Looking For Friends and Support

HI my name is Tina I am a 31yr old wife and a mother to an amazing little boy who I want to watch grow up. I am more than 100 lbs over weight, have high blood pressure and thyriod issues. I have been on mfp for about a month but not been very serious about it. I know I need to be. I had a little scare last week I went for a blood pressure check and my bottom number was over 100. Which is very bad the Dr. said she should have me go to the ER because I could have a stroke. I was freaking out inside. So I know I need to do this its not a diet it is a lifestyle change I need to make and I would like to share it with friends i meet here and also ask questions and help anyone I can. Please feel free to friend me. :smile:


  • mdawson47
    mdawson47 Posts: 51
    Hi Tina,
    I log on every day so feel free to add me,
  • rsaltern
    rsaltern Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Tina, I have about 50 to lose and am having a hard time getting serious too. I also had some health scares recently and know that I need to make changes. I have a heart condition and had to get a internal defibrillator placed about six months ago. I am looking for people to help encourage me during this journey. I have two little girls I need to be around for.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Tina, I also have over 100lbs to lose, and am approaching this not as a diet, but a lifestyle change. Its serve me well so far! Feel free to add me.