Can you save Calories for the weekend



  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Either it works for you or it doesn't. You'll still be going out, right?? Enjoy your one night. Don't stress over it! And get back at it. "One day of 'bad' eating will not make you fat same as one day of 'healthy/ clean eating will make you thin"

    Have a great night out, love!
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Binging is not healthy.

    lol(?) to the stuff ndj1979 has mentioned but, it is a little silly to think calories work like cellphones or banks... they don't. Your body needs daily vitamins and calories to function properly. Daily, is the key word. Our bodies are systems, but they are not mechanical systems, they are organic.

    If you continually eat significantly less during the week to "store up" for the weekend, you will screw around with your metabolism and might find it harder to lose weight. You're better off working off what you eat- this a general rule of thumb. If you eat/drink a lot on the weekends, work it off. Spend longer or work out more intensely the day you binge.

    How is this binging?!?!

    OP said a "few" calories, so I don't see how there is going to be any harm. Yes, our bodies need calories, but they certainly do not need to have the exact same amount every single day.
  • amberxy
    amberxy Posts: 35 Member
    on paper it works really well. You restrain yourself a little more on weekdays. Let's say you save 100 cals mon-fri. Then you can have fries with that burger or an extra slice of pizza.
    However in my personal experience is not the big intake in one day (cheat meal or day) that kills you but the next day when you say 'what the hell, another won't hurt' and the third day you say the same so a cheat day becomes a cheat week and then you're no longer even trying.
    IF you can do it for one day, IMHO there's no harm. If you find that the cheat meals becomes more than that, then why play with fire?

    This. I feel alot of it comes down to trusting yourself to have the planned 'cheat', then get right back on the wagon.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Binging is not healthy.

    lol(?) to the stuff ndj1979 has mentioned but, it is a little silly to think calories work like cellphones or banks... they don't. Your body needs daily vitamins and calories to function properly. Daily, is the key word. Our bodies are systems, but they are not mechanical systems, they are organic.

    If you continually eat significantly less during the week to "store up" for the weekend, you will screw around with your metabolism and might find it harder to lose weight. You're better off working off what you eat- this a general rule of thumb. If you eat/drink a lot on the weekends, work it off. Spend longer or work out more intensely the day you binge.

    How is this binging?!?!

    OP said a "few" calories, so I don't see how there is going to be any harm. Yes, our bodies need calories, but they certainly do not need to have the exact same amount every single day.

    for the record ndj - me - was being sarcastic....

    I prefer to hit a certain calorie goal every day ..but sometimes on weekends I will eat less for breakfast so I can have larger dinner...or something like that...

    I don't see how planning to have dessert with dinner or a few drinks would be "binging" ...binging implies that you are going to destroy like 2000 calories in a two hour window...
  • Arazante
    Arazante Posts: 12
    Yeah, my bad for misinterpreting "few". I guess I had the impression that "few" was an under-generalization of the actual amount. Sorry about that to the OP.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Definitely! Remember, although it's easiest for us to track calories in 24 hour time frames because that's the system of time that we follow, our body doesn't likewise "reset" itself every 24 hours. There's constantly calories going in and out continuously. If you save 100 calories each day Mon-Fri, then that's 500 extra calories you can definitely tag onto another day - your body doesn't know the difference as long as it's not a huge period of time that you are "saving" calories - i.e., don't save calories for a month and then have a 10,000 calorie binge. But that's not what you have in mind so you're fine. While you can of course also eat less earlier in the day that you want to splurge and exercise more to gain more calories, what you have in mind is totally fine. Sometimes, if I've been naturally under my calories for a good amount of time I let myself splurge every once in a while - just don't let it become a habit that justifies you eating way more than you should on a regular basis.
  • Hughesers
    Hughesers Posts: 22 Member
    I have managed to save around 100 calories per day, planning to do a body pump class tomorrow morning and a brisk 20 minute walk to and from the game at the stadium tomorrow night, think that might give me the few extra calories for dinner and a couple of drinks :)
  • nomesw84
    nomesw84 Posts: 101 Member
    As long as I come in on target for the week then I'm happy!