Weekend Bingers!



  • lesnwhisper
    yeah, weekends are my unravelling. And this past Monday was my birthday so I had the 3 day weekend of eating junk and drinking wine and birthday cake and peanut butter and toast and eggs and hashbrowns and waffles with whip cream and chocolate and MMMMM....
    now I'm hungry. dammit.

    how long til Saturday? :-)
  • Nikki_G30
    Nikki_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    OMGosh, YES this is so me! I think I would've reached my goal a long time ago if I didn't fall off the wagon on the weekends. It always seems to be something or some reason I am having difficulty staying on track. I stopped beating myself over it but need to figure out something to stop hindering my weight loss.
  • sjacks14
    sjacks14 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm guilty of this too! Lately, I've been working pretty hard during the week (food choices and exercise) so that I'm well under my calorie goal Mon - Fri.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    I'm in the same place as almost everybody else on this thread. If I work from home on the weekday or am home on the weekend, I have a really hard time. The kitchen's right there. And snacks are easily accessible. So far, that is my hardest area to overcome on this journey!

    Walk through the kitchen. Do not stop. Do not open the chips or snacks. Keep going. Nothing to see here....
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I eat more on the weekends, but not anything like what you're doing.

    2 other posters have told you that you're eating at too great a deficit during the week and that may be fueling your desire to binge on the weekends. Sate some of that hunger during the week, and be more disciplined. And track your calories as best as you can and do it throughout the evening to give yourself that reminder.
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    Yes weekeneds and nights. I go home to an empty house and I binge in the evenings after doing really good all day. But then on the weekends, its time spent with spouse and eating mostly restaurant foods and or junk foods.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    whatever u eat record thats all there is to it
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I work hard all week to make room for the alcohol (wine) on the weekend. You have to live a bit!

    I dont drink during the week and yes I do binge on the weekend. I just fit it all in to my weekly calories more so than the daily calories. My theory is that if Im under for the week the days dont matter.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member

    But, on weekends I drink/go out to eat

  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I try to log each and everything I put in my mouth during the week and then end up failing to log anything over the weekend. My honey and I go out on the weekends (ones without kids) and drink and eat badly. So every week MFP celebrates my "5-days logging" .. LOL Ugghh.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Doesnt seem like its affecting your progress judging from the thumbnail, OP. But anyone that binges or drinks too much on the weekends and has slowed or no progress has no reason to complain. If you dont cut down on the ****, how can you expect to move forward. If you wanna lose the weight you gotta make the sacrifices. Just my opinion.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    It's just easier for me to control my calories during the week, eating 5 small meals and all of that, since I'm in a routine. My weekends are usually pretty random and I used to binge.

    To remedy the binging, I started doing my own version of intermittent fasting on the weekends. I wake up later anyway, so I eat 2 or 3 larger meals in a smaller time frame instead of 4-5 meals. I'm very active on the weekends too, so I think that helps. As long as I stay close to my macros (emphasis on protein) and don't exceed my calories, I have 1-2 drinks or a couple of treats. Somehow it always fits, unless something unusual happens and I don't have a plan.

    If you naturally eat less during the week, you don't have to feel bad about adding those calories into the weekends. The key is knowing exactly how much you're eating though, and aiming for some kind of consistency. You still have to stay within your calorie range, and you still should track, even on the weekends.
  • AnimePrincess13
    AnimePrincess13 Posts: 60 Member
    If I do it is on Saturday. I make sure I still do my workout or add an extra one in. But I do log everything i eat no matter if i do a small binge or eat normal.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Yes, the weekends are the toughest for me.

    We are always out and about and it's our family day.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I am in a bad habit of starving myself and exercising away my drinking calories, as i sometimes find myself drinking way over 1000 calories worth a night at the weekend. I should just drink less, but hey ho

    Last week I went over my calories by a total of 400. I knew I was going out on Saturday, so I ate less during the day (mostly protein), and added in an extra jog on Saturday. That night I had 2 drinks and danced for 2 hours. I think it's alright if it all balances out in the end, you know?
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    WELL, i work my BUTT off double all week,,, and i mean HARD!~
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I tend to be this way during the day lately. I'm fine all day and then between 8pm-12am I just wanna snack. I was trying to stay at about 1600 cal/day and not eating back much of the exercise calories. Seems I end up eating out of boredom. I don't know if I should just up my total calories or just show some restraint! I think that if I could just lose 1-2 lbs/wk then I'd be at goal faster and THEN struggle to stay at goal vs struggling to lose. Bottom line...it varies for everybody how we lose/maintain but we have to find what works best for us. I think 1700 is way to low for you...especially if that is your actualy pic in your profile! :bigsmile: Bump it up to 2000 or so and see what happens for a week or two. Good luck!
  • RedsGirl73
    RedsGirl73 Posts: 114 Member
    This is so me. My husband works m-th. I have a 3 day weenkend every week with him. It's a great thing for the family, but sucks for weightloss. To top it of he loves southern fare chicken and dumplings, beans and cornbread, meat, and lots of potatoes. The bad part is (or good) he can stop at one serving, and me, I have no stop sense. This last week I have been making two seperate meals, sometimes three, depending on what the kids want. The results were a 6 lb weightloss for me!! It's really been difficult but so worth it. Mfp make me more accountable which is exactly what I need to stay on track.
  • cb83580
    cb83580 Posts: 136 Member
    Yep. Me, too! This is why I'm now trying the 5:2 fasting method with a moderate calorie deficit on the regular 5 days. Gives me a little wiggle room if I feel the need to stuff myself with say...half a pan of brownies on a Saturday afternoon, lol. I can stick to the lower calorie days during the work week, no problem. It's just the weekends when I'm home and know there are delicious things in the house or within driving distance that I have willpower problems.
  • angelaanhela
    angelaanhela Posts: 111 Member
    I have this problem also. Ill be pretty good all week then on the weekend it all goes to hell. Why? Because I find I am socializing more with family and friends who are eating unhealthy and calorie rich foods. We are also going out to eat which has so many hidden calories. And of course sometimes you think you should eat that dessert because you should live in the moment since life is so precious you might die tomorrow. You dont want to regret not eating that peice of chocolate.

    But then again for someone like me that thinking doesnt work. Life IS precious which is why I SHOULDNT eat that dessert because I might die tomorrow from obesity.