Coffee creamer



  • WatchMeSoar
    WatchMeSoar Posts: 14 Member
    I use coffemate's Sugar Free line I have found that it only has 15 per tablespoon and they are wonderful. Can't decide if sugar free hazelnut or sugar free Italian sweet cream is both so good!
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Yes, I would say use milk and if you need, just a small amount of sugar. But, I wouldn't use artifical sweetener. That stuff is very bad for your health. I guess it has some nasty stuff in it?
  • Dort68
    Dort68 Posts: 36 Member
    Measure out the creamer and count the cals in your totals for the day. If you're using more than you realize, it really could hinder weightloss.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Im going to cut back on the creamer and start tomorrow with plain black coffee and some sort of sweetner. I drink about 2 cups a day sometimes 3 WITH creamer. If i stop the creamer, will this help with weightloss? Because honestly my workout routine is fine, i workout 5-6 days a week & burn anywhere from 600-800 cals. I also eat fairly healthy. I really think its the creamer doing it....any opinons/suggestions?

    I suggest you count ALL of your calories daily for a week and see what you're really eating. Just because you eat healthy doesn't mean you're not overeating. Yes, creamer has a lot of calories and could be contributing but so could many other things. Log everything you eat and all of your activity in MFP and see what your deficit is each day. That's the best way to see where you might be off.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I will never give up my creamer! You would have to pry it from my sweaty little hands! :drinker:

  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    You'd have to pry the coffee creamer from my cold, dead hands before I'd give it up.

    That being said, if you're like my sister and you take your creamer with a splash of coffee and you are using high calorie flavored creamers AND having several cups a day, then you may be onto something.

    I'd start with tracking how many calories a day you're actually putting away using the creamer. Maybe just cutting back is the answer.
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    Unless you are using an insane amount of creamer, no.

    i drink coffee almost every morning. In my 24 oz cup, i have the following: 16 oz of coffee (<10 calories) & use 8 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (30 calories) & a tablespoon of white chocolate macadamia nut creamer (35 calories) so my whole big cup is less than 75 calories.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    Two tablespoons of half and half is only 40 calories. That's not a lot.
  • travelgal59
    travelgal59 Posts: 52 Member

    >DAWN, I agree about the counting creamer cal. I used alot and when I finally counted the number of cal I was shocked to see the number of cal I was adding. So now I drink ONE cup and use milk. Seems to have helped. Since its summer its a little easier to drink less coffee in the morning.
    BTW*******Just got out of the 200's........As I saw on another post Im finally in the ONE-derland. yay
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    It's only hindering your weight loss if it's the ONLY thing putting you into a calorie surplus everyday. I love my flavored creamers and I make them fit in my calories everyday. If it's not something you mind giving up, then by all means look for a healthier option, but don't give up something you enjoy to save a few calories.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I am not a dairy person it makes me gasy :embarassed: but i doubt its making to big a diffrence unless you have an intolerance for dairy
  • jtschink
    jtschink Posts: 7
    I have two cups of coffee every morning with creamer and I have lost 21lbs. I think you can still enough your cream and loss the weight.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I use coffemate's Sugar Free line I have found that it only has 15 per tablespoon and they are wonderful. Can't decide if sugar free hazelnut or sugar free Italian sweet cream is both so good!

    Me too the French Vanilla is the one I love now..I use two tablespoons in my coffee with two truvia. Just perfect. I burn the 30 calories running up and down the steps in the 40 mins yelling at my kid to get ready to school..LOL
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113
    I was concerned that my most favorite creamer in the world (Coffee Mate French Vanilla) has partially hydrogenated oils (trans fat) even thought the label said 0 grams of trans fat. But the label is per serving. I know I put more than 1 tablespoon per cup, and I drink 2 cups. Anyway, I switched to Vanilla Almond milk with no trans or saturated fat, and a serving is a cup, so I know I'm not using that much. It took me a while to get used to it, but now I love it. But I didn't switch b/c of calories, I switched because of the ingredients. If I go to someone's house and they have the real deal, I savor it. I just don't want to drink it every day.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I have been losing while using creamer. It only adds 30 delicious calories a day for me (I use the sugar free).
  • Mylolamia
    Mylolamia Posts: 88 Member
    I have a cup of coffee in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon but limit the creamer to one tbsp. only in each. Only 30-40 calories each and it gives me that extra little bit of flavour in my coffee. Two tbsps. a day is not going to hinder anyone's weight loss efforts. Having been drinking my coffee black for many years, this makes a nice change.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I always put 1 tbsp of coffee creamer in my oatmeal. It does amazing things to it, haha. I just log the creamer like everything else and move on.

    There isn't one type of food/drink that will hinder weight loss. Too many calories in general will.
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113
    Unless you are using an insane amount of creamer, no.

    i drink coffee almost every morning. In my 24 oz cup, i have the following: 16 oz of coffee (<10 calories) & use 8 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (30 calories) & a tablespoon of white chocolate macadamia nut creamer (35 calories) so my whole big cup is less than 75 calories.

    Dang! That sounds delicious! Do you have to reheat your coffee after the milk? I just bought Almond milk for the first time, so I'm going to try this tomorrow!
  • healthy_jessx3
    healthy_jessx3 Posts: 41 Member
    Unless you are using an insane amount of creamer, no.

    i drink coffee almost every morning. In my 24 oz cup, i have the following: 16 oz of coffee (<10 calories) & use 8 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (30 calories) & a tablespoon of white chocolate macadamia nut creamer (35 calories) so my whole big cup is less than 75 calories.

    i understand what your saying, but i dont meausre out and never have measured my creamer.... i just pour it straight in until its about tan-white color. So i definitly know i use to much and that it could be contributing BECAUSE thats a ton of sugar right there....However this morning i did measure out my creamer for once and limited it to 1.5 tbl of creamer which is aprox 38 cals for the stuff i use and i used alittle bit of sweetner. Trust me i taste the difference. Before my coffee was totally sweet (b/c of the creamer) , now i can actually taste the coffee lol.
  • healthy_jessx3
    healthy_jessx3 Posts: 41 Member

    >DAWN, I agree about the counting creamer cal. I used alot and when I finally counted the number of cal I was shocked to see the number of cal I was adding. So now I drink ONE cup and use milk. Seems to have helped. Since its summer its a little easier to drink less coffee in the morning.
    BTW*******Just got out of the 200's........As I saw on another post Im finally in the ONE-derland. yay

    Thats fantastic, great job for getting into the 100's :) And yes like i said, i never counted the creamer before until today and im now measuring out my creamer.