Losing the weight is so hard

Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and just looking for some support. I am a 30 year old mother of 4. I am also married to a man that doesn't really support my efforts in losing weight and getting healthy. I am 5' 9" and 100+ pounds over weight and I have a hypoactive thyroid. I have been on a diet plan for almost 6 weeks now and have seen minimal results. I work out 5 days a week, 30 minutes on the elipitical daily, 2 days of circuit training, 1 day for legs, 1 day of arms and the 5th day is whatever I choose, usually more cardio. I know I'm getting stronger daily because now I'm able to lift, squat and pull more weight than I was 6 weeks ago. As for my diet I eat pretty well. I am not big on fruit but try to incorporate it in my diet. I love veggies so they're a part of every meal. My sugar intake could use some work. I only add sugar to my coffee, 2 cups a day, 4 spoonfuls. I eat lean meat and stay away from fast food and soda as much as possible. I do have a sprite once in a while but it's less than once a week for that. I also need to improve my overall caloric intake. I'm suppose to eat 1700 calories a day but I'm not hungry enough to eat that everyday.

I apologize for being so long winded but I just wanted to give you all a little background on me. I really need a good support group and I hope I found it here with all of you. I wish everyone the best in this life changing journey :happy:


  • Good morning, I first of all your not rambling...lol we all need to let it all out sometimes. I too share your craziness with a thyroid
    but I can tell you its a slow steady process. I have weeks that I only have lost .2 lbs and some weeks its 1 lbs. But I dont give up I keep going. When was the last time you had blood work to see what your T3/T4 levels are?? I have blood work done every 6 months to make sure they are working. Also you can boost your thyroid function with a bottle of iodine. just rub a spot on your stomach in the morning and time how long it takes to soak into your body. I have had mine disappear in 30 min before! that is a true sign that you need to get it rechecked. But dont let the slow process discourage you, look at it this way you didnt gain today! :O) I have those days too, but I on trying. And the more you add to your diet like fruits the more your body will start wanting you to eat those things. So dont give up on the fruit just yet...LOL Also as much as your working out you have to eat those calories your body needs the recovery. Here is a great way to get in the that, drink a glass of chocolate milk after your work out. My Zumba instructor says it recovers your muscles. But may sure you count the calories, they are around 500. I hope any of this helps you. Have a great day!!!!
  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    Have you tried going meatfree? or Gluten free? and eating all NON-GMO/ ORGANIC foods? Give it a try! If you cant totally cut meat out try eating meat only on the weekends! Try it for a week or 2
  • meagank28
    meagank28 Posts: 52
    remember any progress is still progress. i don't have a thyroid issue but i do have a bladder issue which causes a lot of severe pain. i started a new medicine and it has helped. by now though i am so out of shape....sigh. i know its corny but i like the quote
    "no matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch!"
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Been here 340 days, lost 27 lbs, hoping for another drop when I step on the scales this month. Yes it is hard and harder for some than for others unfortunately! The trick for me is not to compare myself to others. I did this at the start and it was so demoralizing. This is your journey, your life and your body. Don't give up, if something isn't working for you change it up until you find something that does, just give it a few weeks before deciding it isn't working. Don't give up, I look back on my almost year now and think, well I am glad I stuck with this, because 27lbs off is better than another 27 lbs on, and maybe next year will be another 27 lbs, took me 9 or 10 years to get this size, if it takes me 3 or 4 to get it all off then np, this is for life and the more I stick at it the stronger habits are being formed. Good luck with everything! xoxox
  • Willowbreeze4
    Willowbreeze4 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there,

    I am new here too and you are certainly not rambling. I hope to find a support group here as well :) So if you ever need to talk or vent I am glad to listen. I too am a mom to four and I am very active but over the years life happens and so does the weight gain. This year I vowed to get my body back. As a person in the medical field as well as the beauty industry (make up artist) in spare time. I would like to represent the look of health and not overweight. So anytime you need to talk give a shout and good luck on your goal.
  • Anything you do in healthy living is a plus looseing weight or not. Support is here at my fitness pal and I understand because I don't have support at home either. It is important not to expect it because you would set your self up for failor. Use your fitness pals and get some friends which will be your support. Team.