Will the diet im doing work? HELP! :)

allabouthersheys Posts: 10
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey :) Well i weight 130 pounds i want to become 110 :) My height is 5'6
I have started a diet since yesterday where i dont eat chips,cookies,oily foods,bakery and stuff. I usually eat indian food everyday like cup of milk roti and indian curry?

Will this help???

and my calorie intake is 1200 calories. :)



**** I started yesterday and ending it on july 25-30??


  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    There is really no exact science but you probably will not lose that weight in 2 weeks. When you get down to the lower ranges you are looking at 1-2 pounds a week at the most. Which is healthy. Making wiser food choices will definitely help you.
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    Sorry but your goal is not realistic. I will at least take you a couple of months to get off that weight. You want to do it in a healthy way. Also, by just cutting out the food mentioned you will probably loose some weight in the beginning but eventually you body will realize that you don't eat that stuff anymore and "level" off. I don't know what you eat the rest of the day but all meals are pretty important and have to be quality food. While indian food is probably not going to hurt you once a day, you need to calculate those calories and match your remaining meals accordingly.
    Good luck.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Looks like you need to be real with yourself. Diets don't work. Lifestylechanges do. So change the way you eat. Change the way you think. Change the way you feel. Educate yourself on this and become adept in the knowledge. It will last a life time. Diets on the otherhand, don't.
  • But how much will i lose in one week-2???
  • FrostyLady
    FrostyLady Posts: 6 Member
    First, why do you want to go as low as 110???? You say you are 5ft6, your ideal weight is higher than that!!!
    And your goal is not realist!!! We shouldn't lose more than 2 pounds a week if you want to do this the healthy way!! I'm 5 ft 5 and shouldn't weigh less than 110 and my ideal weight is 131. Depending on your age activity level, 1200 calories is probably not enough!!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    You probably wont lose anything within that short amount of time. You got to stick with it.
  • The lowest you can be is 115. That's a BMI of 18.7.
    That's almost underweight.
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I think your body will actually resist the weight loss because you might be too thin at 5'6'' 110lbs.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I weigh a little less than you, but shorter and it is very hard to lose 2 pounds a week. In that 2 week time frame, if you eat healthy and exercise, you will probably lose 2-3 pounds, maybe 4 if you're lucky. Even if you went on an unhealthy diet, you won't lose the amount of weight you want to lose in 2 weeks. Just take it slow and the weight will come off, but it's going to take time. The less you weigh, the harder it is to lose those last few pounds.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Looks like you need to be real with yourself. Diets don't work. Lifestylechanges do. So change the way you eat. Change the way you think. Change the way you feel. Educate yourself on this and become adept in the knowledge. It will last a life time. Diets on the otherhand, don't.
    <~~what he said:drinker: :wink:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'm afraid you will not reach your goal in the time you hope.
    The range your looking at is very low and weight loss at this level is very hard.
    You will not lose 20lb in three weeks.
    Just not possible with out doing something very drastic (and most probably dangerous) and even then it will pile back on the minute you eat normally or a little more.
    Cutting out the junk food and treats is good and the way to go but don't expect to see a 20lb drop in a few weeks from doing that alone.
    You should look at exercise, try a tested program or a series that aims to burn fat fast and get you lean quickly.
    I'm doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, this is a good one but I have not lost any weight from it at all, when your in the middle - low of ''healthy'' range you will not lose weight fast, I think I have however swapped some fat for muscle and in time I will see the results I'm hoping for. I'm planning on doing this workout on and off permanently.

    It's really best to see it as an on going life style choice, rather than a fad.

    In answer to your question how much will you lose? Maybe 1-2lb in three weeks would be my guess, because your not doing enough to lose more over the course of a month.
    I would guess you'll lose a few pounds in the first 2 weeks then put a pound back on as your body readjusts. This is what I have been dealing with for 7 years!! I'm only just now getting close to my goal. It's like 3 steps forward and 2 back!!
    Getting to such low BMI is HARD!!!

    Wish you luck though :flowerforyou:
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    Do not go down to 110lbs - that is too thin. Why do you want to look like a stick insect? real women have curves. Do not be seduced by the likes of supermodels or Sex and the City women. They are not natural and I bet my bottom dollar they are not healthy
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    Do not go down to 110lbs - that is too thin. Why do you want to look like a stick insect? real women have curves. Do not be seduced by the likes of supermodels or Sex and the City women. They are not natural and I bet my bottom dollar they are not healthy

    Sorry I have to say this real quick. If 110lbs is too thin totally depends on the individual. You can be 5'6" and be a healthy 110lbs if it was achieved in a healthy way of eating changes and exercise.
    Also, who are we to say if 110lbs is too thin for her? Maybe she used to be that weight and felt the most comfortable with. We can't just look at numbers and automatically assume that is not the right weight for somebody. There goes so much more into that.
    And the whole "real women have curves" thing..... give me a break. Again, people have different ideas of what looks good. Don't spread generalizations/stereotypes just because that is what you believe.

  • I appreciate your guys' comments and i dont want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks i wanna lose 5!!!
    -and the supermodel thing , no i juss am comfortable at 115 at least and for my age that is healthy. and i wont do 110 if it makes me underweight i wanna be 115 because when i was i was comfortable with how i looked :))

    Btw- Can anyone tell me how they lost the weigh??

    ****And can you guys give me ideas of how to lose weight with little excersising. and how many calories should i burn in a day?
  • @melgibson -- how did u lose 10 pounds???? any tips.
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Im 5ft 6in and I know 110 is not healthy weight.:sad: I wish because I looove the skinny look. I'm pretty lean and Im 118lbs! I say set a goal thats not so overwhelming! :smile: Then keep subtracting 5 from that goal after you reach your first. Im ridiculous about my body and strive for perfection which I know is not always the best thing but Im tryin to be SUPER WOMAN when Im 70! hehe :laugh: :glasses:

    So I get why you chose your ideal weight but like a lot of people said it's not healthy... BUT if you want to be that thin and like it then I believe you can reach it! just be careful because you still need proper nutrients for your body to function correctly.

    SADLY you wont reach your goal quick enough without intense exercise...so you are going to have to work really hard!

    Dont over do it! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
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