Lifting heavy stuff and visualizations/self talk

lrbassmom Posts: 123
edited January 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Just wondering if anyone uses these kind of mental tricks to get an extra oomph out of your workout?

Me? I stare down the weight and think "Light as a feather" and repeat it several times. Or I think of the muscle I'm working on as a heavy duty piston.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You can often see me silently mouthing "same weight, same weight" before I do a heavy set, telling myself that it's the same as the lighter set that came before it. For something really heavy, it helps to make myself angry at.....anything. Get your hate up to get that weight up is something we used to say.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I have been known to intimidate weights into moving before.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    My trainer sometimes won't tell me what weight he's put on the bar if he's pushing me for a PB or something.

    I usually just thinking 'PUSH' to myself as I lift.
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    Yup, I love doing it too. Deep breaths and a flood of angry/violent thoughts just before getting the grip established gets me focused and ready to roll.

    The trick of keeping the actual weight secret works for my wife too. She nailed her PB squat last week when I did that to her.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    I grunt. I do my ape grunt and I don't care who's listening and after all I'm just getting in touch with my ape roots. I grunt, take a deep breath and RELEASE THE BEAST!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I do positive self affirmation in the mirror when I'm preparing for work. I try to keep calm with music and to not develop the New Yorker short fuse.

    However, when I was growing up playing sports, I always responded best to the coaches who were kind of angry and in your face. So when I'm at the gym or on the court I cuss at myself like a muthafcka to get my act together and just do it!
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    I have been known to intimidate weights into moving before.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Love it.
  • eag264
    eag264 Posts: 116
    I posted about this on my profile:

    I've done some envisioning to help me get through my workouts especially when I feel I can no longer push through. Each pain I feel during an exercise I envision my good cells fighting with and literally killing off a fat cell (complete with swords and all lol) and that somehow gets me through my workout.

    I know the pain is my body burning off the fat. Like they say; "No pain, no gain" Hope that helps anyone else out there!
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    I also will wait and find the right music before a particularly heavy lift. I really like disasterpiece by Slipknot for the 1-3 rep heavy stuff.
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    I came across a new visualization yesterday. It's a little macabre but it works on a mother's momma bear protective nature. Just imagine that you are lifting something heavy off your child, or are rescueing your child from something or fighting something off of your child.

    Because all mothers know that there isn't anything we wouldn't do, lift, push or fight off to protect our children's lives. And continue to do it until we give out or die trying.

    Like I said, kind of macabre.
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