knee pain?

So I have always had problems with my right knee, it started since I was around 13, when I started playing volleyball. I tried doing squats last night, and I had to stop, my knee hurt like crazyyy!
I can't do lunges, squats, or anything that involves bending my knees; even when I run sometimes my knee hurts.
Do you guys know what I can do to make the pain a little less? I've been looking into knee braces but not sure if that will really help


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    My knees starting hurting this summer as soon as we started bicycling. Someone else on here who is having replacement knee surgery suggested seeing an orthopedist to rule out something really serious. I have read that strengthening the muscles that support the knee is supposed to help. I am going to make an appointment with an orthopedist tomorrow.
  • m012192
    m012192 Posts: 45
    i'm a wee bit scared of going to a doctor. when i was younger my knee even swelled sometimes and i couldn't really move it. but ever since i stopped sports, the swelling stopped but the pain still continues at times..
  • Swetypie84
    Swetypie84 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine starting hurting when I did more strenuous workouts. I took about a week off and it went away. I got a knee brace and wear it while I workout, and then I put ice and heat on it in the evenings before I go to bed. I also take an Aleve =)
  • jlanphear78
    jlanphear78 Posts: 7 Member
    Does it grind or just have pain? I've been in the same boat for years and I've finally found a doctor that thinks he knows what's going on. I'm actually having my knee scoped this Friday! There is really no hurt in going to the doctor. They can always prescribe you physical therapy which can help you strengthen the muscles around the knee.
  • momentumtrainer
    I work in sports medicine as an athletic trainer and I would strongly encourage you to see a sports med doctor first. Seeing an orthopedic surgeon should come after you see the sports med specialist, they can take new X-rays, order MRIs, if needed, and get you the proper referrals for therapy.

    I have had two knee surgeries and I would recommend taking care of the problem early on, before it gets to be too big of an issue.
  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107
    Be very careful with your knees. I had trouble about one month ago and my knee hurt, but never swelled. I kept pushing thru it b/c I thought it was from a lack of excercising. I eventually went to see a family friend/chrioprator and he did a mri. We found that my kneecap was out of place and I damanged my ACL. Had to have my leg jerked to put knee back into place. (sounds bad but felt great) Also, if you use a brace, he suggested a velcro one and not the strechy pull up ones. Those can cut off circulation in the legs and are bad for woman. After taking about 2 weeks off and starting back slowly, my knee is doing great. I hope this helps. Thanks!!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i had knee surgery in november and i can tell you the excercises they had me do in physical therapy and maybe they can build up the muscle and help you not have so much pain. i had to do leg lifts with minimal weight on it. ( i only did up to 5lbs) i did balancing on the bad leg. i walked a lot at a pretty slow pace just to buid up quad muscle strength. they tied a resitance band to a banister and i put my bad leg in it and pulled back slowly. also with resistance band i stood with both feet flat on the ground and with the bad leg i just pulled back on the band straightening my knee more. i layed on my back with arms flat at side and knees bent up and lifted my butt up of the ground and kept my shoulders on the ground. i forget what that was called. they had me sit with my leg hanging off bench and just kick. i don't remember much else but it worked pretty well. i still have pain but i had surgery already and i think i'm about where i'm going to be.
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    i would go see an orthopedic doctor, especially since this has been going on for so long. a likely diagnosis for knee pain for a girl your age is PatelloFemoral Syndrome, but there can be many different causes or combination of causes, such as a tight muscle in your thigh, or weak muscles in your thigh, etc. The doctor can rule out things such as ACL and other ligament tears, or meniscal problems. He/she will then probably send you to Physical Therapy, which can help with some things to decrease the pain and swelling and stretch and strengthen the muscles that need to be. In the meantime, try pain free ways to workout, because sometimes losing a little extra weight can decrease the pressure on your knee. Try swimming or water aerobics, maybe cycling, or upper body workouts. But you don't want to let this knee problem go on much longer cause it can cause major problems down the road.
  • m012192
    m012192 Posts: 45
    I think i'll listen and go see a doctor. it's been bothering me for almost 6 yrs and it's starting to hurt a lot more lately,maybe b/c i exercise almost everyday.
  • kilacam
    kilacam Posts: 3
    First I would definitely go see a physician. My major is kinesiology/exercise science and we have to learn about all kinds of injuries. With the knee it could multiple things; however, it would be best like stated previously to get it checked out soooooon! Until then you can take Ibuprofen it is a anti-inflammatory and should help with the pain from the inflamed tissue. Hope ya get better!