relief from TOM cramps *sorry guys*

saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I need some help ladies of MFP! I've suffered from awful TOMs for the past 12 years; heavy flow, god awful cramping and have been diagnosed with PMDD within the past 2 years. I'm learning to control the PMDD without the aid of drugs, which is a plus. I've gotten off of the pill because the past 3 I've been on have just not worked out-my body has just rejected them. So I've been all natural for 4 months now and am having ridiculous flows, whatever, I can handle that, it just stinks. But every 2 to 2.5 weeks I have TOM now...with unbearable cramps that nothing helps. The pill never helped my cramps. Ibuprofen, Midol, Acetaminophen, you name it, I've tried it. None of it touches my cramps-about the only relief I can get is from heat and that doesn't do much either. About 8 years ago my GYN even put me on a prescription for them and it didn't help either.
So there anything out there that you've used or tried that I haven't that might help me out? I'm sitting here at work right now doubled over and have been like this since Saturday and I only started yesterday. :sad:


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I don't have any advice for relief, but honestly I would go get a second opinion. That much pain and bleeding is definitely not normal and there has to be something causing it. A cyst maybe? I don't know. I'd be at the doctor ASAP.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    This is going to sound odd but what really works for me is a TENS machine. I use 4 electrodes and place them across my lower abdomen right above the pubic area where you feel the cramps. It works wonders! Once the pulses kick it, it feels numb.

    If you dont know what a TENS machine is....
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    I don't have any advice for relief, but honestly I would go get a second opinion. That much pain and bleeding is definitely not normal and there has to be something causing it. A cyst maybe? I don't know. I'd be at the doctor ASAP.

    I agree- I would go to another Dr. What you are dealing with is not normal, and you shouldn't be having it continue on and on like that. Honestly, if you can leave work and get to a different Dr, or even urgent care, I would do it.

    The only thing I have ever done to help cramps before is a heating pad, it helps a little bit, used on lower back and on stomach. But I think what you are dealing with goes well beyond that. I hope you can get to a different Dr.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Definitely get a second opinion!! It isn't normal and no one has to suffer like that.
    I'm not a doctor, but I have dealt with issues for over 30 years, have had numerous surgeries, drugs, etc. Before I went through fertility stuff, the Pill was the best thing that ever happened to me. It could be something as simple as that for you. I just wish someone had been there to advise me of the ramifications of going through fertility stuff...that it would make the Pill ineffective for me and lead to surgeries. I'm to the point of taking Depo-Provera injections in hopes of avoiding a hysterectomy.
    I deal with PCOS, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.
    Before you end up on a horrible road to Hell, please get a second opinion.

    Best of luck!!
  • sakitchens
    sakitchens Posts: 37 Member
    I would definitely get a second opinion. I am not sure if you have kids or not but you can have abnormally heavy bleeding after having kids. I myself had bleeding for 3 months straight before I went to the doctor. There are things you doctor can either prescribe for you that may work. I would just go back to the doctor. Good Luck.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I agree, meet with another doc for a second opinion and/or further ideas. Your symptoms sound a lot like a friend of mine had, who had endometriosis. Not saying that's what it is with you, but it shouldn't be so painful for you. Hope you can find some answers soon!
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I would be getting a second opinion too. Hope you feel better soon!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Thanks for all the answers ladies! I've done a lot of reading on my own and do wonder if I have endometriosis, but from what I understand it's hard to diagnose and even harder to treat. But the symptoms do sound spot on to what I deal with and could even explain what may or may not be PMDD and my migraines.
    The heavy flow...the pill did correct that I must say. But without being on it I'm going through a super tampon in...2, 2.5 hours? TMI I know, but those are the facts. Right now I'm averaging 16 to 23 days in between cycles. I am hoping that because I was on the pill for so long my body just maybe needs time to adjust as I never had a problem with that before.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I was on the pill for decades and stopped when my mom died of a blot clot [the pill put me at a higher risk]. I never had that heavy a flow afterwards or any adjustment period.

    My sister in law had endometriosis and had similar symptoms. If you're that heavy and that frequent, Id go see a gyno.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Just from my experience, don't try to diagnose yourself. It seems when I've gone to a dr. and told my thoughts, they disregard other issues that it could be. The reason I'm saying this, Endometriosis and PCOS both deal with erratic cycles/flows and severe pain. I'm not trying to offend, please know that, but being overweight, is another symptom of PCOS.
    I'll tell ya this, diagnosing PCOS is a heck of a lot easier than Endometriosis!
    Don't worry about TMI. ;) I had to go through emergency surgery back in 2006 due to going through super tampons every 15-30 minutes. What that doctor also told me, the longer you let it go (like I had), you increase your risk of Cancer. Lucky for me, mine was what he called, "pre- pre-Cancerous cells."
    I wouldn't wait to see if things adjust, especially if you've never had to deal with this. It's your body's way of saying something isn't right.
    Again, just my thoughts, but I'd go to the dr. asap.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I was on the pill for decades and stopped when my mom died of a blot clot [the pill put me at a higher risk]. I never had that heavy a flow afterwards or any adjustment period.

    My sister in law had endometriosis and had similar symptoms. If you're that heavy and that frequent, Id go see a gyno.

