June 22 MFP Runner's Club

Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
Good morning,

I haven't decided if I am going to run today. I'm pretty siked about running a good 10k yesterday and I would like to do it again today. I just don't know if I should give my legs a break or if I should just go for it.
My little girls are going to their grand-ma's house today, therefore I'm not limited to when I can run. If I decide not to, I will do a DVD or elliptical.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!
Mireille :flowerforyou:


  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Good morning,

    I haven't decided if I am going to run today. I'm pretty siked about running a good 10k yesterday and I would like to do it again today. I just don't know if I should give my legs a break or if I should just go for it.
    My little girls are going to their grand-ma's house today, therefore I'm not limited to when I can run. If I decide not to, I will do a DVD or elliptical.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!
    Mireille :flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning

    Since I ran 8 miles yesterday, definitely no running for me today. I'll be resting today.

    Enjoy the day
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    If you feel up to it... then go for it honey!

    Awesome job on the 10k ....WoOt!!!!:drinker:

    It's always hard for me to run during the weekend b/c hubbz works late shift so It's only the girls and I... I try to hop on the tread but something always happens as soon as I step foot on it "Mommy, Buster is biting me!... Mommy, Sara is hitting me!.. Mommy!!! MOMMY!!!!!!!":mad:

    Anywho... Happy running!

  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning,

    I haven't decided if I am going to run today. I'm pretty siked about running a good 10k yesterday and I would like to do it again today. I just don't know if I should give my legs a break or if I should just go for it.
    My little girls are going to their grand-ma's house today, therefore I'm not limited to when I can run. If I decide not to, I will do a DVD or elliptical.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!
    Mireille :flowerforyou:

    Good morning Mireille

    What are you legs saying? If they feel great, I think you should go for it. I always rest after my "long" runs b/c my legs tell me to.:wink:

  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    I'm going to finish cleaning my house and I think I might try and run. Not sure how long, I'll let my body decide.

    Joanna, I so understand what you are saying. It's so hard to work out with children around. Drama always happens when you try to exercise, talk on the phone or just want a couple of minutes of peace.
    My hubby works a lot, which means I'm alone a lot with the kids. That's why I run so early so I can do it by myself. I don't even have music when I run. It's just me, the birds and a quiet environment and I love it!

    Have a great rest day Kechie!!

    Talk to y'all later!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Just finished 9.9 miles in 96 minutes!! thud.gif

    A little slower then my normal pace, but it was a hilly run so I'm happy. :smile:

    Mireille - If your legs don't feel up to it then maybe go for a nice walk later today. :smile:

    I hope hubby likes the smell of Icy/Hot because that is going to be the scent du jour! :ohwell:

    Happy Sunday ya'll! :heart:
  • 31proverbs
    31proverbs Posts: 10
    give yoour legs a rest
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Hi all!

    My legs are definitely telling me to rest today! So, I shall.

    You guys are rocking it! I'm gonna have to try my hand (or should I say legs) at a 10k. I've never been that far before.

    Mireille! If you feel like going, go! I know when my kiddos are not here, I feel so liberated being able to run for as long as I want, rather than being held to a schedule. Plus, you can have a rest day easier on a day when they're home.

    Shannon! You are a total inspiration, Icy/Hot and all!!!!!

    I totally understand on the kiddos, Joanna.

    Enjoy your rest, Kechie. We'll be back at 'em tomorrow!

    Happy trails everybody!
    :flowerforyou: Pam
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I did it, I went out and ran 5 miles. I'm not going to lie, my legs were feeling it but I feel so good now that I'm finished!!
    I thought I was running really, really slow and I was positive it was going to take me well over an hour but it didn't, 55 minutes baby (normally 53)!!
    So, since I've run 34k in the past 4 days, I think I'm going to take tomorrow off of running and do something a little less harder on my legs like the elliptical. lol

    Shannon, you inspire me to run longer! You rock miss lady!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Pam! That's exactly why I like to get out when they aren't here. I can take my time and run how ever long I want to go. I love Sundays!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh wow you guys are rocking!!!

    well I got up early and took my boy in the jogger and did 4 miles up hills and all in the most muggiest morning...but it felt awesome after!:tongue:

    I'm soooo impressed w/ you all....

    Shannon...wow that's pretty impressive girly!!! high five...or lite cling of the wine glass which ever you prefer LOL....

    Mireille...you go girl...love that you decided to run...true diehard runner girl..woot woot!!!

    Kechie...8 miles...ya I'd be resting too LOL

    miss Pam...you can totally do the 10k~ and good listening to your legs!!! lol

    oh and Jo Jo...girl do I ever understand...why do you think I take my boy wonder LOL...sigh

    hugs and have great days ladies...AND GENTLEMEN!!! :wink: lol
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Ok... just got back from walking with the girls... 4 miles!!! I tried running but only did 5 minutes:laugh:
    It's hard pulling a wagon with almost 80 extra pounds in it!!! SHEESH!

