Just registered for my first 5K!!!



  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Me too! I'm doing the Color Vibe 5K in June. I'm super excited! :) Good luck!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    AWESOME!! Just remember, you don't have to be able to run the whole 3.1 miles.. there is nothing wrong with walking some of it! The fact that you are there instead of in bed makes you a 'runner'! :D
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Congrats! You will have fun!

    I walked my first one last weekend, April 13. I was really nervous. I was going by myself because my son got in trouble and was not able to come with me. I walked the majority of it and jogged for a small portion of it. My time was 47 minutes, which I was proud of. I am in no way ready to run yet, but I cannot wait until I feel comfortable running for longer than a minute and a half at a time.
  • AngelaH10
    AngelaH10 Posts: 71 Member
    Congrats!!! I am doing my first 5k this Sunday! I'm nervous, but more excited to finally commit to one!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Yay! Great job, I plan on running my first 5K this June too.
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    Excellent! I will be running my first 5k on May 12. I started the C25k program in mid-February, and I'm amazed that I'm already able to run a 5k!! I won't be the fastest by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm so stoked to be doing it!!
  • JennaBunny143
    JennaBunny143 Posts: 14 Member
    I just registered for 5k today too and it is in 16 days! I haven't trained or anything. I'm soo nervous.. I should have taken more time to get ready.
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Google couch to 5k lot of apps plus you can repeat any week over and start with walking if needed.

    Start walking until you're up to 20 min

    I found it easier to keep track of minutes verses distance.

    On week 3. The biggest thing I did was add an extra run for a total of 4 per week instead of the recommended 3.

    Good Luck!

    Goal 5k run on June 8
  • theruby
    theruby Posts: 36
    Wonderful! I have re-started the c25k program and would love to see if I can follow through!
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm on week 3 of the Couch to 5k program and am signed up to do a 5k Color Run on July 19th. I am also hoping to walk (possibly run?) a 5k the first weekend in June, but we'll see how my training goes! Adding all of you who seem to be in he same boat with starting from scratch :o)
  • simone2060
    simone2060 Posts: 13 Member
    I am running my first 5k in July! Right now, I still don't like running...I'm hoping that will change, though!
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    Awesome!!! I'm running my first 5k in 3 weeks! I've been training hard at the gym and can run them successfully on the treadmill but it's hard work! Hoping to build up my endurance in the next 3 weeks! good luck to you!!!
  • Songmartine
    Songmartine Posts: 31 Member
    Just finished my first 5k run/jog two weeks ago. It took me 8 weeks of training. My time was 39min. It was exhilarating! Not too bad for a chunky chick, eh? I can't wait to run my next race!!
  • good luck on your 5k i'm sure you'll do well :]
  • eeeeep. my first 5k is tonight, im really nervous. Let us know how you get on!
  • DancingHev
    DancingHev Posts: 30 Member
    I'm registering to run my first 5k in August. This is 'The Race For Life' in aid of Cancer research.

    If you['re not from the UK and aware of this event, it's a women only run and all money raised is going to charity. We all dress up in pink and either Run, Jog or Walk the 5k and raise as much as we possibly can in the run up to the day.

    I've decided to jog it so better get training!! And think there has to be a bright pink wig involved at some point!! lol :D
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I ran my first 5k last Saturday. It was awesome, and c25k helped tremendously (I did "treadmill to 5k). For those who do a c25k program, don't beat yourself up if you can't complete a day/week as outlined, jut repeat the day/week the next time. You'll improve, and it's amazing how quickly the improvements can come. Another thing that helped me was when, at the recommendation of pals on here, to stop worrying about how I was going to perform and just enjoy and be proud of what I was doing. It is also a good idea to make sure to get a good pair of running shoes, do research on proper running form, and to celebrate your accomplishments (These helped me.).

    I have signed up for my second 5k, taking place at the end of May. I am training a little harder and smarter for it as well. I have read Chi-Running to help improve my form (My knees were starting to hurt) and I have started using the intermediate 5k training program from Hal Higdon. I think I'm hooked on running.
  • JenHol79
    JenHol79 Posts: 90 Member
    Congrats!! I was a smoker for about 15 years and I quit last Jan and decided to start running. I too couldnt run for more than 30 seconds and I thought I was going to die. 5k's are fun! I am doing my first Color Run tomorrow. I think you get a runners high too when your in a race and you get all caught up in the moment and people are cheering you on. Im pretty sure I will never win one but I dont go out to win just to have fun. Couch to 5K is great and helped me a lot. I too would get frustrated when I couldnt move onto the next week. I had to listen to my body and move onto to the next week when I was ready. It can take longer than 5 weeks. So dont anyone get discouraged and quit! Keep at it. Keep yourself hydrated and warm up before and after!! Remember to pace yourself - that was something I really had to work on. I would start out as fast as I could (which wasnt fast but for me it was) and that actually hurt me worse. Take your time. Stick with it and most important have fun!!
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Congrats! If you are interested in running, you should join the Running groups in the group section. Lots of good tips and inspiration over there.
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