Weighted in and feeling discouraged

I started back to MFP on April 1 and feel I have been doing really good with my eating. I'm using the (TDEE minus 20% formula) so I am not starving, if anything I have a hard time eating enough calories in healthy foods. I work out 3-4 times a week and have been so it's not like I'm building a ton of new muscle. I just want to drop 15 pounds. I weighed myself today and was disappointed with the results, which maybe my expectations were too high. I just hate the scale. If the loss is high, I feel elated and if it is low I feel discouraged. I wish I had the will-power to stay away from it and go with how my clothes fit. I am going to get past my depressed eating of two servings of cheezits and move on. I feel better from venting already. Thank you MFP community for listening. lol :)


  • pdshay31
    pdshay31 Posts: 3
    I just started on MFP on Monday. I have always been small, size 4. I moved cross country in October, changed jobs, got married, and completely let my usual routine go for exercise. I never counted calories, and ate what I wanted with in reason. Now, here I am after a month of trying to get back to exercising, watching what I eat and seeing zero pounds lost. I too, have only 15 pounds to lose and the scale will not budge. I hate it also! I thought the MFP might be helpful to just see what I was really eating and keep track of it. As expected, my calories are pretty much where they always are and after getting back into my routine, slowly, I still see nothing coming off, and my clothes feel the same. It is depressing and I totally understand the feeling of being discouraged. I have only been tracking everything for 4 days now, but really hoped to see something. I guess we just have to keep on trying :) My weight gain was fast, within 2 months, and it is a new problem for me. If you find something that really works and makes a difference, please post! Good luck, and hang in there.. it can be frustrating..We all want immediate results, don't we :)