Krispy creme cheeseburger!



  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    LOL thats how they do it here! There are also fried twinkies too!

    If you really want to be amused check out the Bacon Explosion.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Only in Wisconsin!!!! :smile:

    PUKE :sick:

    Help me! I'm trapped in a state that thinks this is an acceptable food!
  • snmonson
    snmonson Posts: 79
    That sounds so GROSS! 8X
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Only in Wisconsin!!!! :smile:

    I live in Winston Salem, NC (the headquarters of Krispy Kreme) and I heard about this nastiness a while ago....probably around last fair season (Sept-Oct)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member

    Someone told me about bacon and peanut butter one time. Sounded weird but I'll try anything once ... it was really pretty good! Not that it was good for me ... hmm, might be the reason I'm on MFP in the first place ... :wink:

    I tried chocolate covered bacon once...but it was gross :sick:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I know it probably makes me some sort of gluttonous Visigoth, but I think it sounds delicious. I'd never eat it, but there's no better combination than the savory taste of meat and super sweet like chocolate or doughnuts.

    Thank goodness I'm not the only one. :laugh: Except... I'd totally eat it. But I'd make a "more healthy" version at home. :tongue:

    Edit: My version would be around 475 calories. 4oz 96% lean beef, 1/2 ounce 2% cheese, 1 doughnut. I'm so afraid I'm actually going to make it now. WHY do I torture myself by clicking to read threads like this?!
  • thechurchlady
    I ate a crunchy almond butter, banana, bacon sandwich on whole wheat toast once, and I LOVED it! But cheeseburger? that's so greasy to begin with, and so are krispy creme donuts! I'll pass!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Krispy Kremes are gross. I obviously live in the Northeast, land of Dunkin and some Tim Hortons here and there. But regardless of whatever donut chain it is, they're all pretty nasty. I don't get the appeal of donuts. Now coffee at donut joints, oh hell yes, but donuts, no.

    On bacon....

    Chocolate bacon is one of the best things I've ever tasted. I've had both the Mo's bacon bar by Vosges as well as my own concoction of Ghiradelli 85% topped with small pieces of fresh cooked bacon. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

    You know what else is good? Bacon flavored vodka.

    Actually, yeah, bacon flavored anything is good.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Never had chocolate covered bacon... but bacon and peanut butter sandwiches are AWESOME (although I haven't had one in years :laugh: ).

    I must admit - I had the Bakon Vodka in a bloody mary... it was tasty :drinker:
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    That should be called the "clogged arteries burger"!
  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    Sounds about as bad as the deep fried snickers!...Ive heard they are really good. But I dont think I would have the stomach to try it!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I know it probably makes me some sort of gluttonous Visigoth, but I think it sounds delicious. I'd never eat it, but there's no better combination than the savory taste of meat and super sweet like chocolate or doughnuts.

    I would try it.