Sticking to the "diet"

I've never in my life been on a diet, or restricted my calorie intake. I've always just eaten because I have a fast metabolism and am very active. Just this week I have started counting calories to lose a bit of weight/get my body fat down some more. I wanted to get some advice on sticking to your intake over the weekends and especially if you're eating out. During the week is easy for me because I stick to a rather strict schedule while at work and everything. Weekends are an entirely different story though. They are busy and sometimes I don't have time to eat at regular times, which causes me to binge eat way too much of everything in sight and the bad stuff, especially.

I'm really into eating mostly raw foods, but any foods that could be suggested as well would be great!


  • 1) to avoid the binges on the weekend, keep some healthier and portable options with you that will hold you over until you can make some good decisions.

    2) I drink and go out on the weekends, so I always try to 'bank' a few calories through the week so I don't bust on the weekends. A couple days a week I do more exercise than I've committed to doing and I don't eat back the extra calories. I also might eat 50 or so calories under my goal for a couple days (notice that's not a big cutback, but a small one), so that I can free up some calories to make some bad decisions with on Saturday night. Also, remember that a deficit is built going slightly over your goals for the week probably isn't going to make you gain weight, you simply won't lose quite as much.

    Eating at a deficit isn't about hitting that specific deficit everyday all the time. You can switch it up. As long as you eat at a deficit over a period of time, there will be weight loss - provided there isn't any medical reason why that wouldn't happen and you are eating enough consistently to not jack up your metabolism.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    If you can't eat when you need to drink tons of water. I usually chug a bottle and it helps me feel full. I have little applesauce packets as my emergency snack-up plan if my meal will really be delayed. Almonds are an excellent power snack, but I tend to eat my weight in them so I'm careful about keeping them around.

    For eating at restaurants, I plan ahead. I usually walk in knowing what I want (having researched online first) and I avoid looking at the menu. For local restaurants it takes some trial and error to start making good choices without a nutritional cheat sheet. There's nothing wrong with ordering the same thing time after time. :)

    An old Weight Watchers trick is to get a to go box with your meal and pack up half of it to go before you start eating.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Here is a trick I used to do a long long time ago. I am on a pretty strict time frame with my eating now and I don't eat out so I don't have to do this, but it's my go to plan if things change. Before I would go out to dinner I would have some low cal veggies at home and drink some water. It helped me to not over do it when eating out.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I eat a little less calories during the week so I can 'save' calories for the weekend.
    I net 1500 calories monday to thursday so I can eat 1800-2200-2500 on the weekends. I usually weigh more after the weekend due to sodium weight and such but I always lose it within a couple days as they aren't actual gains.
  • Oh, yeah. I also do my weekly weigh in on Friday mornings so that I'm not worried about the scale on Monday.
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Oh, yeah. I also do my weekly weigh in on Friday mornings so that I'm not worried about the scale on Monday.

  • I'm still figuring out the whole calorie thing and I have noticed a trend of saving calories through the week. That makes sense. And actually after my workouts (miles of running mostly) I don't have a huge appetite anyway, so I eat less then my daily calories should be.

    I always have broccoli, green peppers, blueberries, kiwi, avocados, tortilla chips and tuna on hand at home. What are some other foods I could add to munch on that wouldn't bust the calorie bank?

    I will be picking up some almonds tomorrow for sure!
  • Oh, yeah. I also do my weekly weigh in on Friday mornings so that I'm not worried about the scale on Monday.

    Awesome tip!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    If you have slowly added 15 lbs over several years I'd say you're the perfect candidate to NOT change your diet in any way, but just start lifting weights. If you lift heavy weights 3 times a week, you can gain muscle with the little tiny surplus of calories you have and your body will change shape on its own.

    Forget the scale. Forget the calories. Forget the restriction. Forget the cardio. Keep eating as you have been and lift weights.
  • I always have broccoli, green peppers, blueberries, kiwi, avocados, tortilla chips and tuna on hand at home. What are some other foods I could add to munch on that wouldn't bust the calorie bank?

    I've recently started trying to increase my fat intake and I'm finding that a small amount will keep me a lot fuller for a lot longer. A snack of a half an apple with some natural peanut butter will keep me actually full for hours. I don't mean full as in 'I have no desire to go eat something,' I mean, 'There is not a food that I would put in my mouth right now.' Peanut butter is calorie dense, but the combination of the fat plus the fiber from the apple is really kind of amazing for me. ~200 calories. I'm planning on eating that right before I go out tomorrow night so that I don't get tempted when my friends order cheese fries at the bar.

    ETA: I've never experienced that level of fullness from Jiff. I love Jiff, but it's not the same as natural peanut butter.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I found the best results are when I cook for myself.. it's a bit taxing sometimes. I'll get fed up with it and go super minimalistic and just eat cottage cheese and crackers for a few days so I don't have to cook anything.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    Weekly calorie goals.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    you do not have to be on a diet.... go work your *kitten* out, and watch what u eat, its simple
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    If you have slowly added 15 lbs over several years I'd say you're the perfect candidate to NOT change your diet in any way, but just start lifting weights. If you lift heavy weights 3 times a week, you can gain muscle with the little tiny surplus of calories you have and your body will change shape on its own.

    Forget the scale. Forget the calories. Forget the restriction. Forget the cardio. Keep eating as you have been and lift weights.

  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I eat a little less calories during the week so I can 'save' calories for the weekend.
    I net 1500 calories monday to thursday so I can eat 1800-2200-2500 on the weekends. I usually weigh more after the weekend due to sodium weight and such but I always lose it within a couple days as they aren't actual gains.

    Me too! Works well. 1800 m - f. Then game on !
  • If you have slowly added 15 lbs over several years I'd say you're the perfect candidate to NOT change your diet in any way, but just start lifting weights. If you lift heavy weights 3 times a week, you can gain muscle with the little tiny surplus of calories you have and your body will change shape on its own.

    Forget the scale. Forget the calories. Forget the restriction. Forget the cardio. Keep eating as you have been and lift weights.

    It's actually been only about five or so pounds that I've put on quite quickly since it's warmed up. I actually have a fairly good amount of muscle already (At least I think). I take Piyo once a week, run over 5 miles twice a week, and under 2 twice a week. Some weeks I even take a boot camp class as well. I've also been adding some roller skating.
  • splixi
    splixi Posts: 86 Member
    the biggest thing for me was finding foods that would do a good job at replacing the "bad" foods I LOVE.

    For example my favourite food is hot chips and I used to eat them way too often but Now I cook frozen hashbrowns with no oil or anything just on the toasted sandwich maker and they are really crunchy and great- and only 107calories!