    My calves are so sore b/c I went up a few little hills..... *sigh*
  • jdtrainer
    jdtrainer Posts: 160
    I ran approximately 9 miles early this morning and I feel GREAT!!!!! I talked my cardiologist into taking me off of one of my meds this week. It was lowering my heart rate too low, and I felt sleepy if I was not up and moving. This was my first long run w/o that medication.

    OMG it feels so wonderful to run when your heart is keeping up with your effort level. My 9 mile run in the country felt like a walk in the park. I am still giddy almost 4 hours later. My run actually brought tears to my eyes from the sheer joy of effortlessly propelling myself along mile after mile.

    My age predicted max heart rate is 167. On the medication it very seldom got above 155. On long slow distance days it would stay in the mid 120's. Today I was able to maintain upper 140's to low 150's for the entire run. I even hit 160 on a couple of hills and did not feel fatigued. At the end of my run, I finished with a little kick and pushed it up to 172!!! My age predicted max is off by at least 5bpm.

    I am sorry to ramble on, but I have not felt this good in years.

    Shannon, I tried the Bo imagery for our imaginary run together, but it wasn't working. Bo just wanted to stay in bed and my wife was getting mad because she wanted to sleep in and we were disturbing her! I switched to Roseanne and immediately got up and started running. Thanks for the help!!!
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    Wow, good going everyone!

    Today's my rest day, but I plan to be out hitting the pavement Monday morning. Then I'll be at a family reunion at the lake strutting the new bod for the rest of the week! LOL :smile:

    Thanks for everyone's positive posts every day. It's such a help to me.

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I ran approximately 9 miles early this morning and I feel GREAT!!!!! I talked my cardiologist into taking me off of one of my meds this week. It was lowering my heart rate too low, and I felt sleepy if I was not up and moving. This was my first long run w/o that medication.

    OMG it feels so wonderful to run when your heart is keeping up with your effort level. My 9 mile run in the country felt like a walk in the park. I am still giddy almost 4 hours later. My run actually brought tears to my eyes from the sheer joy of effortlessly propelling myself along mile after mile.

    My age predicted max heart rate is 167. On the medication it very seldom got above 155. On long slow distance days it would stay in the mid 120's. Today I was able to maintain upper 140's to low 150's for the entire run. I even hit 160 on a couple of hills and did not feel fatigued. At the end of my run, I finished with a little kick and pushed it up to 172!!! My age predicted max is off by at least 5bpm.

    I am sorry to ramble on, but I have not felt this good in years.

    Shannon, I tried the Bo imagery for our imaginary run together, but it wasn't working. Bo just wanted to stay in bed and my wife was getting mad because she wanted to sleep in and we were disturbing her! I switched to Roseanne and immediately got up and started running. Thanks for the help!!!

    ROFL!!!!! :laugh: I'd run from me too!

    Great job on the run!!!!! Maybe you'll be able to get off all your heart meds!! :drinker:

    4 hours later & my hips are sore as heck!! :embarassed: That musta been some strong Bo imagery you had going on! :laugh:

    Joanna - 4 miles??? That's a HUGE increase for you!!! WTG!!!! :drinker:

    Good runs everyone!! :smooched:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member

    Joanna - 4 miles??? That's a HUGE increase for you!!! WTG!!!! :drinker:
    Thanks Shannon!:embarassed:
    I wish I could have ran it though. I was so pumped. The 80 pound wagon that I had to pull was holding me back.. ..literally.
  • jdtrainer
    jdtrainer Posts: 160
    Ali, Sorry I missed the inclusivity of your greeting this morning. If you are not going to call me one of your "lovelies" anymore, do I have to stop prancing around the house while singing "I'm So Pretty"?:laugh:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I am sure nobody is around this time of night on a Sunday but i just had to say how proud I am of all my Running Buddies! You all did great this weekend!! I cannot wait to post tomorrow and tell you this again since you won't read it tonight! :laugh: :laugh:

    i did 6.2 on Saturday with the running group. Great run before it go too hot outside.

    Had an interesting conversation with the coach - she said my HRM is crap!! It was reading 105% and I was carrying on a conversation with her - basically she said, that is impossible, if i was really at 105% i would have been gasping for breath not talking to her....she said use the old fashion method! ACK! But is makes sense when i started to think about the past week.....on thursday when I did my XT on the elliptical I stayed at 70% THR and after 45 minutes I felt as though I did nothing, barely broke a sweat....So now i have to learn to take my HR manually!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    17. PLAY IN THE STREET. Skip a dreaded track workout for a fartlek (Swedish for "speed play") session. After 10 minutes of easy jogging, run hard between two telephone poles, then slow down until you pass three. Then see if you can get to the traffic light before it changes, followed by a jog to the next mailbox. There are no set rules, so make it up as you go along.
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