble with recipes, in the first instance make your portions smaller, gradually cut out sugars in teas/coffees if you have it, try to drink more water and less sodas/fizzy drinks. Drink skinny versions of your favourite coffees if you can't resist. Eat more fruit and veg. You could try the 5:2 diet which i am doing at the moment ( there is a group). BBC Good Food is great for recipes and tells you the calories. Now I'm rambling!! Get rid of the biscuits and cake in the house. Try running. I was not a runner when I began and thought I could never run but I did it and I love it now. It has changed my life. Lift weights. This improves bone density and will help you tone up and lose fat. I think the way to go is a mix of things. The only way to get back on track is willpower. Think how amazing you will feel when you reach your goal. You can do it!!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    A small calorie deficit over the course of a week.
    Exercise - mixture of cardio and strength training.
    Patience and perseverance.

    Sounds easy but it's the plugging away every week that gets results.

    Clearing the "trigger foods" helps if you can and substitute healthier/lower calorie snack alternatives.

    As for recipes - enjoying the ones from "The Hairy Dieters: How to Love Food and Lose Weight" at the moment.
  • EstherZue
    EstherZue Posts: 39
    For me, the only way I can get my eating into order is by planning EVERYTHING. As soon as we don't have food left in the house, we call Pizza Hut, so rule number one, always have healthy food in the house. Always. Don't wait til you run out. So why don't you try planning all your meals and snacks for 1 week ahead, if it helps log it ahead. That's what I do to snap back into dieting and after a couple weeks im back in the flow and can relax a little.

    For example, some dinner meals from this week's menu include:

    Seabream with cauliflower

    Thai coconut curry with broccoli and prawns

    Spinach lasagne

    Brown pasta with chicken and mushroom light cream sauce

    Greek salad with feta and quinoa

    I have all of the ingedients for these dishes at home right now. I decided at the beginning of the week to cook these dishes and got the groceries. When the week finishes, the fridge is LITERALLY empty, bar a couple pf BBQ sauces and mustard and stuff like that and I will make a new plan and buy only exactly that.
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    uff I have the same problem, I lost almost 10kg (20lb) when I began with MFP and then puuf!! I gained that kilos again!! Now I try to focus to lose it.

    why is my motivation? simple, if I get the goal in the past...I can get it now!
  • mum23
    mum23 Posts: 248 Member
    oh, i got the hairy bikers on my kindle, id forgotten, will have a butchers.