When's the best weigh in if you drink alcohol once a week?

Hey guys! :)

I hope this topic doesn't exist yet - if so, I'm deeply sorry!

So my question: I drink alocohl "only" once a week, but I does and it's mostly about one bottle of wine on this evening (i decided to go for white wine, heard somewhere it should have fewer calories then red wine, not sure though)

So my question is: When Is then the best day for weigh in? Mostly drink it on a Friday and have my weigh in Friday morning... but now I've read somewhere that a gain only shows up after a week.. So is Friday a bad day then or should I stick to it?

Thank u very much for your help :)


  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    If anything alcohol would dehydrate you and make it appear as if you weigh less.

    However, it truly doesn't matter. If you weight yourself at the same time under the same circumstances on a regular basis, the weight will still change relative to your weight loss.

    For instance if you eat high sodium meals every Saturday night - you retain water and will appear to weigh more Sunday morning. If you weigh yourself Saturday morning, you will appear to weigh less as the water weight will have worked out of your system by then.

    So it doesn't matter as long as you weigh yourself EVERY Saturday or EVERY Sunday - you'll still be comparing apples to apples, and the delta is lost weight. 155 to 153 is just as good as 150 to 148
  • buffty
    buffty Posts: 83
    Drinking vodka and tonic is probably the least calorific. I drank a bottle of red wine one or two nights a week when I started, and was only losing a pound a week. Now I've cut it out, I'm losing 3.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It's the overall trend over time that matters, so if weekly weighing is what suits you, pick a day and stick to it. You'll see the same overall gains/losses over time regardless of which day in the week you choose.
  • bbbrittingham
    bbbrittingham Posts: 7 Member
    tonic has significant calories. club soda would be a less caloric option.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Define Best.

    If you want your lowest weight, weigh in on Sat am when you're dehydrated from drinking.
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    Alcohol dehydrates you so you will weigh less the morning after you drink. The number will not be accurate, as your weight will return to normal after you hydrate. I used to get so excited after drinking a bottle (or a bottle and a half (; ) and then the scale would go down. After the third time I was like hmm...wait a minute. Weighing on Friday morning is fine and it definitely does not take one week for the weight to show up from your night of drinking. If you go over your calories due to the wine, you will be down the next morning and then up the morning after that when you weigh. In my experience, it usually takes me about two days to shed the pound I gain from overindulging (food, wine) and then I'm back on track. As you can tell, I am a pro wine drinking dieter!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Considering you would have to consume 3,500 calories more than your maintenance level of calories to gain even one pound of actual fat, it is irrelevant. Also considering your body cannot store alcohol sugars as fat, it is irrelevant.
  • luziferl
    luziferl Posts: 82
    thank you all so very much for your answers :) it helped a lot!! :)
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I would do it how you are doing it and not after the wine, when I have wine the next morning I am actually up with water retention, it dehydrates most but I hang on to that darn water.

    THIS^^^ I'm the SAME way! I weigh in Friday mornings bc I am a weekend drinker. I ALWAYS gain weight when I drink bc my body loves the water weight. After a particularly rough weekend it will take my body 4 days to get back to what is was PRIOR that Friday/Sat drink fest.

  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If I drink Friday night, I'm dehydrated Saturday morning, and then I'm retaining water like crazy on Sunday. Best to weigh Friday morning like you are now before any of that wacky stuff happens with the scale, IMO...
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    I drink of Fridays too and I weigh myself everyday, bec/ I just like to see the fluctuations but I only log Mondays. I do notice Saturday I am down a pound to a pound and a half from the wine dehydration. I would recommend not using the day after as your day you measure for a loss, wait a few days for your body to regulate itself. IMHO

    Something is wonky bec/the post above listed as mine is not from me this is my only post. weird, I have reported the error. It does not even let me edit it out. Silly thing.