Best Running Method?

JJones08 Posts: 10
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone, I just had a quick question, I am curious about how I should run, right now I run about 2-3 miles every day 4 times a week, I don't walk at all during my runs, I just run the full length then stretch and I'm finished. I was wondering if this is a good way to run or would it be better to run then walk then run then walk etc? Or some other method? And how long should I run for and how long should I walk for if this is the case?
My goals are to get toned (6 pack) and I'm aiming to start running longer distances and eventually build up to a half marathon, so I guess what I'm asking is what would you guys suggest I do? As it stands, I'm pretty lean, 10.5% body fat, 141 lbs, 19 years old male. Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me!


  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    I'm interested to hear the responses. Personally, I warm up with a fast walk... anywhere between 5-10 minutes, and then I generally have a cool down walk... same amount of time
  • canuck7
    canuck7 Posts: 1
    I did a 10km run training group and we ran in intervals. For example, we started week one at walk 1 run 1. Each run progressed to more running and less walking. We got up to run 10 mins walk 1. Then it was run 15 walk 1 run 20 walk 1 run 10 walk 1. (Always with a warm up and cool down of 5 minutes). In the end, the goal was to complete 10 km, around an hour. You can google 10km training, or half marathon training and you should be able to find a schedule to follow.
  • sweetscorpio17
    sweetscorpio17 Posts: 47 Member
    With my experience it depends what you are looking for. If you are looking to burn fat I especially recommend interval training. You burn more when you switch it up. I just started a running program where you run and then walk and repeat. As you run longer you decrease your walk time if you are looking to maximize your overall distance ran.

    It was also recommended to me that I cross train. I run 3x a week and spin 2-3x a week. When I first started running I stopped spinning until my body got more comfortable with running. Now that running is easier for me, I do both spin and run. To max. my end results.
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    Interval training is going to help you burn fat and get lean the fastest. BUT . . . if your goal is to run a half marathon, you need to keep some straight long distance running in the mix (once or twice a week) so that you build up your sustained endurance. I don't think interval training alone will quite get you there.
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