Tired of being unhappy...



  • I can SO relate to what you are saying, this is so me it seems like you was writing about me.
    Last weekend my daughter told me about MFP and so I am VERY new at this but oh my gosh I SO love it ! I must say though I think loosing weight has got to be one of the hardest things to do in life. But I really have a positive attitude that I am going to do it this time - I SO need to! Please feel free to add me if you like - I think (know) having those to talk to is one very important tool to help us along our journey of loosing weight. Thanks for your message & GOOD LUCK !!!
  • katper15
    katper15 Posts: 21
    I just started again yesterday too and am so ready for a do over. I'll send you a request. Keep tracking!!
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    welcome back, and good luck!! I cook for my husband too...sometimes I "healthy it up" and we both eat it, sometimes we have the same side dish but seperate proteins, sometimes its 2 totally different meals...I cook a lot of my stuff ahead of time so its ready to go and I can cook his dinner while mine is more just reheating...is it more work, yeah...is it worth it to me, yes!!
  • jmsharp1
    jmsharp1 Posts: 29
    Girl my husband is in excellent shape and it comes so easy for him to lose any extra weight he might want! I'm a stay at home mom and with my husbands schedule there is weeks I'm cooking 3 meals a day! Of course you have to taste it. Even being from the south I cook very healthy, and not to toot my own horn but I'm a pretty awesome cook! However all the healthy cooking in the world won't help if I can't control how much of it I stuff in my mouth!!! Haha I find it much easier to stay on top of my diet when he's at work! I also find if I basically eat the same things daily its easier not to stray. I'm wishing us all luck! Loosing weight used to come relatively easy for me pre kids, I could skip a meal or 2 and feel better, now I can look at food and gain 5lbs! So together with help and motivation we can do it!
  • emilykins13
    emilykins13 Posts: 21
    let me tell you i feel the same way but im 14 and 189 i did have a lot of encouragement but i just got those depressed days and let myself down so i quit and now im back and hopefully here to encourage people like they did me its okay to have those depressed days you just have to fight back and say im not a quiter