How to start cardio when out of shape?

Hello Everyone!

I am new here and I've decided to join as I have just gained 40 lbs in the past year (college stress and all).

Does anybody have any good workout advice to start off? I want to try Insanity as I hear it is very good for losing fat (main goal right now, want to build muscle eventually).

But I do not think I can handle that high level of cardio right away. I huff and puff after one set of stairs and overall in very bad shape. I don't have much money to go to the gym but i figure buying insanity for like 40$ off ebay or any other workout regime would be a good investment.

Just looking for some good advice on how to begin a workout series!

Thank you for your time,


  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Start with walking. Map out a mile and use a timer. Gradually increase your pace as you can. Walking is radically under rated IMHO.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Start with walking. Map out a mile and use a timer. Gradually increase your pace as you can. Walking is radically under rated IMHO.

    ^^This, totally this!!!!!
    I lost 70+ pounds (and have kept MOST of it off) and the only exercise I did was walking......on a treadmill, on streets, on country roads.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Start with walking. Map out a mile and use a timer. Gradually increase your pace as you can. Walking is radically under rated IMHO.

    Agreed. Walking is a great place to start.
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    Best thing to do is start, and when it hurts and you dont want to do it and sleep in, you get up and do it anyway. has great beginner level workout programs along with videos to show proper technique. Don't let the name of the site scare you off. It also has sample nutrition plans to get you pointed in the right direction of what kind of food to eat as well.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Start with walking. Map out a mile and use a timer. Gradually increase your pace as you can. Walking is radically under rated IMHO.

    This!!! Lost 170 lbs. In 17 months walking in a therapy pool cause I could not support my own weight at that time... Walking is Great!!! Best of Luck
  • missmonika27
    Start with walking. Map out a mile and use a timer. Gradually increase your pace as you can. Walking is radically under rated IMHO.

    Sounds like good advice thank you I have thought about it but the people i always see on walks are genrelly very fit already and usually in underarmor or some other expensive sports brand clothing that i cant general afford and have always been sorta intimidated by it, going outside that is (very shy so i spend most time in library haha)
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Walking is a good start. Search YouTube for Leslie Sansone videos if you'd rather do it indoors.

    And take a look at . They have over a hundred workouts there of all sorts, all graded for level of difficulty and all free.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Another vote for walking is awesome.

    Don't be intimidated by the sports walker types, if you just go out and just walk in comfy clothes and shoes, no-one will know you're not just taking a trip to the shops.

    And yes Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVDs are fabulous. I've progressed to some much harder. faster DVDs, but I often come back to Leslie from time to time, and they still get me glowing!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Walking!! Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD's (some are free on youtube)

    Jessica Smith TV is free on youtube - tons of low impact workouts

    And don't be afraid to try something more intense - you should be a little bit out of your comfort zone. But there's no shame in taking it down a notch and doing the modifications as well.

    Just get out there and do it!
  • grayisokay
    I get what you're saying about the other walkers you see. Same here, so I started walking the mall. Mostly older walkers, but that's ok. I' m not intimadated by them. Walking is the place to start! Now I've added stationary bike I borrowed from neighbor who wasn't using it. Just start MOVING !
  • beachypam0082
    beachypam0082 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been struggling with this too. I started walking, then as I got up to 45 minutes, I also added my Gazelle (Cross country). After a month, actually feel ready to start true cardio workouts. Walk every day, increasing time and/or intensity. Good luck!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I say jump into couch 25k. because I tell everyone that. Well only the most awesome people.

    If muscle building is your goal. Which it should be, I'd suggest into looking into that now. as you lose weight you are going to lose muscle mass too. Lifting heavy is the way to prevent this.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Leslie Sansone videos
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    I started out using my wii fit, while I never got out of breath going up stairs I had never done any exercise at all & I had 130lbs or so to lose (now 99lbs). I did the basic step, basic run, rhythm boxing, kung fu to make up 30mins. When I first started doing it I nearly died, thought I wouldn't survive. I did it every day for a week & it got better each day. Then we got an elliptical & I tried that. My chest was on fire & I got 10mins done total. I also eventually added in some Just Dance 4 workouts. Now I primarily do the elliptical but when I don't feel like it I do something else. Last night I did the wii fit stuff for the first time in weeks, I didn't even break a sweat & got bored fast. Its crazy how fast your body will adjust. I found a huge diff within a week. Now after only 10wks at this, I can do 30mins on the elliptical without stopping, I don't feel like I will die when I am done & my chest no longer hurts.

    Its all about finding something you like & building it up a little at a time
  • kwitherspoon19
    kwitherspoon19 Posts: 68 Member
    I started with walking EVERYWHERE on campus instead taking my car and walking to the gym 3 days a week. I would bike for about 30 minutes and then I would walk back to my dorm. That was about 2 years ago. Now I go to the gym and to the park to run 6 days a week! It will take some time but you can do it. Even simple things like doing squats while you study will add up in the end. And I read your bio, I'm a biochem major at my university! Mind if I add you? We can motivate each other!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Start with walking. Map out a mile and use a timer. Gradually increase your pace as you can. Walking is radically under rated IMHO.

    Sounds like good advice thank you I have thought about it but the people i always see on walks are genrelly very fit already and usually in underarmor or some other expensive sports brand clothing that i cant general afford and have always been sorta intimidated by it, going outside that is (very shy so i spend most time in library haha)

    I also say WALK! That's how I started at 260lb (on a 5'3" frame). Especially if you're getting winded just from walking stairs, I wouldn't try anything like Insanity just yet.

    And who cares what someone else is wearing or how fit they are? Has no affect on you.

    I love walking outside (I'm about to head out for a few laps around the parking lot for my lunch break), but if you're not comfortable with that, is there an indoor track or other area you can walk in, maybe the rec building at your school? Or just walk around the library if you're already there! Put on some tunes and go! :)

    Edit: you can also try finding a walking group ( or volunteer at a shelter where they need someone to walk dogs.
  • missmonika27
    I started with walking EVERYWHERE on campus instead taking my car and walking to the gym 3 days a week. I would bike for about 30 minutes and then I would walk back to my dorm. That was about 2 years ago. Now I go to the gym and to the park to run 6 days a week! It will take some time but you can do it. Even simple things like doing squats while you study will add up in the end. And I read your bio, I'm a biochem major at my university! Mind if I add you? We can motivate each other!

    ADDED. i tots need someone to motivate mee and omgsh i laughed so hard when i read " i want to look good with my clothes on and off" aahahahhaha awesome!

    Sometimes I have a hard time even standing up the entire time when i have a lab and it SUCKS. just want i want to look like one day haha

    SOOO MUCH GOOD ADVICE HERE thank you everyone!