Insanity group didnt respond

So today was my second day of insanity and I noticed that the arches of get really sore while doing it. Is this.normal?? Will my feet adjust or are there any tips anyone has??


  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    I had the same problem the first few days.Make sure to stretch your ankles/feet. I did ankle rotaions both directions, flex and point your toes as you do them as well. I did these on and off all day. Also try pretending your writing the alphabet with your feet. I know it sounds funny but it reallly helps arches, top of feet and your shins ( those were sore on me as well)
    By the third or fourth day they were feeling better. I did end up buying some cross trainers as well, but that was porbably end of second week and my feet felt better by then. Hope this helps :tongue:
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    yah i was hurting all day and then i ran 2 miles the first mile was super painful but the second mile i dont know i felt really stretched out and my shins stopped hurting idk this might have just been me?
  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    I am always sore the first week, but afterwords it gets better as long as you stay active and don't let your muscles get stiff. Also, don't short the stretches. That helps.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Get some good shoes..i suffered from bouts of Plantars Facicisitis and haven't had a problem..knock on wood.. finishing up 3rd week in a couple days.
  • bronx1101
    bronx1101 Posts: 48
    Get yourself some really good cross-training shoes. My feet were hurting at first, too, but I got a pair of Nikes that have the memory foam stuff in them, and now they are fine.