Quite happy so far

jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
I don't have to lose too much weight (about 5kg in total), last week I lost 1kg, and this week 0.5kg. Started my journey at 79.5kg a few week ago, and nothing much was happening, and right now down to 77kg. I know that some people are here to lose a lot of weight, but believe me when I say that when you don't need to lose that much, it is really hard to get rid of a bit of weight.
I am definitely feeling much better for it, no more feeling of being bloated (too much bread before), and I have tonnes more of energy


  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    I only wanted to lose about 10 lbs on here, and any amount of weight loss can be a challenge! You can do it! and congrats on losing 1.5kg! :) You're almost halfway there.
  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    I only wanted to lose about 10 lbs on here, and any amount of weight loss can be a challenge! You can do it! and congrats on losing 1.5kg! :) You're almost halfway there.

    Thanks, yes it is hard work but worth the effort!
  • Shani_Shoo
    Shani_Shoo Posts: 60 Member
    Well done. When I lost a lot of weight before I used to be so jealous of those who came to WW to lose only 5, knowing that would only probably take me a month, but the leader gave me some perspective and told me how hard it was for people to lose weight if they only had 5 to lose. I understand your struggle. You are doing really well to get those results so quickly.
  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    Well done. When I lost a lot of weight before I used to be so jealous of those who came to WW to lose only 5, knowing that would only probably take me a month, but the leader gave me some perspective and told me how hard it was for people to lose weight if they only had 5 to lose. I understand your struggle. You are doing really well to get those results so quickly.

    Thank you. I am getting there slowly but surely. I will post some pics soon, took some a few weeks back and waiting to see some real change before posting the after ones
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