Does Cardio build muscle?

Ok this is a bit of a stupid question, probably, but does cardio build muscle too?! Like obviously not as well as strength training, but say if I am doing cardio, and if I put up the resistance every now and then, ie interval training, am I gradually building muscle too? Because at the moment I think I want to lose a bit more weight first, and fast, and healthily, and then I'll get weights and build up the muscle?


  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    A small amount, if you are particularly weak in an area. It won't continue though.
  • PureAdamic
    PureAdamic Posts: 185
    Not enough to count as "muscle building"
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    So I know all the crazy fitness buffs are big into weightlifting, and it doesn't make you bulky, etc etc. I believe that, and I want to get into that and become healthy and fit. But I am also looking for results first, in terms of fitting into my bikini in just over a month, and then after that holiday, I'll start building muscle through weights.
    Is that smart? Like will I actually lose weight through cardio? Because at the moment I am 5'4 and 130 lbs, and I want to lose 10lbs. Am I too close to my natural weight to lose anymore weight through cardio?

    Sorry, I'm all very confused. So should I ignore the weights for now, lose it through cardio, and then hop of the weights after my holiday, or am I fit enough to not lose anything through cardio? IF any of this makes any sense?
  • kriswilcoxen9
    Your body is a fat storing machine, you have to be really lean and really depleted to ever notice any muscle loss due to cardio. You may not gain alot of muscle doing weightlifting and heavy cardio but you will not lose any substantial muscle unless you are super lean (under 10%BF) doing cardio. I have been an intermittent faster for years I workout in the AM (usually around 7) and don't eat anything till at least 12 or 1PM then I eat all my calories in a 5 hour window. Then i hit the gym again in the evening around 8 PM for interval training on treadmill or bike for an hour. People tell me all the time that I "better eat something or all those muscle gains are gonna be lost because my body is catabolic". I have found that they may be so on paper or in a lab but in the real world its how I feel that is important You have to find what is right for you! As long as you are getting all your MACROs you should be fine.
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    Muscle burns more calories than fat does. In short, if you have more muscle, though it may weigh more it will help you to lose fat that you do not want. Don't focus on 10 lbs. Focus on measurements. Lean muscle will make you more toned so that you are smaller. A person who is 130 lbs with a low percentage of body fat will always look better than a 120 lb person with a higher percentage of body fat.

    Add weights in to your routine. 2-3 times a week do a 45 minute to 1 hour session of full body weight lifting, added to maybe 5 days a week of cardio (20-30 mins of cardio on weight training days, and 30-40 mins of cardio on non lifting days) and you will start to burn more calories and achieve the physique that you desire.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    So I know all the crazy fitness buffs are big into weightlifting, and it doesn't make you bulky, etc etc. I believe that, and I want to get into that and become healthy and fit. But I am also looking for results first, in terms of fitting into my bikini in just over a month, and then after that holiday, I'll start building muscle through weights.
    Is that smart? Like will I actually lose weight through cardio? Because at the moment I am 5'4 and 130 lbs, and I want to lose 10lbs. Am I too close to my natural weight to lose anymore weight through cardio?

    Sorry, I'm all very confused. So should I ignore the weights for now, lose it through cardio, and then hop of the weights after my holiday, or am I fit enough to not lose anything through cardio? IF any of this makes any sense?

    It's only a month. Lifting now won't hurt your weight loss but not lifting now won't really hurt either.

    But really it's only a month. Not really much you can do. 10lbs in a month will be really hard for someone your weight. All you can really do is home to lose 2-3 pounds, prevent some bloating, and go get a spray tan and a pedicure, or a new more flattering bikini. I'm sure you'll look great.
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    What sort of weight lifting should I be doing? I dont have a great gym at the moment, it is more of a leisure centre, but it has a lot of basic machines, etc. What would you recommend as a beginner?
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    If I do nothing but cardio, I get bored. If I do nothing but strength training, I get bored. It may not help answer your questions, but variety is a good thing--at least for me anyway.
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member

    It's only a month. Lifting now won't hurt your weight loss but not lifting now won't really hurt either.

    But really it's only a month. Not really much you can do. 10lbs in a month will be really hard for someone your weight. All you can really do is home to lose 2-3 pounds, prevent some bloating, and go get a spray tan and a pedicure, or a new more flattering bikini. I'm sure you'll look great.

    I'm ok with only losing a few pounds, but I whave heard people say on these threads that if you put on muscle, but dont lose the fat on top of it, you will look bigger? And I know that is only for a little while and then the new muscle burns the fat covering it, but I presume a month isnt enough to burn the fat on top, if you understand what I mean?
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    As a beginner I would do a fullbody routine 3xper week on non consecutive days. A lot of people will suggest starting strength or stronglifts and these are good routines but you don't have to follow those. There are countless full body routines you can follow on the net. A good basic routine has 4-6 exercises total with the main emphasis on legs, back, chest and shoulders.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    for fat loss, squats +deadlifts + lunges.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    It's only a month. Lifting now won't hurt your weight loss but not lifting now won't really hurt either.

    But really it's only a month. Not really much you can do. 10lbs in a month will be really hard for someone your weight. All you can really do is home to lose 2-3 pounds, prevent some bloating, and go get a spray tan and a pedicure, or a new more flattering bikini. I'm sure you'll look great.

    I'm ok with only losing a few pounds, but I whave heard people say on these threads that if you put on muscle, but dont lose the fat on top of it, you will look bigger? And I know that is only for a little while and then the new muscle burns the fat covering it, but I presume a month isnt enough to burn the fat on top, if you understand what I mean?

    Those people are wrong. You won't put on muscle in a month and a half while on a diet.

    The only way to put on a significant amount of muscle under your fat is to eat more calories than you burn (by about 10% at least) and be on a pretty serious heavy lifting program.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you only lift, and only cardio is walking to support the best lifting you can do anyway, you have better chance of losing fat even if the scale doesn't change much because of positive changes to the body.

    Since you don't burn that many calories during the workout lifting (more later), you don't get to eat that much more, the MFP estimate of burn is small and correct.

    But the cardio, if you don't want it just burning off muscle, requires eating more back. And chances are you'll still end up with fat where you don't want it.

    Biggest muscles first, as those will burn more calories all day as they are used for anything. So that means lower body first, then back/chest, then shoulders. Don't even waste time on bicep/tricep stuff, as they'll get worked with any pulling or pushing you do.

    It should be heavy enough that doing 3 sets x 8-12 reps fails to have good form on last few reps of last set. Even body weight stuff may get you to that point right now.

    So leg press if they have that type of machine.
    Or heavy enough dumbbells to do some squats would be great.
    Then bench press or dips or pushups.
    Bent-over row or pullups.
    Shoulder press or overhead press.
    Upright row.

    Perhaps they have more isolation machines.
    So glute machine.
    Leg extension.
    Leg curl.

    Your body is going to really want to make some improvements with such a routine, and that means it wants calories. Fight the urge to eat more, force it to use fat. But do try to shove most of the day's calories into the 24 hrs post workout when the body can really use them.

    And set weight loss goal to 1 lb weekly if you haven't, too close to goal weight for body to support more than that without screeching to a halt, or slow coast. Either way, probably don't want to risk it.
  • FearAndTrembling
    It reveals muscle. For example, you can do all the sit ups you want and have muscle but it will still be covered by a layer of fat. You need cardio burn the fat to reveal the muscle.
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    What sort of weight lifting should I be doing? I dont have a great gym at the moment, it is more of a leisure centre, but it has a lot of basic machines, etc. What would you recommend as a beginner?

    I wouldn't focus on using machines. If they have dumbbells and barbells, then you are set. Machines don't let you use your full range of motion, so you are not building the whole muscle.

    Some things you can do are:

    Squats (for a nice bum) This includes jump squats, plie dumbell squats, bodyweight squats etc..
    Alternate hammer Curls
    Alternate bicep Curls
    Dumbbell bench press
    Calf raises (while holding dumbbells)
    Side latteral raises
    Tricep Dumbell Kickbacks
    Butt Lifts
    Bentover barbell row

    If you want to use machines I personally like leg extensions, leg curls, and the leg press as well as the wide grip lat pulldown and the close grip underhand pulldown. Seated cable rows are good too.

    Don't be afraid to lift heavy. 5lb weights are not going to do anything for you past the 1st or 2nd day. 3 sets of 12-15 is a good place to start. When it starts to get easy, up your weights, not reps. 1 minute in between sets is ideal. You can use the app GymBoss to be your timer if you need a clock telling you when to start again.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    why a month? for bikini season? it'll be there next year too...

    If you need "results in a month" then try the insanity or 30day programs (and actually stick to them).

    Best bet would be to do a high intensity, body weight and cardio blend of a routine. Cardio alone won't do it. As long as you eat at a deficit, then you will burn fat through cardio, but even that takes a while depending on how much you have to lose.

    Honestly, take the unrealistic timeline off... work hard and when it happens, celebrate it.

    As for putting weight on and looking bigger? yeah, unfortunately people don't turn into the hulk that fast. If you're eating at a deficit, and doing cardio, with some weight stuff - at most you may see a few pounds up, but more likely it will seem like nothing is changing.

    Trust me - I trained for a half marathon and "saw" NO results for about 6 months... and then it seemed like all of a sudden I was where I wanted to be.

    Plan for 18months. Not 1.
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    Also, you should try to do your cardio after lifting, as lifting will help burn up the carbs you've eaten prior to working out, which means your cardio will use stored fat as energy it needs.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    So I know all the crazy fitness buffs are big into weightlifting, and it doesn't make you bulky, etc etc. I believe that, and I want to get into that and become healthy and fit. But I am also looking for results first, in terms of fitting into my bikini in just over a month, and then after that holiday, I'll start building muscle through weights.
    Is that smart? Like will I actually lose weight through cardio? Because at the moment I am 5'4 and 130 lbs, and I want to lose 10lbs. Am I too close to my natural weight to lose anymore weight through cardio?

    Sorry, I'm all very confused. So should I ignore the weights for now, lose it through cardio, and then hop of the weights after my holiday, or am I fit enough to not lose anything through cardio? IF any of this makes any sense?

    It's only a month. Lifting now won't hurt your weight loss but not lifting now won't really hurt either.

    But really it's only a month. Not really much you can do. 10lbs in a month will be really hard for someone your weight. All you can really do is home to lose 2-3 pounds, prevent some bloating, and go get a spray tan and a pedicure, or a new more flattering bikini. I'm sure you'll look great.

    I agree ^

    I can tell you that over the past 4 weeks I have noticed a difference in my body composition but SMALL differences. I am eating around 1000-1500 calories under maintenance per week (which was about 1800 calories eaten per day for me), trying to eat at least 100 grams of protein per day, and doing 4 days per week of 1) lifting, 2) walking 20 minutes, and 3) 5-15 minutes of elliptical-type cardio. Also some walking on the weekends. Anyway, I lost 2 lbs, I think mostly fat, and my arms, back, and tummy look a little better. When you're not overweight, losing fat definitely takes time, and it's not cardio that makes you lose fat, it's a calorie deficit, but of course cardio can help you get a calorie deficit. :wink:
    I lift because it's motivating and fun and I want to keep what little muscle I have. I never noticed getting bigger when I first started lifting. I was on a calorie deficit at the time and was getting smaller. :smile:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It reveals muscle. For example, you can do all the sit ups you want and have muscle but it will still be covered by a layer of fat. You need cardio burn the fat to reveal the muscle.

    Actually, all you need is a reasonable caloric deficit to burn the fat and not the muscle.

    The exercise you do can help or hinder that.

    Cardio just increases your daily needs, meaning you can eat more even at a reasonable deficit.
    But so can lifting.

    Lifting has the better benefit too of improving muscle that can be used all day and burn more calories.
    Cardio will help your system become more efficient and burn less calories all day long.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Well I wouldn't say built muscle but it will lower your body fat where you can see your muscles a bit better. That before and after I have only done cardio no weights at all. Not because I don't want too but just because I don't have acces to weights. I will start lifting as soon as I can!!!