    I had a heavy flow pre-pill so I was expecting that when I came off of it, that wasn't a shocker. The only other things I can think of that I know will screw with TOM are stress, diet and exercise, and they have all changed a lot, so I do wonder.
    I wouldn't be surprised if I had endometriosis, but I just don't know if it's possible that I've had it since I was 12...?
  • awyler
    awyler Posts: 78
    Right now I'm averaging 16 to 23 days in between cycles. I am hoping that because I was on the pill for so long my body just maybe needs time to adjust as I never had a problem with that before.

    I use to average 14-17 days between cycles and it was HORRIBLE! cramps, heavy flow you name it. I went on the pill and after about 3-5 months I started having a normal flow. I know many of my coworkers who have gone off the pill have had the same problems you are currently having. Many of them lasting a whole year until their bodies got use to not being on the pill. But, in the mean time I would DEF get a 2nd opinion. Exercising and sex (neither of which you probably want to do) really help with cramps and relieve the pain. also stretching out your stomach muscles. Good luck and i hope things work out for you!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Just from my experience, don't try to diagnose yourself. It seems when I've gone to a dr. and told my thoughts, they disregard other issues that it could be. The reason I'm saying this, Endometriosis and PCOS both deal with erratic cycles/flows and severe pain. I'm not trying to offend, please know that, but being overweight, is another symptom of PCOS.
    I'll tell ya this, diagnosing PCOS is a heck of a lot easier than Endometriosis!
    Don't worry about TMI. ;) I had to go through emergency surgery back in 2006 due to going through super tampons every 15-30 minutes. What that doctor also told me, the longer you let it go (like I had), you increase your risk of Cancer. Lucky for me, mine was what he called, "pre- pre-Cancerous cells."
    I wouldn't wait to see if things adjust, especially if you've never had to deal with this. It's your body's way of saying something isn't right.
    Again, just my thoughts, but I'd go to the dr. asap.

    No offense taken. I appreciate your words of experience! :flowerforyou:
    The sad part is that most of this IS normal for me. The heavy flow diminished when I was on the pill but I was only on that 5 years out of 12, so the rest of the time the heavy flow and cramps are the norm. I can't recall a period without it.

    I've also had BAD experiences with GYNs trying to diagnose my PMDD, which has turned me off to a lot of them. I've got one that I'm ok with for now and I'm due for a yearly on October so depending on how I feel with her then and what she says to my issues, I'll see what pans out.
    I've done reading on PCOS as well and suffer from none of the symptoms listed, so I guess I'm lucky there.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Right now I'm averaging 16 to 23 days in between cycles. I am hoping that because I was on the pill for so long my body just maybe needs time to adjust as I never had a problem with that before.

    I use to average 14-17 days between cycles and it was HORRIBLE! cramps, heavy flow you name it. I went on the pill and after about 3-5 months I started having a normal flow. I know many of my coworkers who have gone off the pill have had the same problems you are currently having. Many of them lasting a whole year until their bodies got use to not being on the pill. But, in the mean time I would DEF get a 2nd opinion. Exercising and sex (neither of which you probably want to do) really help with cramps and relieve the pain. also stretching out your stomach muscles. Good luck and i hope things work out for you!

    Man oh man! 14-17 days?! That's crazy! I know how much that sucks! :noway: What's sad is that I don't think I would go back on the pill even if I found one that my body liked! I have been SO much happier and more myself since coming off the pill, TOM from hell and all!
    And I do employ the exercise method frequently (when I don't feel too lightheaded from blood loss) for relief and the sex method when possible. :laugh:
  • Saverys_gal,

    I can feel your pain. I've had similar issues, though not as severe.

    Until you can get help from your doctor (or a new doc), try using those ThermaCare (or similar brand) heat wraps. The quality of the heat is different from (and works better than) the heating pads that you plug in. I found the ones labeled for use on your back covered more area and helped more than the skimpy ones they provide for menstrual cramps.

    Good luck!
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I can totally relate to bad gynos. What you said about the Pill, being on it vs. off it...that was so me before fertility drugs really messed up things. What's normal for us (pain and heavy cycles) isn't really the norm. Being that you're young, you might have more options than I do. Unfortunately, I've exhausted most of my options (pills, surgeries, ablation, shots...).
    Ultimately, it's your choice, but I hope you can find a good doctor soon and get things resolved.

    Also, about the PCOS... My next door neighbor found out a few months ago she has it. She didn't think she did, either until they did the ultrasound. Hopefully, you don't have that, but don't rule it out by what you've read. That's what she did, too. It came as such a shock to her when her dr. told her.

    Good luck!!! :)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I can totally relate to bad gynos. What you said about the Pill, being on it vs. off it...that was so me before fertility drugs really messed up things. What's normal for us (pain and heavy cycles) isn't really the norm. Being that you're young, you might have more options than I do. Unfortunately, I've exhausted most of my options (pills, surgeries, ablation, shots...).
    Ultimately, it's your choice, but I hope you can find a good doctor soon and get things resolved.

    Also, about the PCOS... My next door neighbor found out a few months ago she has it. She didn't think she did, either until they did the ultrasound. Hopefully, you don't have that, but don't rule it out by what you've read. That's what she did, too. It came as such a shock to her when her dr. told her.

    Good luck!!! :)

    How exactly is PCOS discovered and treated? And I know what you mean completely: I went years suffering thinking I had allergies. I finally went last year to an allergist and had testing done to find out I didn't suffer from allergies! After 3 doctors anf 6 months of testing, they found out it was migraines. :laugh:
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