Really nervous about this so take it easy on me.



  • JillMoto
    JillMoto Posts: 8
    If you want to tone and not just lose weight, this is why I recommend Sarah Picot's beginner pilates. Any other pilates I couldn't handle.
  • caseym87
    caseym87 Posts: 26 Member
    I understand what you mean about seeing extra calories left over. I set my target a couple hundred higher than what i should and then I have no problem getting to my minimum. It's all mental. Probably crazy. Lol
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think some of you may have misunderstood my meaning my light and baked foods. I mean i choose to cook my own food vs eating out. I use olive oil rather than butter, i will replace oil in desserts with applesauce. The only things processed i actually eat are baked chips cause im a chip junkie and Im obsessed with lean cuisine Chinese meals. I know they are bad but are soo good tasting and i supplement with big salads with thinned out dressings, fruits, veggies, and lean chicken, lean cuts of pork and beef and I don't add extras like salt, sugar, ect. I just always went through this cycle of not eating all day then bingeing at night so i force myself to eat throughout the day and my the time supper rolls around im sick of measuring, counting, and being aware of what im eating: plus my stomach isn't used to this way of eating yet. My question was/is did any of you have this problem as well and did it correct itself or did u have to seek help with it because it's really one swing to another

    For me, it was the fact that I had gotten used to larger meals. I found it helped to have several smaller meals over the course of the day. The helped retrain my stomache to not need as much to hit the full mark, which helps a lot! I know it's tough now, but your body will get used to it if you keep at it. It took me several months to get to the point where I didn't have to think about it anymore. I personally wouldn't cut back on all the oils and things of that nature, either. For baking, I don't cut anything! I just bake when I'm going to be with a lot of friends so we all get a good portion and I don't have leftovers on my counter going "eat me!" XD I cut back on amounts, though, like dressing. I like a good ranch dressing, so I slowly cut back on how much I would put on a salad. I've not got my standard lunch salad down to a good calorie amount, but it still fills me up. I also started measuring how much butter I'd put on popcorn, and got that down to a manageable level. So I still eat the things I want, just less of them.

    I guess my rambling point is that yes, it's a slow process. But it's also paving the way for perminent weight loss, unlike diet fads. Over time, you'll feel a LOT better and be able to maintan what you've done!

    Also, for exercise, starting with walking is a good place to start. Go to the nearest shoe store that has people that actually measure your feet and fit you personally instead of heading to Target or wherever. You'll pay more, but you get good shoes that will give you the support you need (and will last longer!). And then start slow. Walk for 10 minutes, turn around and walk back. When you can do that without feeling tired, make it 15 minutes. And so on. it doesn't add muscle tone or work your whole body, but it gets you started moving. Once you get down to a weight where your knees don't bother you, you can start adding other things to work your whole body, but you have to start somewhere.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I think some of you may have misunderstood my meaning my light and baked foods. I mean i choose to cook my own food vs eating out. I use olive oil rather than butter, i will replace oil in desserts with applesauce. The only things processed i actually eat are baked chips cause im a chip junkie and Im obsessed with lean cuisine Chinese meals. I know they are bad but are soo good tasting and i supplement with big salads with thinned out dressings, fruits, veggies, and lean chicken, lean cuts of pork and beef and I don't add extras like salt, sugar, ect. I just always went through this cycle of not eating all day then bingeing at night so i force myself to eat throughout the day and my the time supper rolls around im sick of measuring, counting, and being aware of what im eating: plus my stomach isn't used to this way of eating yet. My question was/is did any of you have this problem as well and did it correct itself or did u have to seek help with it because it's really one swing to another
    No, I think we understood... at least some of us. If you are finding it difficult to eat enough calories, you probably did too much swapping of things like oil for applesauce. Don't classify food as "good" or "bad". Eat different foods in moderation -- some less than others. Your body needs some oils or fat. And switching your diet in a major way, rapidly is often a recipe for failure... not being able to stick to it or binging. So be a bit easier on yourself -- not so extreme -- and you'll probably be able to eat enough to be near your target each day and stick with it. Eat real food... not lean this and fat-free that and substitute the other thing. Some substitutions, healthier exchanges and portion control are often part of people's plan on MFP, but don't swap one problem for another extreme that's not healthy.
    Good luck!
  • kkrystall24
    kkrystall24 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been hitting the mark for the last couple of days without any problems. I think that it was just a mental thing, Im an emotional eater and have been going through a lot with my ex. I didn't wanna overeat so I would be really careful and choosy about what I ate making it difficult to get what my body needed. It's balanced out and I feel a lot better. I've also decided I am not going to weigh myself every week im going to do it once biweekly until my body image gets better. I think i need to focus more on health and toning rather then reaching a number. I am all my kids have and I need to be healthy, physically, mentally and spiritually.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    What I understood from your second post was that you were used to eating more in the evening and perhaps not eating during the day. It is possible to save some calories for the evening. I hate going to bed hungry and always save some to use at night. Maybe that would also help with not meeting calorie goals. :smile: