Hey guys,

Lately I have read alot of post where people are discouraged etc....I just want to give some light of hope here....

We are doing something about it....Sure we mess up, we fall, we slip etc, but we are human....Its never about how many mistakes you make, but its always about how many times you try again...Eventually, you'll get back up to where you stagger and fall less and less...As my aunt always tells me....I'm eating healthier and living healthier whether the lbs go off slow or fast....better choices will keep me alive....

Sure I want to reach goal, be skinny etc, but I know that as long as i'm doing right and eating right and making myself more healthy, whether i lose 50 lbs or 20 etc, i'm going to be alive from my choices....and i will see the lbs shed as they are supposed to...

Just keep up the good and hard work everyone....Dont beat yourselves up over an extra calorie or a bump or fall...look at what you have done and pat yourselves on the back for not being in denial where alot of people in our world are today.....
