Triple Digits - 100lb's lost

cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
A little over a week ago I crossed a milestone that I'd been looking forward to for some time... I passed the 100lb mark.

That's 100 pounds in six months.

I thought I would feel more like celebrating, but the honest truth is that I was stuck in a rut, and even though I was still losing weight, it had slowed to a crawl. In the last few weeks leading up to this, I had somehow lost the level of enthusiasm I had maintained since January. I had looked forward to sharing my success when I achieved that milestone, but when the time came, I just didn't feel like I had earned it.

When I first got on the MFP bandwagon, I was pretty hardcore ... I lived for tracking every calorie in vs. every calorie out. I bought a digital food scale, a fancy heart rate monitor, and a gym membership. I was rewarded with dramatic improvement. My physique is quite improved. I'm healthier and stronger. I'm much more active. I feel better than I have in years. I'm more outgoing and much more confident.

But as my success grew, I started to develop a level of complacency. I had been slacking off at the gym, and while the diet hadn't gone completely out the window ... it was certainly peeking through the blinds. You start thinking, "I've lost almost 100lb's! Surely some pizza can't hurt!" or "Hey, I've worked really hard, I deserve some ice cream!" Then pretty soon you're not logging as much any more ... you're skipping days. I had logged into MFP every day since January 5th, and I was really proud of my "days in a row" number. I was pretty bummed when it got reset as a result of my own negligence. I had ceased being involved with the community and I had really slacked off in providing support to my MFPeeps (sorry guys).

It's like an alcoholic coming out of rehab and feeling like they've earned a shot of whiskey. It's not a very good reward structure.

The lowest point happened on one unfortunate recent grazing expedition to a local eatery with the family, I actually ate so much that I made myself sick. The sad thing is, that's what I would have consumed before I joined MFP and not thought twice about it. My body just can't handle that kind of gluttony any more I guess. No wonder I used to feel terrible all the time!

The good news is that I'm once again feeling invigorated. I feel like I'm back in the game. I've been hitting the gym hard this week and making healthier food choices. I've got some new short-term goals in place, which I think is important. I'm trying to rediscover whatever it that has allowed me to lose that 100lb in the first place, and I think MFP is a huge part of that.

So, for now, I'll enjoy this success in the hopes that it will lead to others. Thanks for being along for the ride!


  • Over a 100 pounds in 6 months!!! That's awesome... keep up the good work... and great job on getting back on track!
  • Congratulations! That's is awesome!!

    It sounds like from the low you hit with feeling unmotivated it's helped. You didn't continue down that path you are now working hard again. Sometimes I think we all need to hit that wall (test) and see what we are made of. You are moving in the right direction again so celebrate your success so far. YOU do deserve it!!
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    Great job! I am soooo happy for that for reaching 100lb's lost! Keep up the great work! I can't wait to get to my goal as well or at least half of it. Any tips?
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Complaceny is definitely something we need to watch for. bad food has been slipping back in for me as well. I've lost 79 lbs since October and it's now slowing down. I just joined a 8 week challenge on my food program to try and help me get back on track. Still have 75 lbs to go! Good for you for getting back on track. Forcing yourself to log in here everyday should help. Good luck!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    :smile: Congrats on the 100 pounds!!!! That is awesome! I also want to congratulate you on getting yourself back on track. I know that feeling all to well. I have yo-yo'ed a couple of times since hitting my 30's, I am now approaching 40 in a couple months and I've decided this is it. It is a lifestyle change.

    Best of luck to you! You can do it!!!!
  • ParkersMomma2010
    ParkersMomma2010 Posts: 99 Member
    Thats incredible and so great that you acknowledged that it is very easy to fall off track. Im glad you have gotten your spark back. After high school I dropped 100 pounds and maintained it for a few years and then got back into bad eating habits, lost about 45 pounds before getting married and then had a baby and gained 60lbs. Ugh so I definitely can understand your frustration but what you have accomplished in 6 months is wonderful. Welcome back to your great lifestyle change!!!
    DJDUFFY Posts: 98
    Congrats,WTG now keep it up.You are doing great work.I hope i can lose the weight like you did.100LBS would be great if i can lose that i would be set. :flowerforyou:
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Congrats on the first 100 lbs, can't wait to see what you do next.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm with the rest of you in the complacency camp.
    It's great that we can lose slowly or even maintain our losses but the reality is that we have more to lose. So buckle back down I did, effective yesterday. :smile:
    Congratulations on your loss (what a weird statement, ha)! We've got this! :drinker:
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    It may be just me but I think the #1 thing IS to force yourself to log in EVERY day...preferably 1st thing in the morning. I think that makes it be at the top of your thinking all day and just keeps you more aware. And if you are going through a rough spot (which we all do) the logging is even more important. I know for myself I recently spent a weekend in the hospital (my daughter was in & I was camped there). I found a way to log in even though I was worried to death about her because I KNEW that if I didn't I wouldn't have toe willpower to avoid all the junk that is around every corner when you are away from home...especially under stress.

    With that said, AWESOME job losing AND on getting back on track. Sometimes we need those little "bumps" to remind us how important this journey is. Good luck!
  • MaryBethD
    MaryBethD Posts: 13
    You are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up! I love seing people on this site who have lost a lot of weight, it reminds that I can also do it! Thank you so much for your post, I was feeling pretty defeated this morning, but now I'm excited and ready to keep working towards my goal!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Wow, what a fantastic thing you've accomplished! Congratulations.

    It sounds so simple, but the moment I realized all this has not so much to do with motivation and EVERYTHING to do with commitment, it clicked. It's a vow to yourself that you must be sure not to disregard. Sounds like you get that!

    Great work, sir!!!
  • amazing!! congrats!!
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    congratulations, 100lbs in 6 months is a huge accomplishment.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    You were my first friend here on MFP. Your determination and energy level rubbed off on me, and got me going. I have failed loosing weight many times. Watching you through your journey, seeing your joy and success, really gave me what I needed this time to know, I can do this to! You are such a handsome man, and when looking through yolur pic's, WOW what a difference. You got yourself back on track, and what a good job that is! I have hit a slow down also, and I am only at 50lbs off. I am determined though this time, because of you, and others like you on here. I will get to my 97lbs off, 1 lb at a time, no matter how many weeks it takes. It's funny, about the pizza and ice cream. My first reward was for 20 pounds off. I would allow myself 2 slices of Papa Johns Pizza. Well I worked so hard to get that 20 off, I couldn't do it, I couldn't buy the pizza. I bought me a 10 speed instead, to help me toward getting the next 20 pounds off! Keep up the good work!
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Congrats on the loss. It sounds like you are very self aware that you need to get more serious about this again. I lost over 50 lbs about 7 years ago and I didn't gain it all back but I did gain back some and here I am again. I am glad that I was able to figure out what I was doing before it got out of control and I am doing way better than I was last time since now I am doing it in a healthier way.
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I've done the same thing with losing and then getting complacent quite a few times. You should be happy with your loss, you worked hard to get it even if you did get a little lax towards the end, at least you caught it before you gained it all back and now you are back on the road to successes!
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